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How to scavange desh?


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"Strong" and above droids usually have items that can be scavenged from their corpses.


You can also find piles of resources littered across the battlefield. Push "M" (or whatever you mapped the Map function to) and click the filter for resources. You should see small icons appear in the area if there are any resource piles.


They will be glowing (when you see them in the field) if they can be scavenged right now.

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After you conventionally "loot" the droid, scroll over it again with your cursor. I believe it should then give you the option to "scavenge" the corpse with your companion.


You should be able to scavenge your own kills as well as the looted kills of others.

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If you're a Republic player, any of the "Strong", "Elite" and "Champion" droids on Coruscant, can be scavenged after they are killed. These also include the droids in the Face Market Heroic (Republic side, first area that you start fighting droids).
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It also depends what planet you're on, or what level Scavenging missions you send your companions out to do. Crafting material levels seem to keep some degree of pace with combat levels, so you may be more likely to find Desh (a Grade 1 metal) on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. I know I had stopped finding it by the time I hit Balmorra.


If you're trying to get it from crafting missions, make sure you're selecting Tier 1 missions. The dropdown where you can select the level of the mission tends to default to your highest available level; make sure you pick the lowest one instead.

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Huh. If it is a bug, it's either infrequently applied (seems to be the case with a lot of bugs in this game - I feel for the QA team having to reproduce these things), or only works with Scavenging + Slicing.


I have Slicing/Bioanalysis and don't have any issues finding nodes for both (I get so disappointed when I come across Bioanalysis nodes, let me tell you). I do have a Slicing/Scavenging character that I can probably try it out with, but I'm not really sure where to find some good Droid candidates Empire-side..


Can't walk 10 feet without tripping over the darn things Repub side.

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Never had option to scavenge droids on Corcusant and when i check resources on the map all that i can see is safes for my slicing skill. I must be bugged


Black Sun territory and the Justicar droids always gave up lots of resource spots for me. I've got Scavenging on my Trooper. Face Merchants (not Market, typo'ed earlier) Heroic quest is mostly scavenge-able droids.

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Huh. If it is a bug, it's either infrequently applied (seems to be the case with a lot of bugs in this game - I feel for the QA team having to reproduce these things), or only works with Scavenging + Slicing.


I have Slicing/Bioanalysis and don't have any issues finding nodes for both (I get so disappointed when I come across Bioanalysis nodes, let me tell you). I do have a Slicing/Scavenging character that I can probably try it out with, but I'm not really sure where to find some good Droid candidates Empire-side..


Can't walk 10 feet without tripping over the darn things Repub side.


You have to have Scavenging to be able to scavenge. For droids, I think you need 55+ in the Scavenging skill to be able to scavenge them.

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You have to have Scavenging to be able to scavenge. For droids, I think you need 55+ in the Scavenging skill to be able to scavenge them.


Right - I was merely stating that having Slicing + Bioanalysis hasn't stopped me from being able to see both nodes on the map, or use both skills. OP mentioned a bit later having an issue using scavenging at all and was wondering if Slicing + Scavenging was the problem.


Only experience I have running double-gathering right now is as previously indicated, and it as yet hasn't become an issue.


This is assuming that the OP has been able to find 'scavenge' nodes or is at least aware of their presence beyond droid bodies (as there are piles of junk and the like scattered all throughout Coruscant that you can scavenge for bits as well). I'm assuming he does, because of the minimap issues brought up (and him only ever finding Slicing nodes).

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Huh. If it is a bug, it's either infrequently applied (seems to be the case with a lot of bugs in this game - I feel for the QA team having to reproduce these things), or only works with Scavenging + Slicing.


I have Slicing/Bioanalysis and don't have any issues finding nodes for both (I get so disappointed when I come across Bioanalysis nodes, let me tell you). I do have a Slicing/Scavenging character that I can probably try it out with, but I'm not really sure where to find some good Droid candidates Empire-side..


I don't think it's a bug -- at least not something that affects everyone who has a combination of Slicing and Scavenging. I have Scavenging, Slicing and Bioanalyis, and all three types show up on my map and minimap. My boyfriend has both Scavenging and Slicing (with a crafting profession as his third crew skill), and he can also see both types of nodes on the map. We can both also scavenge droids that are strong, elite, etc.


To the OP -- you do not loot scavenging materials off droids. After you loot, the mouse button will change to a different icon (the same one it changes to when you mouse over a slicing node) if the droid is scavengable. If it is, you right-click to scavenge just like you do a resource node (like a slicing safe). Dead droids that are able to be scavenged also show up on the minimap as a resource while their corpses are still there.


You won't be able to get enough desh from scavenging missions -- it will be ridiculously expensive, and you need more of it than you can get from missions.


I would file a ticket and perhaps ask about it on the customer service forum. I don't see it on the list of known issues, but perhaps others have heard of similar bugs.


While it's a pain, I would also try unlearning it and learning it again. It will wipe out the progress you've made so far, but it's an option (and if you're only at 35 in scavenging, that's not so hard to make up on Coruscant).


Also, I would double-check to make sure that you have Scavenging in your crew skills instead of something else. There's a bug (or there was, at least -- I haven't run into it in a while) where one of the skills showing in your crew window list would be wrong. I ran around for a couple of hours one day wondering why I couldn't find any slicing nodes before I realized that I didn't have slicing on that character! :o


(I think the bug's related to people who have multiple characters and skills other characters have still show up when you switch among characters, but I thought it was worth mentioning.)

Edited by Gwenhyfar
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