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The community in game is trash


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SWTOR fanbois are the trolls ingame. This game is going f2p in 6 months.


Because of the trash MMO community. LFD tool makes it easier for people who don't associate with MMO trailer trash to get groups with people who are just looking to have fun and get something accomplished in the limited time they have.


Fanbois lurk the general chat until someone says something to start trolling.


When you make any kind of complaint, its always the SWTOR fanboi who makes the retarded comment.


Q: "Hey where is the AH?"

A: "This is not Azeroth"


Q: "I hate how they designed ____"

A: "I love it, its great :D"


Or just being an elitist *****.

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General chat:


Player a: Whoa doing nothing but the same kill/collect X quests the last 48 levels with the exact same mob puls starts to feel a little grindy.


Player B: LOL go back to wow *******


Player C: I love it the questin is so immersive etc....


Player C: Hater!

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