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Why is everyone so impatient and unfriendly?


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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


Sadly this is true. Which is why I'm in a guild full of like-minded people and the bulk of my socialising is done in-guild.

Edited by Mandrax
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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


I like how people say WoW brought up MMOs, but all it has done is ruin them, steal ideas and take credit for originality, make everything so easy a Caveman can do it, and overall ruin the communities. I played MMOs about 5 years before WoW came out, my first was when Runescape first launched and I was like.. 7ish.

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Well, to be honest, I'd never give my real name or tell people I pug with any personal stuff. That stuff is reserved for my friends. With that said, I will always be polite in-game, and not do the go go go stuff.


It's rude, and its impolite.

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Yeah OP, I agree.


I want 30 minute chats with my teammates before we do any sort of gamey stuff. Community and socializing is important, that's why I spend hundreds of hours playing a video game in my room.


Sounds like you need to go back to XBOX live.

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Yeah OP, I agree.


I want 30 minute chats with my teammates before we do any sort of gamey stuff. Community and socializing is important, that's why I spend hundreds of hours playing a video game in my room.


Seconded, I don't pay 15 dollars a month to EXPERIENCE the content or actually play the game. I'm here to socialize with my fellow gamers and build community by getting to know them indepth.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


Please tell me you're joking.

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Seconded, I don't pay 15 dollars a month to EXPERIENCE the content or actually play the game. I'm here to socialize with my fellow gamers and build community by getting to know them indepth.


Seriously, how will I ever find a wife if all people want to do is play video games? Such no-life losers.

Edited by YooYooMa
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I'm friendly when grouping, but if the guys turn out to suck I'll usually leave the group quite quickly, without a word.


If you suck at an FPS, I can forgive you, FPS can be hard.


Suck at an RTS, I can forgive you, RTS are one of the hardest genre.


Suck at an MMO? No excuse.


Though I won't be rude or insulting. I'll just leave the group quietly and go about my business.


No reason to be mean.

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


100% spot on, it's really sad, gaming communites have been on the decline for some time now, with a whole new level of just plain nastyness..:(

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I'm friendly when grouping, but if the guys turn out to suck I'll usually leave the group quite quickly, without a word.


If you suck at an FPS, I can forgive you, FPS can be hard.


Suck at an RTS, I can forgive you, RTS are one of the hardest genre.


Suck at an MMO? No excuse.


Though I won't be rude or insulting. I'll just leave the group quietly and go about my business.


No reason to be mean.


Absolutely ridiculous, instead of helping out your fellow gamer and member of your server by befriending and mentoring them (maybe possibly marrying them one day) you take the easy road out and go on with your antisocial behavior. How can we have a strong community if people like Yfelsung aren't willing to put in the WORK to help build it?

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im not dps'ing unless I know peoples credit card numbers, adress, hair colour, car model, age, favorite movies, eating habbits- ah just kidding mate.


Personally I havent met any unfriendly players yet- maybe I should send more random invites :p

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Heh, reminds me of one my first Black Talon runs post-launch.


somedude: guys, hit spacebar

somedude: guys, hit spacebar

somedude: guys, hit spacebar

me: maybe this is people's first time in this fp

somedude: yeah, i know

somedude: guys, hit spacebar

somedude: guys, hit spacebar

Edited by BluePlatypus
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It's not just MMO's that have the problem, but yes, it's more pronounced in them.



Yup. It's the "Youtube generation" people, they want and need instant gratification. Think of the generation after them. Technology, as much as I love it, will kill us all. Maybe not physically, but socially, yes.

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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.

The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


Either you're trolling or...I don't even know what. I would quit the group too and I'm not anti-social or unfriendly. What the hell, man. You have got to be kidding. I can't believe anyone is even agreeing, they must not be reading past the first sentence.

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