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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Recent actions against some customer accounts


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I'm not "pretending" that I can be banned. I can be, at any time and for any reason. I agreed to that much. What bothers me is the vagueness of their guidelines - we're allowed to loot chests without level restrictions, as long as we don't do it too much. I'd like them to define what "too much" means, especially since they insist on tying the whole thing to the character level.


For the record, I do not think you're a fanboy or have any problems with what you have to say. We just disagree, as I don't think it's fair to ask the players to go on a gut feeling as to what constitutes an exploit, while you think it should be obvious to anybody.


In this case, too much = colluding with the opposite faction to respawn things on demand as soon as they've been looted/collected.

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Just because someone plays the game more than you (or has more time to play most likely) doesn't make them a cheater/exploiter/hacker.


Do you really not understand that?


I play damned near 18-20 hours a day. Am I farming credits the whole time, every day? Hell no.


So get over your phony definition and realize that people that spend, as SR said, "inordinate amounts of time" farming credits...


That behavior needs to be curbed for the good of the economy. Plain and simple.


Oh, if only that could be done in RL, we wouldn't see the recession we see now.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I play damned near 18-20 hours a day. Am I farming credits the whole time, every day? Hell no.


So get over your phony definition and realize that people that spend, as SR said, "inordinate amounts of time" farming credits...


That behavior needs to be cubed for the good of the economy. Plain and simple.


Oh, if only that could be done in RL, we wouldn't see the recession we see now.


Have you never played another MMO in your life?


Seriously there is little to no logic behind your comments and I'm not trying to be rude either.


All your really saying is well they don't play the way I play so they should be banned. People like to farm items and money in MMO's.


I'm not a personal fan of it myself but can easily recognize some people do enjoy it.

Edited by humpacactus
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I play damned near 18-20 hours a day. Am I farming credits the whole time, every day? Hell no.


So get over your phony definition and realize that people that spend, as SR said, "inordinate amounts of time" farming credits...


That behavior needs to be cubed for the good of the economy. Plain and simple.


Oh, if only that could be done in RL, we wouldn't see the recession we see now.


If you spend 24 hours a day idling in the Imperial Fleet you are just idling. If I spend 24 hours a day farming Ilum for chests I am spending 24 hours a day farming Ilum for chests. We have played the same amount, I however have done more than you.


That's a laugh. Work harder? Really? Sitting in your haunches waiting for a respawn is "working harder"?


Surely you jest...

If it's so "easy" you should do it then. Hell, everyone should do it because it's "easy" and thus everyone is on equal footing, right? Wait that argument doesn't work because people are lazy. Anyone, effectively, in WoW can play the AH and earn 100,000 gold a day. Only a handful of people do it though.

Edited by Meluna
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That's a laugh. Work harder? Really? Sitting in your haunches waiting for a respawn is "working harder"?


Surely you jest...


If they were sitting and waiting on a respawn, they weren't suspended. They said directly, early on in this thread, that camping a spawn is within their definition of normal gameplay.

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Have you never played another MMO in your life?


Seriously there is little to no logic behind your comments and I'm not trying to be rude either.


I've played MMOs since the late 90's. Your point?


Economics is economics. Except in a virtual world where the developer is literally "god", it can be controlled, if they have the guts.


In fact, Georg Zoeller came out and admitted that, heck yes, developers are the "gods" of their game.

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If you spend 24 hours a day idling in the Imperial Fleet you are just idling. If I spend 24 hours a day farming Ilum for chests I am spending 24 hours a day farming Ilum for chests. We have played the same amount, I however have done more than you.



If it's so "easy" you should do it then. Hell, everyone should do it because it's "easy" and thus everyone is on equal footing, right? Wait that argument doesn't work because people are lazy. Anyone, effectively, in WoW can play the AH and earn 100,000 gold a day. Only a handful of people do it though.


No, that argument doesn't work because the vast majority of people would rather, y'know, PLAY THE DAMNED GAME than mindlessly farm.


Playing your storyline or sitting on Ilum at level 20 farming. Gee, I wonder which activity BioWare designed the player to do? Hmmm..

Edited by Meluna
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I've played MMOs since the late 90's. Your point?


Economics is economics. Except in a virtual world where the developer is literally "god", it can be controlled, if they have the guts.


In fact, Georg Zoeller came out and admitted that, heck yes, developers are the "gods" of their game.


If they aren't duping or botting than it doesn't matter what they do. If you pay and want to collect items for 24 hours a day, everyday, thats completely within your right.


You could also play 24 hours a day, everyday, and do absolutely nothing. Still more than reasonable and thats essentially what an MMORPG is (and makes me question if you've really played them in the past).


If it was for duping/botting than I agree 100% they should be banned. However, it doesn't seem like this was the case.

Edited by humpacactus
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In this case, too much = colluding with the opposite faction to respawn things on demand as soon as they've been looted/collected.


Re-read the OP. They did two things:


1. Banned accounts selling credits for RL currency. Fair enough, and well done.


2. Issued warnings or temporary suspensions to players who were "systematically and repeatedly" farming containers in Ilum, with clarification that farming there even as a low level character is fine, as long as it is not "excessive".


I see nothing about zone flipping or colluding. If it were the case, I'd agree with the actions taken.

Edited by chizhik
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No, that argument doesn't work because the vast majority of people would rather, y'know, PLAY THE DAMNED GAME than mindlessly farm.


Playing your storyline or sitting on Ilum at level 20 farming. Gee, I wonder which BioWar designed the player to do? Hmmm..

So a player can't do what they want in a game? Are we really saying in an MMO players are confined to do, essentially, what a single player game would make you do? Are we really suggesting that in 2012, MMOs are now forcing their players to do "what the game wants" rather than "what the player wants?" I weep for Minecraft then, because if Minecraft follows suit you'll only be allowed to make a house with bricks, and you wont be allowed to grow flowers at the risk of insulting a lazy gamer.

Edited by Meluna
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If they aren't duping or botting than it doesn't matter what they do. If you pay and want to collect items for 24 hours a day, everyday, thats completely within your right.


You could also play 24 hours a day, everyday, and do absolutely nothing. Still more than reasonable and thats essentially what an MMORPG is (and makes me question if you've really played them in the past).


If it was for duping/botting than I agree 100% they should be banned. However, it doesn't seem like this was the case.


No, I completely think that higher level loot and items should be level restricted.


Because when you trust the community to use their heads and not gimp the economy, you get the current crisis.


So, it needs to be forced by way of mechanics. However, until that happens, the current solution is agreeable.

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Re-read the OP. They did two things:


1. Banned accounts selling credits for RL currency. Fair enough, and well done.


2. Issued warning or temporary suspensions to players who were "systematically and repeatedly" farming containers in Ilum, with clarification that farming there even as a low level character is fine, as long as it is not "excessive".


I see nothing about zone flipping or colluding. If it were the case, I'd agree with actions taken.


Topic 1 is obviously a good and reasonable ban.


I think its clear most people are very concerned about the bannings regarding topic 2 and for good reason.

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No, I completely think that higher level loot and items should be level restricted.


Because when you trust the community to use their heads and not gimp the economy, you get the current crisis.


So, it needs to be forced by way of mechanics. However, until that happens, the current solution is agreeable.


Thank you! You've actually agreed that it's a mechanical game issue (which is Biowares fault and not really the consumers - or at the very least not all of them).


Unfortunately, your assuming its ok to ban people (from something they paid, and will continue to pay for) for a game design flaw.


I'd 100% disagree.

Edited by humpacactus
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So a player can't do what they want in a game? Are we really saying in an MMO players are confined to do, essentially, what a single player game would make you do? Are we really suggesting that in 2012, MMOs are now forcing their players to do "what the game wants" rather than "what the player wants?" I weep for Minecraft then, because if Minecraft follows suit you'll only be allowed to make a house with bricks, and you wont be allowed to grow flowers at the risk of insulting a lazy gamer.


Give me a break.


Even in Skyrim, your economic income is regulated. In fact, in every other game I can think of, your economic income is regulated depending on your level. It's just not feasible to try to"farm" gold in those games, because the more you level, the more profitable your endeavors.


Why should it be different here?

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Give me a break.


Even in Skyrim, your economic income is regulated. In fact, in every other game I can think of, your economic income is regulated depending on your level. It's just not feasible to try to"farm" gold in those games, because the more you level, the more profitable your endeavors.


Why should it be different here?


Everyone agrees with you - its a game design flaw. Blame Bioware and not the players playing the game as Bioware designed it.

Edited by humpacactus
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Topic 1 is obviously a good and reasonable ban.


I think its clear most people are very concerned about the bannings regarding topic 2 and for good reason.


To be clear: the ONLY accounts that were "banned" were the ones that were SELLING credits for RL money.


All other were only temporarily suspended.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Give me a break.


Even in Skyrim, your economic income is regulated. In fact, in every other game I can think of, your economic income is regulated depending on your level. It's just not feasible to try to"farm" gold in those games, because the more you level, the more profitable your endeavors.


Why should it be different here?


It's an MMO. It has an ingame economy via the AH. A level 1 character with 100 gold in WoW can eventually make 34827598279q47967359737298 gold simply due to the AH. It is the same in SWTOR, except in SWTOR the level 1 can be banned apparently. It's just wrong.


I don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want, and you're using Skyrim (a single player game lol) as an example? So you're saying SWTOR, an MMO, should follow the path of a single player game?

Edited by Meluna
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It's an MMO. It has an ingame economy via the AH. A level 1 character with 100 gold in WoW can eventually make 34827598279q47967359737298 gold simply due to the AH. It is the same in SWTOR, except in SWTOR the level 1 can be banned apparently. It's just wrong.


I don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want, and you're using Skyrim (a single player game lol) as an example? So you're saying SWTOR, an MMO, should follow the path of a single player game?


I used Skyrim because YOU used a SPRPG as an example.


And using the AH to exponentially increase your investments?? Are you purposely being obtuse?


Do you not see how COMPLETELY different that is than the current issue?!

Edited by Meluna
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Give me a break.


Even in Skyrim, your economic income is regulated. In fact, in every other game I can think of, your economic income is regulated depending on your level. It's just not feasible to try to"farm" gold in those games, because the more you level, the more profitable your endeavors.


Why should it be different here?


I completely agree but Bioware decided to allow you to go Ilum when you get your ship and decided to put chests where a level 10 could loot them without being destroyed by mobs. guess what happens in those other games you speak about. the devs decide to not let you got to those places and/or put appropriate level mobs there to detract this from happening. its on the devs not the players to police this since anyone can do it and its completely fair to do it in its current state as long as you are not glitching the spawn timer or other exploits.

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I used Skyrim because YOU used a SPRPG as an example.


And using the AH to exponential increase your investments?? Are you purposely being obtuse?


Do you not see how COMPLETELY different that is than the current issue?!


You've already admitted its a game design flaw by Bioware, is there anything more to say?



You assume that its fine to ban people for the way Bioware designed the game.


Obviously this is not ok and thats why people are concerned about it overall.

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I used Skyrim because YOU used a SPRPG as an example.


And using the AH to exponentially increase your investments?? Are you purposely being obtuse?


Do you not see how COMPLETELY different that is than the current issue?!


It's effectively the same thing. A level 1 hoards so much of the market economy because he has the power to, and then sells it for more thus making a profit. Ergo, a level 1 stays in 1 spot on Ilum and continually opens chests granting him credits over time.


Both result in 1 thing: the player has worked, whether it's hard or easy, to get credits and so is rewarded. However Bioware are angry about this and temp banning people for ... playing the game as it was designed.


I hate fanboys who think Bioware can do no wrong. >_>

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I completely agree but Bioware decided to allow you to go Ilum when you get your ship and decided to put chests where a level 10 could loot them without being destroyed by mobs. guess what happens in those other games you speak about. the devs decide to not let you got to those places and/or put appropriate level mobs there to detract this from happening. its on the devs not the players to police this since anyone can do it and its completely fair to do it in its current state as long as you are not glitching the spawn timer or other exploits.


This is why their accounts aren't being BANNED. They are being SUSPENDED. Huge difference.


A few days of game time isn't the end of the world. They'll fix it.

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