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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Recent actions against some customer accounts


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You specifically claim that these people have been exploiting and botting. Do you have proof of this?


Otherwise I prefer to give the consumer the benefit of the doubt and from what I've read in this forum and others it sounds much more like a game design flaw than a bug or exploit.


I've already asked you numerous times to clarify why you think its an exploit and you've decided to instead drop out of the conversation.


Either explain why you believe this to be true or I'm not sure you can honestly bring anything else to the table anyway.


Edit: You can't rage over people assuming its Bioware's fault when you obviously are just assuming the opposite. See how they are both assumptions? Either you have proof its botting/exploiting that you are withholding or you're just assuming it was the consumers to blame.


Yes he does. The first post. :D



Seriously. Knock it off. You're making assumptions where there is no evidence to support them as an excuse to rage at Bioware. Then when people call you on your assumptions, are going "LOL WHERE'S YOU'RE EVIDENCE!?".


That's not being clever. That's being distressingly obtuse in the favor of deliberately avoiding addressing the situation at hand.

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You've already admitted its a game design flaw by Bioware, is there anything more to say?



You assume that its fine to ban people for the way Bioware designed the game.


Obviously this is not ok and thats why people are concerned about it overall.


Dude, no one has been BANNED for farming loot containers on Ilum.

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It's effectively the same thing. A level 1 hoards so much of the market economy because he has the power to, and then sells it for more thus making a profit. Ergo, a level 1 stays in 1 spot on Ilum and continually opens chests granting him credits over time.


Both result in 1 thing: the player has worked, whether it's hard or easy, to get credits and so is rewarded. However Bioware are angry about this and temp banning people for ... playing the game as it was designed.


I hate fanboys who think Bioware can do no wrong. >_>


Those fanboys are seriously maddening and unfortunately troll these forums constantly.

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It's effectively the same thing. A level 1 hoards so much of the market economy because he has the power to, and then sells it for more thus making a profit. Ergo, a level 1 stays in 1 spot on Ilum and continually opens chests granting him credits over time.


Both result in 1 thing: the player has worked, whether it's hard or easy, to get credits and so is rewarded. However Bioware are angry about this and temp banning people for ... playing the game as it was designed.


I hate fanboys who think Bioware can do no wrong. >_>


"Fanboys who think BioWare can do no wrong"....


Get that stigma out of your narrow mind, and MAYBE you'll understand what I'm trying to say.


BioWare is doing what they can to keep from allowing a new economy to become broken, and all you can do is quote me exploits from an already broken economy. Please, try to do better.


Yes, it's unfortunate that some who have found and.... taken advantage of those loopholes... had to be "paused" for a little while.


Well, if it keeps the economy in check, more power to them, and SMALL SACRIFICE.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yes he does. The first post. :D



Seriously. Knock it off. You're making assumptions where there is no evidence to support them as an excuse to rage at Bioware. Then when people call you on your assumptions, are going "LOL WHERE'S YOU'RE EVIDENCE!?".


That's not being clever. That's being distressingly obtuse in the favor of deliberately avoiding addressing the situation at hand.


Temporary bans where given for people farming in level 50 zones. I thought this had been clarified by now.



In this scenario temporary bans are not as bad but still extremely ridiculous. We can debate about this further if you'd like.


EDIT: Why are you even back on these forums anyway? We had debunked you as an obvious fanboy troll pages ago when you claimed the people banned had been botting/exploiting. You had no proof and I asked you for proof. Do you not see how hypocritical your being here?

Edited by humpacactus
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<Enter Sarcasm>


Someone was arrested for exploiting ebay. They were told by the judge that it ruined the United States economy. He is now serving life in prison.


<End Sarcasm>


Your error not ours. Nice cover up though with the Gold farmers.

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"Fanboys who think BioWare can do no wrong"....


Get that stigma out of your narrow mind, and MAYBE you'll understand what I'm trying to say.


BioWare is doing what they can to keep from allowing a new economy to become broken, and all you can do is quote me exploits from an already broken economy. Please, try to do better.


Yes, it's unfortunate that some who have found and.... taken advantage of those loopholes... had to be "paused" for a little while.


Well, if it keeps the economy in check, more power to them, and SMALL SACRIFICE.

The economy needs people who farm credits as their game "life" to survive.


Why do you think servers thrive so much despite all the gold sellers? The gold sellers put stuff on the AH for ridiculously low prices, which are then bought and put up for a profit (from the buying player). Gold sellers, while bad, generate their massive amount of income (of credits) via the AH (GNT in this case) and it, amazingly helps smooth the economy overall. The only issue is when credits are bought for real life money.

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The economy needs people who farm credits as their game "life" to survive.


Why do you think servers thrive so much despite all the gold sellers? The gold sellers put stuff on the AH for ridiculously low prices, which are then bought and put up for a profit (from the buying player). Gold sellers, while bad, generate their massive amount of income (of credits) via the AH (GNT in this case) and it, amazingly helps smooth the economy overall. The only issue is when credits are bought for real life money.




You can't POSSIBLY be serious....


That's like saying that peace cannot be realized without terrorism...

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This is why their accounts aren't being BANNED. They are being SUSPENDED. Huge difference.


A few days of game time isn't the end of the world. They'll fix it.


no it wouldnt be the end of the world just the end of my sub to the game.


I think that the people involved were exploiting using the zone flipping method. i would just like a response from Bioware stating that that was the case.


if they were not exploiting the zone mechanics to get chests to respawn faster then i think temp ban/warnings were not a reasonable way to go about fixing the problem. since most people that play this game do not read the forums and can just randomly go to ilum and do the same thing without knowing that it could result in a suspensioin.

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if they were not exploiting the zone mechanics to get chests to respawn faster then i think temp ban/warnings were not a reasonable way to go about fixing the problem. since most people that play this game do not read the forums and can just randomly go to ilum and do the same thing without knowing that it could result in a suspensioin.



You 100% got it and its sad that other people cant understand that.


That part of the bannings/suspenions (not the gold selling obviously) is Biowares fault and they should fix it without attacking their paying customers.

Edited by humpacactus
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no it wouldnt be the end of the world just the end of my sub to the game.


I think that the people involved were exploiting using the zone flipping method. i would just like a response from Bioware stating that that was the case.


if they were not exploiting the zone mechanics to get chests to respawn faster then i think temp ban/warnings were not a reasonable way to go about fixing the problem. since most people that play this game do not read the forums and can just randomly go to ilum and do the same thing without knowing that it could result in a suspensioin.


Again, people going to Ilum to slice and farm some loot containers, as SR has already stated, were considered 'NORMAL GAMEPLAY' and were not suspended.


This seems to be an exercise of most people here blowing things way out of proportion.

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It's an MMO. It has an ingame economy via the AH. A level 1 character with 100 gold in WoW can eventually make 34827598279q47967359737298 gold simply due to the AH. It is the same in SWTOR, except in SWTOR the level 1 can be banned apparently. It's just wrong.


I don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want, and you're using Skyrim (a single player game lol) as an example? So you're saying SWTOR, an MMO, should follow the path of a single player game?


You should not be allowed to do whatever you want. No matter where you go there are rules about behavior. Just play the game normally and you have nothing to worry about. Almost sounds to me like you guys just heard of this exploit and are wanting to make money using it. If you just sell stuff you find on the AH you will be fine. If you go to ilum and just loot a couple containers you also are fine. If you sit and camp the chest 24/7 with a character 30 levels below the area's range then yu might get banned. I dont understand how people can not understand this.

Edited by Meluna
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Again, people going to Ilum to slice and farm some loot containers, as SR has already stated, were considered 'NORMAL GAMEPLAY' and were not suspended.


This seems to be an exercise of most people here blowing things way out of proportion.


Do I really need to bring up the whole "normal game time" debate you tried to unleash a few pages back? Your changing your story left and right. Sheesh....

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You 100% got it and its sad that other people cant understand that.


That part of the bannings/suspenions (not the gold selling obviously) is Biowares fault and they should fix it without attacking their paying customers.


Actually, the people exercising what he described were not banned or suspended.


And it's sad that people can't understand that.

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You should not be allowed to do whatever you want. No matter where you go there are rules about behavior. Just play the game normally and you have nothing to worry about. Almost sounds to me like you guys just heard of this exploit and are wanting to make money using it. If you just sell stuff you find on the AH you will be fine. If you go to ilum and just loot a couple containers you also are fine. If you sit and camp the chest 24/7 with a character 30 levels below the area's range then yu might get banned. I dont understand how people can not understand this.


Why should you be banned for camping something? What's the difference between a level 30 camping it and a level 50 camping it?

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You 100% got it and its sad that other people cant understand that.


That part of the bannings/suspenions (not the gold selling obviously) is Biowares fault and they should fix it without attacking their paying customers.


How sad is it you didnt even read what you are talking about. Noone was banned other than gold sellers who were banned permanently.

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You should not be allowed to do whatever you want. No matter where you go there are rules about behavior. Just play the game normally and you have nothing to worry about. Almost sounds to me like you guys just heard of this exploit and are wanting to make money using it. If you just sell stuff you find on the AH you will be fine. If you go to ilum and just loot a couple containers you also are fine. If you sit and camp the chest 24/7 with a character 30 levels below the area's range then yu might get banned. I dont understand how people can not understand this.


People don't understand it because the game was designed that way by Bioware (and they should take full responsibility and fix the problem without temporarily banning paying costumers).



This isn't even a problem for me or anyone I know playing the game. Although I surely sympathize with them and would hate to be suspended for something Bioware designed, implemented, and tested (or clearly didn't find testing).

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Why should you be banned for camping something? What's the difference between a level 30 camping it and a level 50 camping it?


The level 50 loot in the container. Thats the difference. Its loot you shouldnt have access to. I am sure they will fix it soon so it cannot be done anymore. In the meantime people have been warned so if you want to get banned go ahead and exploit this bug before they can fix it.

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Nowhere here, nor in the OP, nor in any other post given by any dev did it mention that 7 hours one day was the reason they suspended an account.


I think many of us can say we spend an entire day farming. If so, guess what? That falls under "normal gameplay"!


What does that mean? Those that spent several days, 7 hours a day (which is NOT normal gameplay) were probably questioned.


And you know what? KUDOS!! It's about freaking time a developer took positive action to help control an ingame economy. Way overdue, actually.





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People don't understand it because the game was designed that way by Bioware (and they should take full responsibility and fix the problem without temporarily banning paying costumers).



This isn't even a problem for me or anyone I know playing the game. Although I surely sympathize with them and would hate to be suspended for something Bioware designed, implemented, and tested (or clearly didn't find testing).


How many times do people have to be told that just because there is a bug doesnt mean you get to exploit the bug until its fixed? Also again NOONE was banned for this only people selling credits for rl money were banned. READ!

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Actually, the people exercising what he described were not banned or suspended.


And it's sad that people can't understand that.


where was it said that they were not just farming the chest spawns and were exploiting the zone mechanics?


I still have not seen a response about it other than to say that they were not using "normal gameplay" which is very vague. since what some consider "normal gameplay"(farming for hours) and what others consider it are completely different.


I would really like to know what the devs consider "normal gameplay" or at least what the people were doing that was not "normal gameplay".

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How many times do people have to be told that just because there is a bug doesnt mean you get to exploit the bug until its fixed? Also again NOONE was banned for this only people selling credits for rl money were banned. READ!


It's not an obvious bug - thats the key difference.


Duping items or currency somehow is an obvious bug. Botting is an obvious exploit. Both clearly bannable offenses.


Looting and collecting items, waiting for the respawn, and selling them to npcs is not an obvious bug and doesn't warrant a temporary ban.

Edited by humpacactus
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So if your skill in slicing brings you to Ilum but your lvl isn't 40+ you get suspended ? Seems very unfair.


if this is not the case please correct me.


What does a players skill in slicing have to do with camping and farming the storage containers that anyone can open by simply clicking on them?

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