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A little help on the Defector mission


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Looking foir advice on defeating Valis in the defector mission


i'm a lvl 24 jedi sentinal and companion is Kira. I have had no probs in any of the missions up to here (not including the group ones). I have tried to kill him at least 7 times now and i cant even get him below 30% health. I have done every mission (apart from flashpoints and heroics) so am pretty stcuk :(.


any advice would be great

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dont feel bad im lvl 26 and i cant pass it solo. the only time ive been able to get past it is when i brought my healer friend with me on another toon i was working on. it seams like it cant be passed solo ive tried every combination of companion and stims and nothing works
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He's a tough character, no doubt, but I managed to solo him after I got two levels above him.


No offense to you guys, but using others for class missions feels like cheating, so I'll just do missions until I'm a high enough level to beat the guy I'm facin', and it's still no pushover.


My recommendation: Train a few levels, and practice with different offensive/defensive tactics. His force moves, which are fairly new to a lot when they first face him, constantly throw you back and put you in a bad place.


Once you think you're a high enough level, get a high level stim, medpack, and try out the fight. If you fail, train some more and try again.


It's a bit longer then just getting a friend to help, but it's far more satisfying in the end.

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I am 2 levels above him, I've used Strength and Fortitude stims, and 1066HP (min) Health Packs... AND I STILL CAN'T BEAT HIM, thus why I have this issue also addressed in the thread: "SPOILER: Stuck on Jedi Knight Quest". I can only get him down to half life b4 Kira and I are face down on the floor dead.
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:) so basically i need to find someone to help me. Well at least i dont feel as fail as yesterday lol.


I would love to be 2 lvls above him but seeing as only missions i got is space battles my only other option is to grind kills (fook that).


Thanks for replies thou


Do think its a bit ott thou i think he would be doable if he didnt keep throwing me half way across room (yes i tried to use kick to prevent), by time i get close to him again kira is dead and i am like nearly there even using the the top health kits.

Edited by Chinooks
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I do not remember this fight. What planet is this quest on?


Edit: Nm me, I just remembered which fight this was. I think I was probably like 5 levels higher then him when I fought him which is why it wasn't too memorable. >.>


Do think its a bit ott thou i think he would be doable if he didnt keep throwing me half way across room (yes i tried to use kick to prevent), by time i get close to him again kira is dead and i am like nearly there even using the the top health kits.

Have you tried not opening with force leap and instead saving it for when he tosses you?

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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I do not remember this fight. What planet is this quest on?


Edit: Nm me, I just remembered which fight this was. I think I was probably like 5 levels higher then him when I fought him which is why it wasn't too memorable. >.>



Have you tried not opening with force leap and instead saving it for when he tosses you?


SPOILER: It's right after Taris & Nar Shadaa (at least for Jedi Knight anyway) you meet him on an abandoned mining asteroid

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yeap tried that even survived long enough to use force jump twice on him lol. From sounds of it i go like 0 chance seeing as i am same lvl as him :mad:. So i guess i will leave story line and go to the mission consoles happy days lol
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I'm feeling a bit better with myself after reading this. I first tried this at lvl 25, and after quite a few failed attempts, gave it up. I went back to it today at lvl 28, and still no luck.


The closest I got him on any attempt today was about 33% of his hits still remaining. Considering that I have not had any problems on the character story line missions so far, I'm getting the feeling that this toon is a tad too powerful. Currently planning to return when I'm lvl 30.

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just interrupt his attacks and los him while kira beats on him.




Can't believe I forgot to put this, but if you interrupt his one big knockback attack, his *** is about 10 times easier to kick.


I beat him a while ago, so I don't know if you guys'll have it yet, but use Stasis/Push/Kick whenever he's charging up the one Force attack to cancel it, and he should be easy as pie.

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FINALLY I killed him... I had to get to level 27 (3 levels above him) activate Force Might, Rebuke, Call on the Force, Saber Ward, and use a Fortitude Stim. During combat, Kick helped a little and Stasis was useless. I cycled through Master Strike, Crippling Throw, and Force Sweep in that order of priority, and used 1 Regulation Medpac. I hope that helps Chinook.
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beat him at level 23. Of course I;m a guardian not a sentinel. What you have to do is save your leap for when he throws you away and use your distracting kick to stop him from zapping you with lightning all the time. It works. Make sure you have medpacs too though and try to keep his aggro off Kira.
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Yar I beat him pretty much on lvl with Kira still up. Conventional wisdom is you send Kira in first, and let her keep aggro until she's at like 20%, then go all out to take aggro off her. YOU MUST MUST MUST INTERRUPT SOMETHING (the big knockback is preferable)


If anything this game emphasizes the need to interrupt. Elites and harder mobs throughout the game will be INFINITELY easier if you pay attention and interrupt that cast bar. This isn't like WoW's "let-me-faceroll-to-victory" philosophy.


But yeah, more likely than not you will die for sure that first attempt because you can't start off with Force Leap. Meh, whatevs.


Don't forget Force Stasis is a good interrupt as well, and it's also because for those 3 seconds he's not doing ANY damage. A good "oh *****!" button for sure. And don't forget to use saber ward, THEN Call on the Force, and you'll get to use saber ward again.

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(Quick tips first, detailed explanation follows.)


TL;DR Summary:

1. Switch Kira to Exang, send her in with Blade Ward.

2. Force Leap to interrupt first cast, dump focus and pop Saber Ward and Call on the Force.

3. Interrupt with Force Kick and fight until first push back, after the push back wait for first spell and Force Leap back to interrupt.

4. Renew Saber Ward and use medpac as needed.

5. Continue to fight at close quarters when Kick is up, kite and Leap when pushed back or Kick is down.

6. Win.



I died the first couple of times on this fight as well at level 24 (I had not trained so I didn't have Force Stasis, which would've made this even easier), then I rethought my strategy. As a split Def/Vig Guard, to succeed I switched Kira to Exsanguination, hit attack and immediately popped her Blade Ward when she completed her leap, popped Combat Focus and then hit Force Leap (FL) to interrupt when Valis' first cast began. I dumped all Focus as quickly as possible while popping Force Kick (FK) to interrupt (at this point you should have aggro, if not, I would assume it would be wise to Taunt and/or use Stasis and hide behind the boxes immediately to the north of Valis). When I first got pushed back, I popped Saber Ward (SW) and immediately thereafter hit Call on the Force (CotF) to refresh the cooldown on SW.


Each time I tried this, even when successful, Kira died, so it is imperative to pop SW and CotF as quickly as possible or she will eat **** before you have the opportunity to refresh SW. After the initial salvo outlined above, I simply burned him down with Focus dumps while FKing (sounds dirty) when close, then kited (using the usually useless Force Freeze if needed to keep distance) when knocked back and/or until FL was back up. I used a Presence stim and a basic medpac, but otherwise it wasn't as tough as it seems.


Just gotta remember to pop SW and CotF before Kira dies to get that second SW, and to FK and kite until you see the cast so you can FL in and interrupt.


EDIT: Just reread the previous couple of posts and realized my strategy wasn't much different. As an aside, how are people using medpacs (plural)? Aren't all medpacs on 90s shared cooldown?

Edited by JagerPanzer
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  • 4 weeks later...
(Quick tips first, detailed explanation follows.)


TL;DR Summary:

1. Switch Kira to Exang, send her in with Blade Ward.

2. Force Leap to interrupt first cast, dump focus and pop Saber Ward and Call on the Force.

3. Interrupt with Force Kick and fight until first push back, after the push back wait for first spell and Force Leap back to interrupt.

4. Renew Saber Ward and use medpac as needed.

5. Continue to fight at close quarters when Kick is up, kite and Leap when pushed back or Kick is down.

6. Win.



I died the first couple of times on this fight as well at level 24 (I had not trained so I didn't have Force Stasis, which would've made this even easier), then I rethought my strategy. As a split Def/Vig Guard, to succeed I switched Kira to Exsanguination, hit attack and immediately popped her Blade Ward when she completed her leap, popped Combat Focus and then hit Force Leap (FL) to interrupt when Valis' first cast began. I dumped all Focus as quickly as possible while popping Force Kick (FK) to interrupt (at this point you should have aggro, if not, I would assume it would be wise to Taunt and/or use Stasis and hide behind the boxes immediately to the north of Valis). When I first got pushed back, I popped Saber Ward (SW) and immediately thereafter hit Call on the Force (CotF) to refresh the cooldown on SW.


Each time I tried this, even when successful, Kira died, so it is imperative to pop SW and CotF as quickly as possible or she will eat **** before you have the opportunity to refresh SW. After the initial salvo outlined above, I simply burned him down with Focus dumps while FKing (sounds dirty) when close, then kited (using the usually useless Force Freeze if needed to keep distance) when knocked back and/or until FL was back up. I used a Presence stim and a basic medpac, but otherwise it wasn't as tough as it seems.


Just gotta remember to pop SW and CotF before Kira dies to get that second SW, and to FK and kite until you see the cast so you can FL in and interrupt.


EDIT: Just reread the previous couple of posts and realized my strategy wasn't much different. As an aside, how are people using medpacs (plural)? Aren't all medpacs on 90s shared cooldown?



Thanks for this! FTW!! this worked beautifully

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I finally downed him and I was lvl. 26. Make sure you have your stims, I was a guardian and casted protect on Kira. I also had a bio med pack that heals both party members for over 1000hp. Remember this fight is real quick (30 second fight max. He down you or you down him) so get your 2 relics that you can buy from light side vendor, pop both of those up front. Save leap until he knocks you back and use a boost stim. The interupts did not work for me so don't spend those precious second on those buttons. Hit him hard and hit him fast and you will be victorious.
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Managed to solo this at lvl24 sentinal after 8-10th try.


sending kira in first and using force leap to interrupt, followed by master strike and zeolous strike and cauterize (heals on critical hits when in juyo form)


when he knocks back the 2nd time if you cant force leap/out of range for kick to interupt, use the big crates or pillars to get out of LOS that way he cant hit you.


Kira died on the 2nd knockback.


I managed to kill him after the 2nd knockback/shockwave skill.


med kit - reuseable surgical medkit (lvl16 1250-1525 heal)

no stims


finished fight with ~200 health (4300 maximum)

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