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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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BW i give you an A+

-good comunication skills (if you know how to read)

-good game, well put together

-great technical support

-great launce

-servers are stable and lag free (on twin spears)


people that give BW an F or F- i also give you the same score

-crying that you were not told when the game was going to be available

-not knowing how to read

-demanding refunds for a game that hasn't launched yet

^^ grow up and stop demanding to play a game that isn't even out yet



good work BW!

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BW i give you an A+

-good comunication skills (if you know how to read)

-good game, well put together

-great technical support

-great launce

-servers are stable and lag free (on twin spears)


people that give BW an F or F- i also give you the same score

-crying that you were not told when the game was going to be available

-not knowing how to read

-demanding refunds for a game that hasn't launched yet

^^ grow up and stop demanding to play a game that isn't even out yet



good work BW!


You forgot costumer satisfaction!!!

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ITT: A bunch of babies who haven't been invited yet complaining that they took off work although no one forced them to do so, especially because they were never promised a specific date they would be invited, ever. Yet they have to blame someone for their lack of understanding (wait, you mean UP TO 5 days means I won't get to play all 5 days?!). Cry some more, we all know you'll be playing and paying within the next few months and you'll be singing a different tune.


And I give them an A. Been playing for the past few hours and it's fun. Let's imagine an alternative world for a second, though... imagine there was no early access and everyone was allowed in at the same... I wonder what the forums would be like. Hm...




Sounds about right, no?

Edited by Danik_Kreldin
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I'll give it an A-. I've been in since 715am EST with no issues. Wonderful.


Only issue I could even remotely complain about, besides all you people whining you're not in yet, is they could have let in about double the people. The servers are actually too low in many areas :) nothing like running around Coruscant and there's ONLY 34 people there!


But as for a "launch" grade, sort of impossible, as the LAUNCH doesn't officially occur until the 20th people! And by the 20th, you'll be so happy they let so many people in early, because the starter areas won't be clogged to death, the AH/GM will likely be well stocked, and you're guildies will be able to make you that uber gear right from the start.


And you're not happy with that? sheesh. That'd make an ideal launch if they don't have any queues.



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fanboi identification is so easy. They try to act self-righteous in Bioware's defense in hopes they'll actually get picked to get in early.
You know how you identify fan boys? You log into the game and play with them. They aren't hanging on the forums with the trolls and whiners.
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ITT: A bunch of babies who haven't been invited yet complaining that they took off work although no one forced them to do so, especially because they were never promised a specific date they would be invited, ever. Yet they have to blame someone for their lack of understanding (wait, you mean UP TO 5 days means I won't get to play all 5 days?!). Cry some more, we all know you'll be playing and paying within the next few months and you'll be singing a different tune.



LMAO funniest post all week

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I can't believe the crying on this board.




They are doing what they said they would do....why is everyone shocked?


No reason for you people to be crying like this...the game is two days earlier than the even said at first....what in the world can be bad about that?

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I like how you pick out just 1 little thing and think thats what the whole article is about. Its about the experience. Your eyes obviously just went to the one thing that helped your case and ignored the rest of the article because it made sense. You're a terrible debater.





That New Server Smell

Back when World of Warcraft was still growing explosively, new server launches occurred on a regular basis. Each time a server was launched, thousands of players would re-roll there in order to be a part of the initial wave of leveling. There's nothing like it. Everybody is basically the same level, World PvP is amazing since there aren't several higher level players to one-shot you. It's a rush, to say the least. This experience will never happen in SWTOR. Leveling is super-fast and there are several pre-order gamers that still haven't received their invite. By the time they get in, those unfortunate souls will be behind by 10-20 levels at least and won't be able to do any of the lower level content with those in the initial wave or experience that once-in-a-server-lifetime world PvP.


From my experience this is false or at least represents the minority. Most people didnt start over every time a new server was pumped out. The entire argument is also based on playing a PvP server.


Gamers Should Always Come First

I want to credit EA/BioWare for doing such a fantastic job of marketing their game. The hype is beyond what I've seen in a long, long time. I hope that they will honor that hype by giving gamers a world-class experience in and out of game. That being said, the staggered invites were the wrong choice and I certainly hope they learn from this. The gamer's experience should never fall secondary to an unwillingness to tackle a technology problem. It was more important that gamers play together than it was for their hardware to stay shiny. Separating groups of gamers causes much more frustration than an occasional server crash or 10-15 minute wait to log in.


It is never a good idea to knowingly crash a server. If they had let q times build up to 20 minutes for everyone then im sure you would all be here trolling the forums about it as well.


What's the Alternative

Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?" This is normal in MMORPG's and is expected and this is what gamers are prepared to endure in order to claim the rewards of being in the first wave during launch. By letting players in 'in waves' they've ruined that golden moment where a community is built, legends are born and where, arguably, the moments that spawn stories that are told year after year when recounting the server's history. But then again, I guess the most important story to BioWare is theirs, not yours.


Already discussed this in my previous arguement


TLR The staggered launch is the wrong approach that is segmenting server communities and severely hurting world PvP. It's a lazy solution to a larger problem. It's better to have an occasional server crash and smaller queues than to have yoru friends 20-30 levels higher than you and never experience initial content together for the first time.


Again server crashes are a terrible idea. Yeah it would be more fun if you leveled with your friends. If you had good friends they would probably want to play with you and just make another character.

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changed my mind after a 3rd day where they completly forget there is 6 hous people from europe could be playing.


Grade e. was ungradable a few hours ago cos i was sure they would give more waves and fit in times where EU could be playing that US probably wont be.

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I think the "Up to 5 days" statement could be seen as vague at best. Some people may have taken it to mean "If i preorder before the 5 day mark I will get all 5 days. If I preorder after the 5 day mark but before the 20th I will be able to play but I wont get the full 5 days" I makes sense and I can see how people could have misinterpreted it. It doesnt make them dumb.
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I can't believe the crying on this board.




They are doing what they said they would do....why is everyone shocked?


No reason for you people to be crying like this...the game is two days earlier than the even said at first....what in the world can be bad about that?


Because they're little babies who are mad that they haven't been invited yet. My favorites are the ones who complain "I TOOK OFF WORK FOR THIS", although that is their own fault for being so pathetic as to take off from work to play video game that they were never promised would be available to them on that day. It has always been said it would be UP TO 5 days, later 7 days, so unless you were taking an entire week off from work, how exactly were you so confident that the day you took off would be the one you got invited? Are you all able to see the future?

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That New Server Smell

Back when World of Warcraft was still growing explosively, new server launches occurred on a regular basis. Each time a server was launched, thousands of players would re-roll there in order to be a part of the initial wave of leveling. There's nothing like it. Everybody is basically the same level, World PvP is amazing since there aren't several higher level players to one-shot you. It's a rush, to say the least. This experience will never happen in SWTOR. Leveling is super-fast and there are several pre-order gamers that still haven't received their invite. By the time they get in, those unfortunate souls will be behind by 10-20 levels at least and won't be able to do any of the lower level content with those in the initial wave or experience that once-in-a-server-lifetime world PvP.


From my experience this is false or at least represents the minority. Most people didnt start over every time a new server was pumped out. The entire argument is also based on playing a PvP server.


Gamers Should Always Come First

I want to credit EA/BioWare for doing such a fantastic job of marketing their game. The hype is beyond what I've seen in a long, long time. I hope that they will honor that hype by giving gamers a world-class experience in and out of game. That being said, the staggered invites were the wrong choice and I certainly hope they learn from this. The gamer's experience should never fall secondary to an unwillingness to tackle a technology problem. It was more important that gamers play together than it was for their hardware to stay shiny. Separating groups of gamers causes much more frustration than an occasional server crash or 10-15 minute wait to log in.


It is never a good idea to knowingly crash a server. If they had let q times build up to 20 minutes for everyone then im sure you would all be here trolling the forums about it as well.


What's the Alternative

Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?" This is normal in MMORPG's and is expected and this is what gamers are prepared to endure in order to claim the rewards of being in the first wave during launch. By letting players in 'in waves' they've ruined that golden moment where a community is built, legends are born and where, arguably, the moments that spawn stories that are told year after year when recounting the server's history. But then again, I guess the most important story to BioWare is theirs, not yours.


Already discussed this in my previous arguement


TLR The staggered launch is the wrong approach that is segmenting server communities and severely hurting world PvP. It's a lazy solution to a larger problem. It's better to have an occasional server crash and smaller queues than to have yoru friends 20-30 levels higher than you and never experience initial content together for the first time.


Again server crashes are a terrible idea. Yeah it would be more fun if you leveled with your friends. If you had good friends they would probably want to play with you and just make another character.


I've just decided that I am not going to waste my time on a troll like you. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and you're talking bunk. Please move on. Or say something that is of actual use. The fact that some people are going to have 3 days more than others is unacceptable. Everyone should have the same amount of access.


They should just tier it like this then "Extremely early access", "Kind of early access" , " We sort of kept our word" , and "Normies".

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How are you guys complaining about the release when it's earlier than the available in store date?


Man Nerd Rage knows no end. I thought I'd have at least a month before I'd have to deal with all the turds that ruined the WoW forums. It appears it took less than 2 days of the game being partially live.

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You know its a bad game if the people that can actually play are on forums trolling, whats that say about the game huh doesnt keep your attentions?


No it says we have jobs and we are watching the clock waiting to get home and play this amazing game.. You will likely still be here complaining in the forums while I am kicking back with a cold one in the Cantina.

Edited by Konoo
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I think the "Up to 5 days" statement could be seen as vague at best. Some people may have taken it to mean "If i preorder before the 5 day mark I will get all 5 days. If I preorder after the 5 day mark but before the 20th I will be able to play but I wont get the full 5 days" I makes sense and I can see how people could have misinterpreted it. It doesnt make them dumb.


The wording clearly said "You may get to play up to 5 days before release". So, the first key word is MAY. Implying possibility, not absolute. Second key word(s) is/are UP TO. Combine that with the MAY, then it means that if you pre-order, you have the possibility of playing the game from anywhere from 1 to 5 days before release. It's perfectly clear, but apparently a great amount of users lack reading comprehension.


Regardless, it was said by SR that it would be a staggered release, likely based on your pre-order date. So how does that make it any less hard to understand?

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AA is NOT enabled..

unless you forced it..


AA is working for me in the window and I am not forcing it, unless it has a dropdown bar that does not actually affect settings. The AA is also listed as none, low, and high rather than the normal 2x 4x etc.

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I'd give them an A.


Game was smooth, didnt crash. Were ample players to group with and people were able to complete quests without fighting for mobs.


I was up at 5, didnt get in til second wave. My guildmates didnt get in til later and we are all 14 and 15.


I would give it an A+, but the ops window got buggy on me and made me QQ last night. Other than that, real smooth.

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You know its a bad game if the people that can actually play are on forums trolling, whats that say about the game huh doesnt keep your attentions?


or waiting for other player to enter flashpoint and just minimized for a second


Which makes you a QQ troll

Edited by corbanite
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