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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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People just need to complain, if they opened the flood gates, then people would of complained over the server crashes and so forth..


True, I just hope Bioware doesn't buy into the complaining.


They're really doing a fantastic job with this launch. Sure, not everyone is getting in, but their on par to have one of, if not the ONLY MMO launch that kept all the servers up through the entire launch process. That alone deserves some massive kudos.

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People need to stop complainig the game is alot of fun no doubt about iot ,theres just alot of whiny ******Es who didnt get in the first day and are all upset, this is what happenes when your given a favor, NONE SHOULD COMPLAIN TILL DEC 20TH THT IS THE OFFICAL RELEASE DATE THIS WAS JUST A NICE LITTLE PERK SO THERE WASNT CROWDED STARTIng ZONES, the game is well put together the comba is alot of fun not like wow at all whoever said tht similar but not exactly like it. i give this game and bioware an a+++++++++++++++++




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Dude no one is gonna stop complaining you should know that, not even the president can control that besides I think people not playing have sumwhat of a right because its and mmo not a come as invited I for one did not pay for somthing everyone else paid the same n gets to play. Edited by ssluigipk
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People need to stop complainig the game is alot of fun no doubt about iot ,theres just alot of whiny ******Es who didnt get in the first day and are all upset, this is what happenes when your given a favor, NONE SHOULD COMPLAIN TILL DEC 20TH THT IS THE OFFICAL RELEASE DATE THIS WAS JUST A NICE LITTLE PERK SO THERE WASNT CROWDED STARTIng ZONES, the game is well put together the comba is alot of fun not like wow at all whoever said tht similar but not exactly like it. i give this game and bioware an a+++++++++++++++++





I'm assuming you're making this statement because you were one of the lucky ones. Get out of here you biased monkey. haha.

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Dude no one is gonna stop complaining you should know that, not even the president can control that besides I think people not playing have sumwhat of a right paying that extra 5$.


Are you talking about the pre order 5 dollars? because then you have no idea how preorders work, you put money down, that money then goes into paying for the game when it comes out, your not paying a extra 5 dollars.

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Bioware has earned itself a solid B so far in the EGA roll-out.


The concept of a staggered launch to avoid the problems typically associated MMO launches is a sound one. The method for allocating access by the date one's preorder was registered with SWTOR.com is broadly equitable. Judging by feedback from those who have gotten into the EGA, things have been executed quite well. And with the uptick in invites dispatched today, roughly half of those who've preordered have gotten their invites as of Wave 4's going out on Day 2. (Based on the infamous boxed preorders graphic, as roughly half of all preorders had been placed by the end of September, which was about as far as has been gotten thus far in the invites.)


Bioware's great failing has been one of PR. Simply put, it has done an atrocious job at managing expectations. The communications void -- both real and perceived -- has exacerbated the situation, as the player-base is both immensely eager to start their journeys into the Old Republic and is equally excitable as well. The utter lack of information originating from Bioware as to when folks could expect to get in, beyond vaguely affirming that admittance would be based on preorder date, meant that there'd be an invariable eruption of angst and teeth-gnashing in the first few hours of the EGA as folks found out where they stood. (It's worth noting that things seem to have calmed down immensely today, something I would wager is equal parts the development of credible wave models by users and the fact that large numbers of early-but-not-first-week preorderers have gotten the assurance they want of how long to wait.)


I think Bioware also deserves some props for responding to its PR nightmare yesterday, as I suspect that one of the drivers for moving as many souls as they have through today's waves was the blow-up from folks who should be stalwart consumers, in the early-but-not-earliest preordering groups.


[Edit: As a disclaimer, I registered my preorder code on 9/22, and got my EGA e-mail in Wave 4 of 12/14.]

Edited by Juumanistra
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What they are doing to the community is "cruel and unusual punishment" premeditated. I was fortunate to be in the Beta-Tests and I know for a fact the hardware is there to support everyone that pre-ordered at least at double the amount. They are doing this to all of us for "Hype" and cheap marketing ploys and while it was somewhat amusing yesterday, it got old by the time they had to make a new page to accommodate the rants. But here is the funny thing.........some of this people are not just current/future customers, and when all is said and done, some phone calls will be made......and guess what..some of you WILL be clearing your desks, as a consequence to your malice. So enjoy your moment of cheap giggles, because past mid January, you will be giggling all the way to the unemployment lines.

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I am one of the lucky ones but when i wasnt in i wasnt complaining cuse i understood what they were doing see everyones sayign the games bad and the onyl reason they give is because of not getting in for early release, if they were to of let everyone in the servers would crash and lag shut up and play the game
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Am I the only one on here that is waiting patiently to play the game without freaking out like my mother didn't renew my wow subscription?


Heres a fun statistic which I will pull out of my rear. 9/10 people who are giving the game an F or below(which denotes your maturity) aren't in the game yet. It is interesting seeing people in the different stages of denial.


My favorite people are the ones who are saying, "I CANCELLED MY PREORDER, YAH I SHOWED THEM." All I can say to that is LOL, suuuuuuure ya did. Well do us ALL a favor and go play wow or something else that is all about instant gratification and gives you what you want when you whine.


Otherwise, my advice, grow up. Be an adult about it, and wait patiently like everyone else. Like me for example. Stop being a bunch of spoiled children with a sense of entitlement, its getting old and it is doing no one any favors.



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Really? Rift was a great game but I've moved on. That is a sign that you're giving up because you cant contribute. You were obviously arguing for the sake of arguing.


Na i just know a lost cause when i see one. Your main complaint is you arent getting as much early access time as everyone else. Bioware was very clear about how ea was going to work. They didnt surprise us with the staggered launch. My point is that if they give you 5 days early access you should be grateful not whining that you didnt get 7.

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True, I just hope Bioware doesn't buy into the complaining.


They're really doing a fantastic job with this launch. Sure, not everyone is getting in, but their on par to have one of, if not the ONLY MMO launch that kept all the servers up through the entire launch process. That alone deserves some massive kudos.


All bets are off release day.

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True, I just hope Bioware doesn't buy into the complaining.


They're really doing a fantastic job with this launch. Sure, not everyone is getting in, but their on par to have one of, if not the ONLY MMO launch that kept all the servers up through the entire launch process. That alone deserves some massive kudos.


true, i got in at 7 yesturday and had to go to work at 9, logged back in around 7 or so and played through the night and the gameplay in regards to lag and amount of people was quite enjoyable, i understand their process for doing that now so as the waves come in, but the time the next wave hits, most of those players are moving off the starter world into the space HUB or next instanced planet freeing alot of space and server quality. It really was peacefull to play and i cant wait to get back on today, ya more people but still i know bioware has it under control.

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The game is trucking along smoothly and the only complaints have been about a non-issue.


agree, allot of people bring problems upon themselves, not Bioware'.. but what ya gona do, once it gets to the paying part, the forums will quiet down allot.. /shrug

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You all are hilarious. I preordered the 4th of December and wasn't expecting to get in until the 19th, and I was expecting the week 1 server issues that most other mmos have on release.


Instead, Bioware starts the early access ever EARLIER and staggers it so that the servers run as smoothly as possible. So when I get in, which is looking closer to the 15th now, hopefully it will be smooth sailing from there.


I give Bioware a solid A because I'm not as big of an emo tween as some of you are. They have been stating the 15th and *up to 5 days early" for months. That is all that should be expected, everything else is gravy. :)

Edited by Crazygnome
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Na i just know a lost cause when i see one. Your main complaint is you arent getting as much early access time as everyone else. Bioware was very clear about how ea was going to work. They didnt surprise us with the staggered launch. My point is that if they give you 5 days early access you should be grateful not whining that you didnt get 7.


You're just assuming I am not grateful for the 5 days. I definitely am. I am also aware that they said "Up to 5 days" but where is it fair that someone gets 3-4 days access while someone else gets 7 days. That is nonsense. Staggered launches just dont work.



You might consider reading this...it just about sums up what I feel.



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You all are hilarious. I preordered the 4th of December and wasn't expecting to get in until the 19th, and I was expecting the week 1 server issues that most other mmos have on release.


Instead, Bioware starts the early access ever EARLIER and staggers it so that the servers run as smoothly as possible. So when I get in, which is looking closer to the 15th now, hopefully it will be smooth sailing from there.


I give Bioware a solid A because I'm not such as big of an emo tween as some of you are. They have been stating the 15th and *up to 5 days early" for months. That is all that should be expected, everything else is gravy. :)


And we all know if you dont get in on the 15th that Solid A turns into a Solid F amiright?

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- F - with an exception.


I think Biowares system of early access is fail.

I understand fully how and why their doing it to feed a steady increase of a population onto the servers. They stressed tested at Beta, so they know how much people are capable for a steady launch. 100,000 a day? 50,000 a day? if that.


- no email verification in advance.

i would have liked to have known which wave im apart of weeks ago, rather than waiting for a random mail. Theres nothing to say people wont get any early access, let alone a day. Very ill treated in my opinion. Reading back through this thread, some have stated that servers are half empty if not empty. This seems very irratating if true for those waiting for verification.


- Fail Game publishing.

I bought my standard edition from GAME. GAME states ill have early access of 5 days. To someone who doesnt use the forums. This is very misleading for the customer, especially when its not garanteed you will get early access at all. No games company has a right to misslead their customers. Tomorrow is gudgement day. If i dont get a an email verification, GAME along with BIOWARE has mislead their customers. (it never stated up to 5days. It stated a bonus offer of 5 days early access. meaning garanteed 5days.)


- Fail box product.

I received my standard edition box this morning with joy, to find out theres next to nothing in it. 3 disks and a card with a code on it. Looking at it from my perspective, ive paid £40 for 30days and a box which i didnt need in the first place. Its the most expensive 30day subscription ive paid for. for £40, i least expected a game manual book, with maybe a poster or something.


-Fail subscription terms.

Reading up and following their account information. I seemed to realise that you have to pay for the following 30days of £8.99, before im allowed my first month which ive paid for. Without putting in your Debit card details, your not allowed anyfurther than the early access. This is what i read within my account area. what if i have no intentions of playing after 30days because of a crap endgame product??? Yes i can cancel my subscription after 14days, but i had no intentions of doing a following month until after ive played 1 month. I want to play 30+ days without greif of another payment until ive played my 30days. If paid £40, give me peace to enjoy a game. If i like it. ill pay for another month. not before.... Bioware havent clearly stated their terms properly, in advance, and for this i dont rate them as very trusting.


Did i need to pay £40 for a box when all i needed was a code via email. i also found out that its more expensive digitally than buying the box. This makes me laugh. Theres nothing wrong with telling customers to purchase from £15 up to 29.99's worth for the first 30days using the updated Beta client, which was a free download, and then pay £8.99 a month afterwards. The box is a complete waste of time, money and resources. Think about the tree's and a non bio degradable plastic you have thrown into the world. Ive played many mmo's and other unrelated games on multiple platforms, and ive never had to pay £40. £34.99 yes. not £39.99 for something which i have to pay for each month on top.


some of you may argue that its better than buying a singleplayer game, interms of price. Well. a single player game can be played for years and years. MMO's cant be compared (monthly fee plus extras like micro transactions etc)





I have no grudges against the game itself. Ive played beta, and was the most enjoyable experience of an unreleased product ive played to date. YES its a WOW clone. Lacks any pvp open world potential so far. i hope this isnt the case.

I give Bioware full credit for its beta. All games companies should release a product fully working with no issues from day 1. Im just disgusted as to how publishing and payment is treated in such a tight economic crysis. Yes i can afford it, however this is without a doubt the most expensive game ive brought to date excluding the month subscription fee. It was never worth £40 to buy the game. Its an MORPG, and custom comes in each month.


(noticed i never added the MMORPG in MORPG?? The game isnt a massive multiplayer game. another misleading representation of what games companies can do. Massive means 100's - 1000's of players. not 10's if not 4 groups of people.)


I just hope they're not trying to rip customers off knowing full well theres no endgame, and that customers will leave after 1 month. Id hate to find out theres crap open world pvp and no endgame product to what is a very well done ORPG. Fingers crossed. :)

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Don't know about everyone else, but I still remember the abysmal WoW Burning Crusade launch. Forget about attempting to do quests, let alone killing a mob. Also, the servers lagged and crashed consistently during that release. I'd rather Bioware take it slow, keep doing what they're doing, and ensure that once we actually get to play the game, we won't have to worry about crashes or severe lag.


Anyways, I'm content with waiting, the way I see it, as long as I get in before the 20th, then I'm already playing the game early :p

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A+ for Bioware and F--- for reading comprehension of their player base... guess it is a good thing the game is voiced. What part of up to 5 days of early access is difficult to comprehend. It doesn't mean 5 days it means anywhere between 0 and 5 days of early access and we aren't even at 5 days prior to launch yet.


Seriously I just don't get what all the fuss is about. Id grade them as . . . incomplete, and the due date is the 25th IMHO, becuase retail release will really tell the tale, not the second day of EARLY EARLY EARLY access.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


I'd give the people complaining an F for reading. I'd imagine this is what they got in school as well.

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