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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I will give them a C. I'm not going to give them high marks for server stability just because it is easy to have stable servers when there is hardly anybody on them. This grade could increase if they bring the hammer down on the exploiters and try to show a little more transparency and consideration for their player base. They seem to be taking a page from Blizzard and treating everything like a state secret.


Their grade will drop to an F- if there are 50s roaming around when I finally get into EGA. There is no way you should be able to level to 50 in less than a week in a supposedly story driven MMO.


I have some bad news for you...

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It would be a B if they let everyone in tomorrow.


The fact that servers are near empty now while thousands wait is ridiculous to me.


If they continue this snail pace release I might cancel tomorrow night if I'm still not in. God's honest truth is I find SWTOR to be extremely average. I know I'll enjoy it for 6months but I also know there are plenty of single player games in my Steam account taht I own and have never played.


GW2 is only 6-8 months away at this point.


B-Bye! Go cancel your account now, don't wait... we don't want the QQers on any of our servers when we do get in. As said earlier you and your kin are the minority that only screams louder because you haven't gotten your way. ROFL.


For the rest of us that recognizes what Bioware has done... it's unprecedented with how well an MMO of this size has been launched and they even had "foresight" to TRY and get everyone in with still 5 days early to play hence why they expanded to 7 days. I know it all falls on deaf ears like you and your kin so that's why I say again... just cancel your account NOW, we don't want you in any of our servers. Have a great day! :D

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You're just assuming I am not grateful for the 5 days. I definitely am. I am also aware that they said "Up to 5 days" but where is it fair that someone gets 3-4 days access while someone else gets 7 days. That is nonsense. Staggered launches just dont work.



You might consider reading this...it just about sums up what I feel.




From your link


"What's the Alternative

Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?" This is normal in MMORPG's and is expected and this is what gamers are prepared to endure in order to claim the rewards of being in the first wave during launch. By letting players in 'in waves' they've ruined that golden moment where a community is built, legends are born and where, arguably, the moments that spawn stories that are told year after year when recounting the server's history. But then again, I guess the most important story to BioWare is theirs, not yours."


If you actually believe that crashing servers just so everyone can start at the same time is worth it you just can't be helped.

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All bets are off release day.


Not really.


The major issue servers face during an MMO launch is an influx of people into the exact same area on each Shard (IE. the starting zones). Servers are capable of handling the over all load. What they're not capable of handling is all that load in the exact same area of the game simultaneously.


Early Access is played up as a marketing gimmick "look, we're giving you free bonus play time!" But what it really is is a way to spread the community across the game world so everyone isn't in the newbie zone clogging the server.


That's why Early Access is staggered. There's too many preorders for the servers to handle to let everyone into the newbie zone all at once. That would grind the servers to a halt and no one would be able to play. So instead, they're staggering the Early Release.


For there to be a real issue come the 20th, you'd have to have enough people buy the game on the 20th and start playing at the same time to crash the servers. Given the fact that they feel confident enough to release access to everyone who registered at the end of July, and all of August and most of September within a 4 hour span, I highly doubt the servers will be unable to handle any influx on the 20th.


Not to mention, many people may not get the game until the 25th as a Christmas present.

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Solid F


There are 100s of people who are having launcher issues if not 1000s by this point and as more come in more problems with the launcher arise.


True many of you had no issues and thats great. People can blame individuals hardware we've pretty much determined that can't be the case the amount of variables between individuals having issues do not add up, systems are different, different OS, different configurations, different ram, different motherboards, different video cards etc.


People are not even getting the same errors in the same places. This has nothing to do with i'm not in the game playing, it has to do with the fact that it appears little effort is being made to fix the launcher issue with that growing number of individuals.


Add that to tickets being closed reporting the issue with the statement "the issue has been fixed" and the issue is not fixed it still persists for nearly everyone.


The stage in which individuals get the errors are as random as the individuals getting the errors themselves. Consider yourself lucky that you've had no download issues. I am also most certain that if you HAD the same issues as these folks you'd all be screaming about it to.

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OK I will be upfront and say that I was in in the 3rd wave of e-mails on day one. I very much understand why early order people are a little upset they did not get in day one. With that said remeber.


1. Bioware gave a bonus 2 days pre, it was origiannly billed as 5

2. The never promised a full 5 days they said upto 5 days.

3. It looks like at the current pace everyone will get at least 4 days

4. A preorder means we are getting free time, we do not start paying till the 20th. The game costs teh same if it was ordered 7/11 or you buy it on the 20th.


I give the rolled a B-, just because it did get some people upset, and they should have attempted to give firmer numbers. If they had said outright 200,000 will get in day one and the dates covered will be from x to y. Alot fewer people would be upset.


Part two is actually getting to play. I give that a B+. for these reasons.


1. Sever has been stable, and very very playable. Once ingame it runs as well as any MMO I have every played regardless of how old.

2. No queing. You get right online.

3. Sever populations seem fairly equal, most are registering as standard load at peak hours, and there are plenty of people around but nothing feels overloaded. SO no spawn camping etc needed. Some slightly higher level stuff is still lacking sufficient numbers to quickly finds groups, but that will change.

4. Several bugs that really should have been fixed are still there. The mini Jedi in the Jedi Knight arc is not fixed. Inconsistant load times. Minor occasional lag. Some bad clipping issues. Lips not moving during dialog sequences. Sadly thought the orange pixel is gone. Guild stuff is missing and really should not be with the money and time spent in developement.

5. They did a final graphics pass since final beta. The graphics are much nicer and AA is enabled.


It is Far better at near launch than any other launch I have seen (CoH, Rift, Aion, AoC, Champions)

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From your link


"What's the Alternative

Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?" This is normal in MMORPG's and is expected and this is what gamers are prepared to endure in order to claim the rewards of being in the first wave during launch. By letting players in 'in waves' they've ruined that golden moment where a community is built, legends are born and where, arguably, the moments that spawn stories that are told year after year when recounting the server's history. But then again, I guess the most important story to BioWare is theirs, not yours."


If you actually believe that crashing servers just so everyone can start at the same time is worth it you just can't be helped.


I like how you pick out just 1 little thing and think thats what the whole article is about. Its about the experience. Your eyes obviously just went to the one thing that helped your case and ignored the rest of the article because it made sense. You're a terrible debater.

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The only thing I think they should do differently is distribute a cancellation form to all the whiners so they can cancel if they really feel that strongly about it.


Lame. All of you. The people crying are just crying because they're not in a game that doesn't go live until the 20th and the pre-order go-live window wasn't scheduled to start until TOMORROW.


How many people are in the game and complaining now?


I'll answer that. ZERO.

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People are not even getting the same errors in the same places. This has nothing to do with i'm not in the game playing, it has to do with the fact that it appears little effort is being made to fix the launcher issue with that growing number of individuals.




Why would you think it would be easier to troubleshoot a ton of different little issues?

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The only thing I think they should do differently is distribute a cancellation form to all the whiners so they can cancel if they really feel that strongly about it.


Lame. All of you. The people crying are just crying because they're not in a game that doesn't go live until the 20th and the pre-order go-live window wasn't scheduled to start until TOMORROW.


How many people are in the game and complaining now?


I'll answer that. ZERO.


That's because their expectations have been exceeded. Ours are being slighted because it feels like we're being picked last.

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OK I will be upfront and say that I was in in the 3rd wave of e-mails on day one. I very much understand why early order people are a little upset they did not get in day one. With that said remeber.


1. Bioware gave a bonus 2 days pre, it was origiannly billed as 5

2. The never promised a full 5 days they said upto 5 days.

3. It looks like at the current pace everyone will get at least 4 days

4. A preorder means we are getting free time, we do not start paying till the 20th. The game costs teh same if it was ordered 7/11 or you buy it on the 20th.


I give the rolled a B-, just because it did get some people upset, and they should have attempted to give firmer numbers. If they had said outright 200,000 will get in day one and the dates covered will be from x to y. Alot fewer people would be upset.


Part two is actually getting to play. I give that a B+. for these reasons.


1. Sever has been stable, and very very playable. Once ingame it runs as well as any MMO I have every played regardless of how old.

2. No queing. You get right online.

3. Sever populations seem fairly equal, most are registering as standard load at peak hours, and there are plenty of people around but nothing feels overloaded. SO no spawn camping etc needed. Some slightly higher level stuff is still lacking sufficient numbers to quickly finds groups, but that will change.

4. Several bugs that really should have been fixed are still there. The mini Jedi in the Jedi Knight arc is not fixed. Inconsistant load times. Minor occasional lag. Some bad clipping issues. Lips not moving during dialog sequences. Sadly thought the orange pixel is gone. Guild stuff is missing and really should not be with the money and time spent in developement.

5. They did a final graphics pass since final beta. The graphics are much nicer and AA is enabled.


It is Far better at near launch than any other launch I have seen (CoH, Rift, Aion, AoC, Champions)


AA is NOT enabled..

unless you forced it..

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Doesnt really matter if launches are bad due too crashing ect it tones done. If you crashed alot of other ppl crash the fact of a fair advantage was there. People like too race 1-50 race is out of the question, the biggest thing on a launch is who can do what first server first this server first that, lord there better not be any of those achievments going.
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Solid F


There are 100s of people who are having launcher issues if not 1000s by this point and as more come in more problems with the launcher arise.


True many of you had no issues and thats great. People can blame individuals hardware we've pretty much determined that can't be the case the amount of variables between individuals having issues do not add up, systems are different, different OS, different configurations, different ram, different motherboards, different video cards etc.


People are not even getting the same errors in the same places. This has nothing to do with i'm not in the game playing, it has to do with the fact that it appears little effort is being made to fix the launcher issue with that growing number of individuals.


Add that to tickets being closed reporting the issue with the statement "the issue has been fixed" and the issue is not fixed it still persists for nearly everyone.


The stage in which individuals get the errors are as random as the individuals getting the errors themselves. Consider yourself lucky that you've had no download issues. I am also most certain that if you HAD the same issues as these folks you'd all be screaming about it to.


Sorry 6 months in closed testing... 8 different machines all with different hardware and never had 1 launcher issue..


installed on 4 different machines right now and it works perfectly..

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