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Everything in SWTOR has delay. Everything.


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I realize that alot of people have been complaining about ability lag in combat, but I havn't seen anyone complain about everything else in the game that has delay.


I dont just have ability lag. When i click W to move forward, theres a short delay before i start moving. When i hold right click and move my mouse to rotate my camera i have a short delay. When i right click an NPC to talk to them (questing) theres a delay before the conversation starts and i know people will say that the little [...] box above my head has to come up before the conversation starts and thats why its delayed, but when i click someone to talk it takes up to 2 seconds before i can see the [...] box appears.


Now comes the WoW part that everyone is raging about. I totally agree with them. If you dont know im talking about this is it. In World of Warcraft, there was no delay and if theres was it was sooo tiny it was unnoticeable. Everything in WoW was so much more responsive. I want this in SWTOR! I absolutely love SWTOR but this is such a terrible nuisance. Everytime in play PvP in SWTOR i feel like leaving the game because of this delay.


Bioware, if you are reading this you know that this is an ongoing problem. Alot of people have complained about this to the point where they threaten to quit the game and never look back unless this is fixed. Please fix this, and if you are already working on this, please reply to this and let everyone know that it is a known problem and it is being worked on. This is relieve alot of people if this is fixed. Make your game better and fix this problem.

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I agree but I tend to just attribute this to fps, as when I enter a storied section everything seems much better. I guess the most obvious example I can think of, outside of combat, is when you are looting. There certainly seems to be an irritating lagginess/delay in it on occasion. Edited by Larlar
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Maybe your PC just sucks? Moving your camera has nothing to do with the server. That's all client side. If there's a delay, you need to fix your gear my friend.


Heck I don't even notice the "ability delay" that so many seem so up in arms about. I've seen the videos breaking it down and clearly some people have an issue, but frankly I don't. My only gameplay complaint is Jedi Guardian feeling way too weak.


As far as my experience, the mechanics seem spot on.

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Are you playing on the same network as another player?


There is a known issue that if 2 computers are playing TOR at the same time on the same network/router, one of the computers will always have a 1-2 second delay and Bioware isnt talking about it, ignoring every single thread made about it.


If you are not however, you should not be having ANY lag at all. I have ZERO delay at all when my wife is not playing on her account on her computer.

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thats because BioWare spent 5 years and over $200m in cutscenes and voiceovers that people skip after the initial planet, and ran out of time and cash to develop a decent engine that supports a fluid gameplay.



no wonder this game is dead man walking

Edited by blackcerberus
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This. It's basically like giving everyone free 500ms. This has nothing to do with server lag or FPS (see mega thread).


I will sit somewhere with 50ms and 60 FPS and I will mount/dismount and there is a half second delay between the skill activating and getting off my mount.

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omg swtor is it's own game, if u cant get used to it, go back to pandaland. im tired of peoplle who want it more like wow! get out this is my game im having fun!!


Also, not sure if trolling. But, this has nothing to do with being like another game, it has to do with the playability of your game. Is it slow and chunky or is it responsive and smooth?

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Are you playing on the same network as another player?


There is a known issue that if 2 computers are playing TOR at the same time on the same network/router, one of the computers will always have a 1-2 second delay and Bioware isnt talking about it, ignoring every single thread made about it.


If you are not however, you should not be having ANY lag at all. I have ZERO delay at all when my wife is not playing on her account on her computer.


This is interesting, I had not heard that yet. I wouldnt doubt it is happening, but I havent experienced it. Just recently I had my machine over on a friends LAN and we didnt seem to be having any issues, but that could be because his comp is super slow and barely runs the game so maybe he didnt notice any delay. My comp is up to date and I didnt experience any delay. Interesting issue though.

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I agree. For example, opening/closing the character pane freezes the game for a very brief moment at least for me. The game plays like a Powerpoint image presentation when rapidly toggling the pane (Mass Effect 1, not sure if 2 also, had similiar stuttering upon toggling the char pane). This specifically doesn't really matter but just makes me think how much more better WoW is programmed. Edited by Olzmo
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As much as i love the voiceover cutscenes, i would gladly trade them for WoWs engine. Wows engine is clearly superior, it really shows if you compare the two doing things and then looking at the delays. It really bugs me that Bioware hasnt fixed this yet. Even the people in the beta a month ago were complaining about this and Bioware could have fixed it before release, yet they didnt. That little thing could have changed so many peoples' first impressions of the game.
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