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Something Reasonable for once.


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Hey! I see a lot of this forum argument ******** going on an I agree and disagree with A LOT of what I am seeing and I think there are a lot of people who would agree with what I am about to say.


Marauder does have its pros and cons, every class does and most of the time it comes down to the player.




1. Amazing damage if played like a tactical boss.


2. Predation and Bloodthirsty (Whatever its name is) Team buff? Awh hell yeah!


3. Not too squishy not too tanky. This is both a pro and con, I wish we had a tad bit more armour.


4. Yes we have next to no CC but I do believe in time it will be fixed but IMO this will teach you how to skillfully use your class and be a sneaky person.


5. If you have problems that make you ragequit and reroll, the more skillfull players will stay and thus we can root out the bads.





1. Personally I think the CC is retarded the way it is right now and it can shut us down if our CDs are not up and forces us out of a fight that we should be in longer.


2. We have next to nothing for CC, an extra something would be nice to make up for this, be it more defensive stuff for us or abilities added.


3. Our CDs are just a bit too long at the moment but again, this teaches you how to use your class for the time being.


4. Not too squishy not too tanky. This is both a pro and con, I wish we had a tad bit more armour.


5. Personal opinion, I just wish that we didnt have to be geared to the teeth to put out a decent amount of damage.




This class is not for everyone. Those that stay true to Marauder like I. Good on you.

Those that ***** about it, go roll BH, be happy.

Those that like choices of class.. Like me.. Good stuff. I too like to play many rolls.


To all the CC people: Marauders are coming for you. Watch your back.

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i vote you for mvp.


my only issue with the game is regarding the cc mechanic i'm perfectly fine with the class.


Being melee we get cc'd the most so we feel it hard.


A shorter cooldown on the cc break skill and/or a 3-4 second immunity after using it would be the best, but i can live with the game as it is and still have fun with it.

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yeah agree with you, few improvements and here there would be nice, but theyll come over time


Says who ? They havent once posted anything saying they even acknowledge that this class is the worst ingame. Thats a fact thats not even up for debate. Marauder brings nothing to PvP or PvE that another class cant do much better.

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Hey! I see a lot of this forum argument ******** going on an I agree and disagree with A LOT of what I am seeing and I think there are a lot of people who would agree with what I am about to say.


Marauder does have its pros and cons, every class does and most of the time it comes down to the player.




1. Amazing damage if played like a tactical boss.


2. Predation and Bloodthirsty (Whatever its name is) Team buff? Awh hell yeah!


3. Not too squishy not too tanky. This is both a pro and con, I wish we had a tad bit more armour.


4. Yes we have next to no CC but I do believe in time it will be fixed but IMO this will teach you how to skillfully use your class and be a sneaky person.


5. If you have problems that make you ragequit and reroll, the more skillfull players will stay and thus we can root out the bads.





1. Personally I think the CC is retarded the way it is right now and it can shut us down if our CDs are not up and forces us out of a fight that we should be in longer.


2. We have next to nothing for CC, an extra something would be nice to make up for this, be it more defensive stuff for us or abilities added.


3. Our CDs are just a bit too long at the moment but again, this teaches you how to use your class for the time being.


4. Not too squishy not too tanky. This is both a pro and con, I wish we had a tad bit more armour.


5. Personal opinion, I just wish that we didnt have to be geared to the teeth to put out a decent amount of damage.




This class is not for everyone. Those that stay true to Marauder like I. Good on you.

Those that ***** about it, go roll BH, be happy.

Those that like choices of class.. Like me.. Good stuff. I too like to play many rolls.


To all the CC people: Marauders are coming for you. Watch your back.


I agree with almost everything you said....


The CC stuff is annoying and really feels like it takes some of the "epicness" out of the fight. I think maybe not make the CD's shorter but maybe make some of our defensive ones last longer so we don't have to constantly be watching them....


It feels like the second we get caught out of them we are toast.... and the resolve bar pops up just in time to tell you "hay you are immune to CC, to bad you are waiting to re-spawn!"


Then its gone 5 seconds after you are out of the gate... to start the crazyness over again

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Says who ? They havent once posted anything saying they even acknowledge that this class is the worst ingame. Thats a fact thats not even up for debate. Marauder brings nothing to PvP or PvE that another class cant do much better.


lol right we bring nothing... the only class to have healing debuff in pvp as well as the fury buffs which are useful both in pvp and pve - we are the best support class in pvp and pve - we can also take out any class in a 1 on 1 situation - except 4 maybe a powertech bu they are OP currently

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lol right we bring nothing... the only class to have healing debuff in pvp as well as the fury buffs which are useful both in pvp and pve - we are the best support class in pvp and pve - we can also take out any class in a 1 on 1 situation - except 4 maybe a powertech bu they are OP currently


Lol Im currently making a BH to try Powertech, I want a tank :p

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Says who ? They havent once posted anything saying they even acknowledge that this class is the worst ingame. Thats a fact thats not even up for debate. Marauder brings nothing to PvP or PvE that another class cant do much better.


its not the worst in the game.... it mearly has the most QQer expecting a easy mode faceroll class and they lack the ability to play it correctly

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+ 100 forum points for not being a ****head.


BUT... you forgot the biggest CON...



We need more hooded armor. That's the main thing I'd change. Oh and im tired of looking like I deeply enjoy S&M with my skin tight leather chest piece. That is the only thing I'd add to the list.

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+ 100 forum points for not being a ****head.


BUT... you forgot the biggest CON...



We need more hooded armor. That's the main thing I'd change. Oh and im tired of looking like I deeply enjoy S&M with my skin tight leather chest piece. That is the only thing I'd add to the list.


biggest con for me is the ability activation delay :(

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Ability Activation delay is annoying.


Also I am pretty sure we are highest sustained DPS as anni at the moment. Every FP I have been in so far (with sniper dps, sorc dps, merc dps), I've pulled aggro off the tank and off the other DPS both.

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