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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Heh, his review explains a lot. If this OP doesn't scream "I HATE SWTOR BECAUSE IT'S NOT WOW" then that link certainly does.


The first post in this thread at least pretends that the things he wants are not related to WoW, even though every single one of them is something that WoW does that SWTOR does not. The link to his MMO Champ review, on the other hand, directly links all of his complaints to WoW. Not just "this PvP map feels unfinished," but "this PvP map feels like an unfinished version of the WoW map ___________."


I thought that's all you meant, but then I realized that he made fake accounts to endorse his review, all of which were banned, and he was called out for lying and and creating fake evidence in his other reviews. So he's whiny, he's mad at SWTOR for not being WoW, AND he cheats to get make it look like someone, anyone supports his ideas.


I wonder about his supporters in this thread. If they're even capable of understanding that link, if they would still throw their lot in with him or not.


Im glad someone who doesnt make irrational claims and decisions has seen this. Most of what the OP says is not needed, whereas some of it is, but no way is everything needed in the 30 days.


Hyperbole is all it is.


People should really see the link to fully understand.

Edited by darthdoll
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I subscribed to TOR not WoW, OP. I want to play a good game, not an idiot-proof Single player game That has a multiplayer system similar to FPS Matchmaking. What? You queue up with random people, and pray to your religious figure that you get a good group. with a community worse than what most make hell out to be.
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I subscribed to TOR not WoW, OP. I want to play a good game, not an idiot-proof Single player game That has a multiplayer system similar to FPS Matchmaking. What? You queue up with random people, and pray to your religious figure that you get a good group. with a community worse than what most make hell out to be.



irony overwhelming

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If they were to implement it, it would contain an option to disable it. I'll sacrifice immersion for the sake of communication any day.

But to claim it is required in order to "resuscitate" this game? WAY overstated, and dilutes your entire argument.

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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?


Just delete yourself. Nobody needs your teen-age BS...

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Woa people are intense......Ok i came to the game with an open mind and i must say that i am thoroughly enjoying it. There are certainly bugs to be found as there are for many MMO's i mean none are perfect at launch. Going back to the list op made there are certainly great ideas, but at the same time there are ideas that to me that arn't necessary and shudn't be any rush to get these in.


Remember that if they take the time to try and implement all of these it may take away the dev's time for fixing bugs and issues. As for the developer silence while i agree they could be more talkative i would rather have a quite hardworking team trying to make the game better than a team so busy talking to us that they get nothing done


Overall i'd say this game certainly isn't "dead" or "dying" but sort of just hovering with improvement probb not that far away

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I keep seeing people post threads claiming Xugos and people who defend him like me are looking for WoW.


This is such a dumb claim it astonishes me. If we wanted WoW, we'd go PLAY IT.


We want Star Wars with reasonable functionality because as it is now, there is none. This list is HUGE to how much SWTOR is lacking right now and once the honeymoon phase is over, you will see a large loss in playerbase quickly.

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People in here defends BioWare by saying these changes will take time, give SWTOR 7 years etc..


The thing is, that if BW are to compete with WoW and other MMO's, these features needs to be in at launch, or at least within a couple of months. They don't have the luxury of waiting years before implementing them. People will leave before they even get around to doing it.


In before "Go back to WoW":

People will defend this game's faults until death because they are afraid it will fail.



SWTOR is has great story telling, but it is very linear. In my opinion, they should rather have made KOTOR3.


In every other aspect of the game, someone else is doing better than them.

Edited by Helgrave
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I keep seeing people post threads claiming Xugos and people who defend him like me are looking for WoW.


This is such a dumb claim it astonishes me. If we wanted WoW, we'd go PLAY IT.


We want Star Wars with reasonable functionality because as it is now, there is none. This list is HUGE to how much SWTOR is lacking right now and once the honeymoon phase is over, you will see a large loss in playerbase quickly.



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I keep seeing people post threads claiming Xugos and people who defend him like me are looking for WoW.


This is such a dumb claim it astonishes me. If we wanted WoW, we'd go PLAY IT.


We want Star Wars with reasonable functionality because as it is now, there is none. This list is HUGE to how much SWTOR is lacking right now and once the honeymoon phase is over, you will see a large loss in playerbase quickly.


You mean Xugos, you and about the other 100 people that keep saying you will quit yet always on the forums??


Even though if you read Xugos review, im sure he said he wouldn't buy TOR.


Please do, forum is like 1% of the fan base.

Edited by darthdoll
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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?




To OP: Thanks for the regurgitation.


Funny, some of these issues you have been 'criticizing since beta' didn't exist in beta.


i.e; Disable Smart Camera was in game. So was a chat log. The current iteration of the interface is only a half dozen pre-builds old.


Good job trolling the forums for things to complain about, though.


Do you happen to have any original thoughts? No? k.


tl;dr: Your tl;dr isn't a tl;dr.


New much?

Edited by freakuancy
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I keep seeing people post threads claiming Xugos and people who defend him like me are looking for WoW.


This is such a dumb claim it astonishes me. If we wanted WoW, we'd go PLAY IT.


We want Star Wars with reasonable functionality because as it is now, there is none. This list is HUGE to how much SWTOR is lacking right now and once the honeymoon phase is over, you will see a large loss in playerbase quickly.


The reason most say 'Go back to WoW' is simply this: Everyone wanting something implemented, makes it something WoW has. Thus: It makes those who even some something legitimate look like someone who wants WoW 2.0.

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You mean Xugos, you and about the other 100 people that keep saying you will quit yet always on the forums??


Even though if you read Xugos review, im sure he said he wouldn't buy TOR.


Please do, forum is like 1% of the fan base.


You don't understand how this works, do you?


Perhaps 1% of the fan base, but it is the 1% that matters. And the other 99% will do pretty much the same thing as the 1%.

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People in here defends BioWare by saying these changes will take time, give SWTOR 7 years etc..


The thing is, that if BW are to compete with WoW and other MMO's, these features needs to be in at launch, or at least within a couple of months. They don't have the luxury of waiting years before implementing them. People will leave before they even get around to doing it.


In before "Go back to WoW":

People will defend this game's faults until death because they are afraid it will fail.



SWTOR is has great story telling, but is very linear. In my opinion, they should rather have made KOTOR3.


Every other aspect of the game, someone else is doing better than them.


What a load of crap. There is a group of people who defend the game's "faults" because there is also a group of people who will say whatever they have to to make public opinion shift toward thinking the game is bad and bioware is lazy and doesnt listen to its customers blah blah blah. And they do it either to validate having wasted the better part of a decade on another game or just to see something crash and burn.


Those people make threads that call the game a failure after not even a month has passed. They also make presumptuous threads about how to resuscitate the game, as though the servers were deserted. its all just a thinly veiled attempt to make people think the game is a dead failure when nothing could be further from the truth.


SWTOR needs bug fixes and it needs some design smoothing. It could also use a content patch within the next couple of months. The game is not bad. It is not dead. It is not dying. It is not in danger of dying.








Edited by AWDBAHL
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File this in the "if the entire real and virtual world would just listen to me" category.


Game has been out a month and it needs resuscitating? Seriously?


Just the title takes a great deal of credibility away from the poster, before it is even read.

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You don't understand how this works, do you?


Perhaps 1% of the fan base, but it is the 1% that matters. And the other 99% will do pretty much the same thing as the 1%.


You have proof of this?


Current facts are more players play the game, 1-10% read the forums. Its how it usually is, now people will leave, but it wont be a mass exodus like the OP says.




Realized I posted the wrong link, it is corrected now.

Edited by darthdoll
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You mean Xugos, you and about the other 100 people that keep saying you will quit yet always on the forums??


Even though if you read Xugos review, im sure he said he wouldn't buy TOR.


Please do, forum is like 1% of the fan base.


Again, you cannot make a post without trying to lash out against someone.


Never said I was threatening to quit or jump off the roof.


Why am I on the forums? I want a better game. Forgive me for attempting to better something I really enjoy, didn't know it was terrible.

Edited by Treyzorz
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I keep seeing people post threads claiming Xugos and people who defend him like me are looking for WoW.


This is such a dumb claim it astonishes me. If we wanted WoW, we'd go PLAY IT.


We want Star Wars with reasonable functionality because as it is now, there is none. This list is HUGE to how much SWTOR is lacking right now and once the honeymoon phase is over, you will see a large loss in playerbase quickly.


Let's look at some of Xugos's statements:


I've played WoW dungeons, like VC and SFK, that were much more fun than Hammer Station.


The Void Star feels like a horribly done version of Strand of the Ancients from WoW.


The Battle for Alderaan, as cool of a concept I thought it was, is almost exactly a Battle for Gilneas mirror of WoW, both in name and in actual gameplay. Battle for Gilneas had a more dynamic map, where it wasn't symmetrical in theme


Ilum is a Tol Barad mirror from WoW. There is very little that's different, but it feels like Tol Barad with a Wintergrasp flavor to it


Ultimately, PvPers from other games, such as WoW, really have no reason to come to SW:TOR


The Auction House (Galactic Trade Network, GTN henceforth)


It feels like sockets and jewelcrafting from WoW


Other than the GTN issues, this area is really just a WoW mirror



After all of that, how can you say that he's NOT looking for WoW? He's non-stop comparing SWTOR to WoW and using the fact that it's not WoW as the reason why he doesn't like it. He uses WoW terms interchangeably with the nearest SWTOR equivalent, setting himself up to be disappointed since they're different games and not intended to be the same - but if he treats them the same of course he's going to be mad. He calls SWTOR a WoW mirror, how is that anything but the very definition of looking for WoW? He's looking so hard that that's all he can see in a game, or how the game isn't WoW.


Yes, it's moronic to imagine that someone wants to play WoW, goes to another game, then gets emo that it's not WoW. Which is why it's so ridiculous that you and the OP and all of these other people are doing the very same thing.


Edit: Yes, I wrote this as if the guy I'm quoting is different from the OP. But it's been proven in the MMO Champ thread that the OP posts on other accounts or character names to defend himself from an alt in order to make himself appear more legitimate, so it's a pretty much sure thing that the OP is posting on his alts in this thread too. But for the sake of my reply, I addressed it to his alt as if it wasn't him.

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