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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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But you do know "where you stand in line" its the date you redeemed your pre-order code.


You know when you showed up. You have no idea how many people are in front of you, how many seats are in each theater and how many screens the movie is showing on. All they tell you is that you'll be seated before closing.

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I would grade bioware's launch as purple ...


I pre-ordered in August, I havent got my EGA yet but im not bothered. i'll get in when i get in, raging about it on an fourm really isnt going to speed anything up.


If the servers are preforms as expected there is no major lag, and the queues are too high then i say the pre-launch is a success (see how i say PRE launch there which is what this is)

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Can you book days off school now?


That's called "pretending to be sick" as a teacher myself I know a few kids that did that and you can't do anything to prevent it. (The problem is that it's almost impossible to prove and thus you can't really do anything against it)

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Ooooook I am a lurker but this is getting ridiculous so I will try to give an honest answer to this thread as the amount of trolls on both sides of the issue might skew the view point a bit. I will state I am not an expert I have had only a weeks worth of play time from both the November and December betas so my opinion is subject to change.


Story: B+.


During beta I played as a IA, Inq, and SM and I have to say that I felt pretty engaged within the story. I think it is rare as typically with MMOs you are typically left with partial stories for the region you are currently questing and leaves no real overall story besides my side is fighting yours. My only problem is that you get the same three options every time which are either PMSing ******e, neutral, or complete ***** (another name for cats) and even then the choice doesn't matter as you either get light side or dark side which mostly translates to visuals. There really isn't a change in the story in one way or the other besides how they respond right after you make the choice before continuing on the script that stays the same regardless of choice. Now I understand it is an MMO and in a static world its hard to have a constant changing story line based on character decision, though I do feel they could have done more with the light and dark side besides the constant hugging with one side and constant killing with the other.



Game Play: C


Not a whole lot to say, average MMO template so it works but isn't anything to be thrilled over. It does feel fast paced and I do enjoy how they broadened the scope of classes (choice between DPS, Tanking, and Healing) like rift but it is still the basic MMO play and it would have been really nice to see a new feature that broke the norm even in the slightest.





Was fun and fast paced from the small amount that I did during beta. Healing was a ***** (plenty of forum posts as to why) but it isn't really a deal breaker. Only reason why it didn't get an A was because from the amount I saw in PVP it was your typical set up, but with me as long as the PVP isn't complete crap then it will get a higher grade.


Launch: F


Obvious why. I know there are plenty of people who will argue this, but launch is when the first person enters the official servers. The excluding of players who payed the same exact as others is completely ridiculous. This is something that should have been planned way before they put the game up for sell and should have been stated within the description when the customer purchased it. Leaving Early Access as a TBA, stating only a month before hand that it will be a first come first serve entry (effectively screwing over people who have been fallowing the game for years but for what ever reason decide to hold off on purchasing the pre order immediately), leaving all but two servers in light status as I write this, and worst of all ceasing invites for the day at 2pm (not even the end of a typical work day) on the day that they release their game for official play shows a lack of respect for their community, a lack of faith in their game, and a stance that as long as they have your money they really do not give a crap when you play. People have the right to feel entitled regardless of what you say. As soon as you give Bioware your money, their company is in sense working for you so the complaints over the distress people have had with this launch is complacency at its worse and fanboism at its most annoying (almost as bad as the excuses for Twilight). There are far better ways this could have been handled and they should have stated day of when TOR first went on sale their intentions were first come first serve. If they really wanted to test the waters they could have done what most MMOs generally do with the more you pay the sooner you play so Collectors could have gotten a 7 day, Digital Deluxe 5 day, and Standard 3 day which is generally an accepted model and would have created fairness among those with Collectors who are still not in game while Standard players are (Standard Edition here so do not think I suggest this because I have a Collectors). The best method though, IMO, is that they could have just let all players in at once, put in a queuing system that will be there on store release anyways and regulated the amount the amount of new character creations to control the amount in starting areas and a lower than normal server cap to regulate so when players left starting areas it doesn't become a flood of fast levelers stuck with slow levelers. It would have been more work on their part, but they should feel obligated to a community that has stuck with them and has given them the opportunity to make this game (as if you do not have customers there is no reason to make a game). Like any other time it is impossible to stop all complaints, but when an overwhelming majority of the people stuck to forum use are criticizing your decisions you should know very well why you are deserving of an F.



Enjoyment: A+


For its short comings and overall being a standard MMO in most aspects I had a freaking blast when I was able to play. Can't say much for how long it will last at end game, but the over all experience I had was being glued to my computer for several days of play time and forgetting to shave or the fact that I have friends. In short, I am screwed when I am finally able to play.

Edited by Sokkwi
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For me smoothest MMO launch I have been involved in, I got in yesterday to a very stable game and server with no queues.


I would venture to say Rift had a smoother launch, but at least Bioware was forthright and honest with everyone. There may have been a lot of "I don't knows" and "wait and sees" but they always said 1-5 days...they gave 7...and they always said in order that the pre-order codes were redeemed.


Bravo BW!!!

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I find it funny that all the people/kids that didn't get in on the first day because they ordered it last month or something when it clearly stated from the VERY BEGINNING that first preorders would get in first are crying and saying "F rating". Bioware imo have done a very good job so far, they have made an amazing game, have a smooth bug free early access launch and are keeping up contact via forums,twitter and facebook. TBH i haven't seen a company put so much effort in as bioware in an mmo.


Please everyone, be patient, you WILL be on in the following days.

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A+ not got in yet but do not see it as a big deal, loved the beta and bioware have been much more upfront than alot of launch dev's, see nothing malicious or evil from bioware or even EA on this front, looking forward to getting in and turning off local chat, this forum is full of people who remind me why I do that.
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Most of us are in a several days long queue.


True but it has been known for a very long time that EGA would be "up to 5 days" depending on when you pre-ordered. The fact that some are getting 7 days is just a bonus isn't it? I'm afraid I don't understand all these complaints, its not as if we haven't known that EGA was based on pre-order date for months.

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1) This was last minute planning, they should of sent emails to everyone who pre-ordered telling them their date. Before tuesday....i know it's early access and you won't get in on the first day if you preordered after July. But at the same time i was always led to believe that i would notified of when i was invited a week in advance before early access


I was on facebook at 7:00AM on tuesday at least one hour before launch and that's is when i got a message from old republic saying how they would do the early access. So one hour before launch they feel us in to how this is going to be done???? I bascially stand up all night for nothing


to rephrase admiral ackbar "Bioware can't repeal raging of this magitude"

Edited by DraconisXX
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I find it funny that all the people/kids that didn't get in on the first day because they ordered it last month or something when it clearly stated from the VERY BEGINNING that first preorders would get in first are crying and saying "F rating". Bioware imo have done a very good job so far, they have made an amazing game, have a smooth bug free early access launch and are keeping up contact via forums,twitter and facebook. TBH i haven't seen a company put so much effort in as bioware in an mmo.


Please everyone, be patient, you WILL be on in the following days.


I pre-ordered as soon as my local EBgames got their codes in. Nothing I could have done to get it sooner, and yet here I am stuck out in the cold.


So yeah, F rating.

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Launch plan= C

Launch = C

Communication= D

Game= B


Reality launch plan grade can go up once I have seen how this plays out. To much right now is not answer. Will the server my guild been assign to be full by the time we start getting in? What will the Que timer be like when more people get in? To many question and to early to tell how this launch is going. Day one seem ok, but how will day 2 and day 3 be. How many of the early access people were in guilds before launch. How many people not in were assign servers fulling up yesterday. Just way to many questions not answer to this point.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


Whats really funny is of course the people on the fourms dont like bioware, if they got in the game, they would be playing. The people playing are who bioware is worried about.


Seriously, all you pups need to chill, this will be but a bad dream in a week, but your screaming bloody murder.

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Launch F


Why? lack of any form of communication other then twitter posts on waves, the whole preorder and access sending has been handled not so great, the system is ok but has huge flaws in it, I don't believe it has been handled as good as it could of been and this is reflected in many posts.


Game can't comment on that just yet so if this thread stays open will add that at a later date...

but from what I have seen via streams etc... a provisional B



Advertising F-


none from what I have seen, leading to people not knowing anything about launch dates etc... not good at all for a company that wants something to succeed.

Edited by Gobrot
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Or how bout you arrive at a movie theater and have no idea where you stand in line, you just know you'll watch the movie before the theater closes.


Note quite. I see where you're trying to go, but you know if you arrived on Jul 21 you're seeing the movie long before the girl who showed up Dec 1. The not knowing or even being given a guesstimate is rather fail tho.


/is an adult who can deal with a SWG* or anticipated range, has a harder time dealing with "whenever"



*scientific wild a**** guess.

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At first, I thought that maybe I could give them an F... but after a while, I reconsidered my decission, and thought that U might be more appropriate...or maybe C...hmm or K. Then my girlfriend came in and siad that it is wrong, and told me to, to give you an Y. When she left, I changed it to O.... but since I don't have a girlfriend and I just made it up, Im giving you a final U. Edited by Skwark
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You and my American hater friend are 2 of a kind, trolls both of you, and most likely 13 and getting ready for another day in middle school.


We have already established that I am in the military and have served three tours in Iraq. For the record I am 32 years old.


You claim to be an older combat veteran, but you have taken the side of the trolls that whine about the system Bioware has put in place simply because they are jealous.


You, sir, boggle my mind.

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