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Seer/Heal Spec advice


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Hi, everyone!


I reviewed some of the healing/seer specs posted in this thread. I realized that I made somewhat uninformed choices with regard to my seer spec. For example, I put two points in Egress but it hardly makes any noticeable difference. It sounded useful on "paper" since I use Force Armor a lot but it seems worthless compared to other skills that I could be benefiting from. I guess you learn by trying but I want to respec - I'm level 31 by the way.


The two specs I was particularly looking at:





They have some discrepancies with pain bearer, wisdom, mind's eye, etc. Is there an "optimal" way to go? I know play style and preferences will make what is "optimal" subjective but hearing about how other people made their choices and why they made them help me tremendously.


I could use some advice on how to spec myself for healing. Also, some advice on what order to allot points in since I'm not max level would be great. :)


Thank you! ..and may the Force be with you! <3 :p

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It might help if you posted your current build or the one you were looking to go towards at level 50, it could just be fine as it is.


Sage seer builds are mostly all the same with maybe 5 or so points in different skills. As far as those 2 builds go, i think the 1st one is slightly better due to having points in Wisdom (Seer 1st tier) which helps the slightly bit more then having points in Mind's eye (TK 2nd tier) as a healer.


My own build is this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGrRbd0dGzZf00MZoM.1


Again very similar, I had one point floating around at the end and I put it into Jedi Resistance (Balance 1st tier). I didn't put any points into skills relating to offensive abilities like alot of the Weaken Mind-related skillls since I don't find myself using it ever. Having a 20% Slow on the weakest DOT I have ever seen is hardly useful when you are in a standup fight 95% of the time.


BTW Level 48 now and its working out pretty well for me.

Edited by Ewokinator
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Nice spec there Ewok, and I do agree with your comments, however that dot might be weak by itself but it does cause internal dmg which smuggs just love :p


Not worth speccing for the slow, but in the right context can still be useful even as a seer, depending on your group.


I'm still tweaking my own build on paper so to speak, I have a very specific play style when I run a healer, so trying to mesh that with the swtor mechanics into something I completely gel with :D

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Ewokinator - Thank you for the quick reply. :)


I was embarrassed to post my build since it really doesn't make much sense, but here goes:



I really didn't know what I was doing so I made some fundamental flaws. This kind of system is new to me coming from FFXI and Aion - but now that I understand my class a bit better (between research and reading the great posts from other Sages here <3) that I need to respec.


As far as what I'm aiming for at level 50 - not sure, since I really don't know what end-game is like in this game. As I said earlier, this kind of system where you could spec is great but a new concept for me. In Aion, for example, there were only two specs - one was DPS and one was healing. If you weren't the specific healing tree, good luck getting a PvE group. Not much customization as in this game so it's a bit overwhelming but in a good way. I'm trying to feel it out as I go along here. :)


Currently, I do a lot of group activities with my small group of friends since we all joined together and I do a lot of warzones, too. I mainly just heal since Cleric/White Mage were my previous classes in the other games that I played. I love the fact that I have CCs and defensive skills as a Sage as well.

Edited by akanesama
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Not a bad build so far, the only thing I would suggest changing is the 4 points you have in Valiance and Egress. Resplendence (2nd-from the top in Seer) Negates the health cost of using Noble Sacrifice, if you crit while using Healing Trance. This means the 2% decrease in health cost of Noble Sacrifice is null, since hopefully you will be critting at least once during Trance's channel, and as you said the 20% speed increase in Force Armour buff isn't as useful as the 4 points needed for it would suggest.


I did some redistrbuting for the 4 points, like so http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGbRbd0z.1


If you have problems with maintaining your force energy, you could take 1 point out of Healing Trance and Force Shelter and put them into the TK Tree in Mental Longevity. You would lose healing trance for maybe 2 levels, one if you decide to only put 1 into Longevity, but it could be worth it if you find yourself running out of energy too fast.


also I never played a healer in an mmo before so I just kinda dumped skills into all the healing-related skills and picked the nice looking support skills haha

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It might help if you posted your current build or the one you were looking to go towards at level 50, it could just be fine as it is.


Sage seer builds are mostly all the same with maybe 5 or so points in different skills. As far as those 2 builds go, i think the 1st one is slightly better due to having points in Wisdom (Seer 1st tier) which helps the slightly bit more then having points in Mind's eye (TK 2nd tier) as a healer.


My own build is this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGrRbd0dGzZf00MZoM.1


Again very similar, I had one point floating around at the end and I put it into Jedi Resistance (Balance 1st tier). I didn't put any points into skills relating to offensive abilities like alot of the Weaken Mind-related skillls since I don't find myself using it ever. Having a 20% Slow on the weakest DOT I have ever seen is hardly useful when you are in a standup fight 95% of the time.


BTW Level 48 now and its working out pretty well for me.


This is the spec I am working toward as well.

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My PVP oriented build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGrRbdbzGzZcc0MZ0M.1

Currently lv 50 lv 54 valor.


Some of my choices might not make sense as I put 3 points on 6% extra damage on dps skill and took 2 points of Confound but as my friends and I practically live in the warzone 24/7, I found this build suitable for my need. Assisting the person I heal is more effective with that bit of extra %.


Agree that Egress is a disappointment :mad:

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