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Recent actions against some customer accounts


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Not sure what you're talking about, but farming for 7 hours isn't the definition of fun for the majority of people, nor do the majority of people have 7 hours to spend farming.


Well perheaps someone has fun doing this because he is chatting, watching a movie or doing anything else while farming some credits.


Or perheaps some has no fun doing this, but fun in crafting (and as we all know: you need credits for crafting).


Nothing wrong with that :)

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So the people who do farm 7 hours should have an advantage. If you're lazy you deserve to be punished for your laziness.


Woah, you're quite aggressive. You seem to be under the impression that people were in fact not exploiting, yet as of now no one has given proof that the people banned were innocent. Just speculation that the action was unwarranted which is laughable.

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Not sure what you're talking about, but farming for 7 hours isn't the definition of fun for the majority of people, nor do the majority of people have 7 hours to spend farming.

Between that and

Actually if I witnessed that behavior I'd submit a ticket for a suspected bot.

I'm glad you weren't there to see me working on The Insane title in WoW. And yes, I thought it was fun.

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Woah, you're quite aggressive. You seem to be under the impression that people were in fact not exploiting, yet as of now no one has given proof that the people banned were innocent. Just speculation that the action was unwarranted which is laughable.


Farming an item or camping an item for hours and hours and hours of a day is not exploiting. It's farming. You do not get banned for farming an item. If you're actually arguing this, can I be banned because I have my level 43 alt parked in Belsavis and log it intermittently to see if the world boss (The Primal Destroyer) has respawned so we (the guild) can constantly kill it as we're farming for the white colour crystal? It's exactly the same thing.

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Woah, you're quite aggressive. You seem to be under the impression that people were in fact not exploiting, yet as of now no one has given proof that the people banned were innocent. Just speculation that the action was unwarranted which is laughable.


It sure doesn't sound like it was an exploit (aka duping items/currency, botting, things that are obviously not game intended) to me or most of the people on this forum.


Could you clarify why you believe what happened was an exploit because I don't see anything that indicates it was due to anything more than a poor game design decision?

Edited by humpacactus
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I'm stepping out of this, you people seem to have some false belief of what these warnings were handed out for and don't want reason. You can rage all you want, but Bioware stopped botters and exploiters and I for one am happy.


After reporting bots in wow week after week and never having them disappear, this is a breath of fresh air.

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I'm stepping out of this, you people seem to have some false belief of what these warnings were handed out for and don't want reason. You can rage all you want, but Bioware stopped botters and exploiters and I for one am happy.


After reporting bots in wow week after week and never having them disappear, this is a breath of fresh air.


If you can't even answer basic questions people are trying to ask you regarding your posts then really drop out and don't bother.


You sound like a corporate fanboy 100% acting this way.


Getting banned in an MMO is a serious problem for some and people are concerned for a good reason (because they are worried something like this could happen to them under similar circumstances).

Edited by humpacactus
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If you can't even answer basic questions people are trying to ask you regarding your posts then really drop out and don't bother.


You sound like a corporate fanboy 100% acting this way.


Getting banned in an MMO is a serious problem for some and people are concerned for a good reason (because they are worried something like this could happen to them under similar circumstances).


You're pretending you can get banned through normal gameplay with no reason to believe that. If you don't know the exploits running rampant in Ilum might I recommend reviewing this thread to learn of them?


I'm no corporate fanboy, if anything I'm a little sour on Bioware after DA2, I just can't stand people who make asanine statements and whine after getting banned when they know they were cheating.

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You're pretending you can get banned through normal gameplay with no reason to believe that. If you don't know the exploits running rampant in Ilum might I recommend reviewing this thread to learn of them?


I'm no corporate fanboy, if anything I'm a little sour on Bioware after DA2, I just can't stand people who make asanine statements and whine after getting banned when they know they were cheating.


You specifically claim that these people have been exploiting and botting. Do you have proof of this?


Otherwise I prefer to give the consumer the benefit of the doubt and from what I've read in this forum and others it sounds much more like a game design flaw than a bug or exploit.


I've already asked you numerous times to clarify why you think its an exploit and you've decided to instead drop out of the conversation.


Either explain why you believe this to be true or I'm not sure you can honestly bring anything else to the table anyway.


Edit: You can't rage over people assuming its Bioware's fault when you obviously are just assuming the opposite. See how they are both assumptions? Either you have proof its botting/exploiting that you are withholding or you're just assuming it was the consumers to blame.

Edited by humpacactus
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You're pretending you can get banned through normal gameplay with no reason to believe that. If you don't know the exploits running rampant in Ilum might I recommend reviewing this thread to learn of them?


I'm no corporate fanboy, if anything I'm a little sour on Bioware after DA2, I just can't stand people who make asanine statements and whine after getting banned when they know they were cheating.


Just tell me, with your honest opinion. Can I be banned for parking my alt near The Primal Destroyer (in Belsavis) so we (the guild) can continually kill it (as it's a world boss with a respawn) and essentially farm (and stop other guilds farming) the illusive white colour crystal?

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You're pretending you can get banned through normal gameplay with no reason to believe that. If you don't know the exploits running rampant in Ilum might I recommend reviewing this thread to learn of them?


I'm no corporate fanboy, if anything I'm a little sour on Bioware after DA2, I just can't stand people who make asanine statements and whine after getting banned when they know they were cheating.


The OP and Bioware have never said that the people with temp bans/warnings were doing the exploit that you are talking about. if they did this whole discussion would be over and done with. But they have not, they said that they were "they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced". many things in this game can unbalance the game economy, you know like slice botting pre-nerf. were any of them temp banned?

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Just tell me, with your honest opinion. Can I be banned for parking my alt near The Primal Destroyer (in Belsavis) so we (the guild) can continually kill it (as it's a world boss with a respawn) and essentially farm (and stop other guilds farming) the illusive white colour crystal?


I've already asked the guy several times to clarify and he obviously can't or wont (which makes you believe he clearly doesn't understand the situation at hand).


Sad that people waste their time posting things like that which bring nothing constructive to the conversation and end up hurting people who just wan't to make sure players are being treated fairly.

Edited by humpacactus
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I'd like to draw your attention to this part of the statement again:



The actions taken by these accounts - and again, this is a relatively low number - were not 'normal gameplay'. Everything you have listed above is what we'd consider 'normal gameplay'.


While we will not being going into further details of the accounts that were actioned against, suffice to say they were not conducting any activities similar to what you described.


Nowhere here, nor in the OP, nor in any other post given by any dev did it mention that 7 hours one day was the reason they suspended an account.


I think many of us can say we spend an entire day farming. If so, guess what? That falls under "normal gameplay"!


What does that mean? Those that spent several days, 7 hours a day (which is NOT normal gameplay) were probably questioned.


And you know what? KUDOS!! It's about freaking time a developer took positive action to help control an ingame economy. Way overdue, actually.



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Nowhere here, nor in the OP, nor in any other post given by any dev did it mention that 7 hours one day was the reason they suspended an account.


I think many of us can say we spend an entire day farming. If so, guess what? That falls under "normal gameplay"!


What does that mean? Those that spent several days, 7 hours a day (which is NOT normal gameplay) were probably questioned.


And you know what? KUDOS!! It's about freaking time a developer took positive action to help control an ingame economy. Way overdue, actually.




You assume that 7 hours a day isn't normal gameplay for some people. It may not be normal for me and you but its definitely normal for lots of MMORPG players.


Not everyone plays just like me and you I'm afraid.

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I've already asked the guy several times to clarify and he obviously can't or wont (which makes you believe he clearly doesn't understand the situation at hand).


Sad that people waste their time posting things like that which bring nothing constructive to the conversation and end up hurting people who just wan't to make sure players are being treated fairly.


What's the caveat that SR posted? "Harms the economy". Will farming an "elusive" white crystal, which one person will get and KEEP every once in a while, harm the economy as much as farming hundreds of thousands of credits? No?


Then stop with Chicken Little crap, everyone. Thanks.

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Nowhere here, nor in the OP, nor in any other post given by any dev did it mention that 7 hours one day was the reason they suspended an account.


I think many of us can say we spend an entire day farming. If so, guess what? That falls under "normal gameplay"!


What does that mean? Those that spent several days, 7 hours a day (which is NOT normal gameplay) were probably questioned.


And you know what? KUDOS!! It's about freaking time a developer took positive action to help control an ingame economy. Way overdue, actually.




I have played many games where i camped the same area or mob or whatever for more than 7 hours. to you and bioware that may not be "normal gameplay", but to me it is. I know many that camp spots for cash and do it for hours on end to them it is "normal gameplay". now they can be temp banned or suspended for their "normal gameplay"?

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You assume that 7 hours a day isn't normal gameplay for some people. It may not be normal for me and you but its definitely normal for lots of MMORPG players.


Not everyone plays just like me and you I'm afraid.


You, nor I, can say what's "normal". You know you can? The one with the information logged that shows what each and every player across MILLIONS of players spend. Who can do that?



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You, nor I, can say what's "normal". You know you can? The one with the information logged that shows what each and every player across MILLIONS of players spend. Who can do that?




You just admit that you can't claim whats normal. I'm sorry but any MMO in history will tell you that its definitely normal playtime for some . Maybe not me and you but definitely some.



Another Bioware fanboy that brings nothing constructive to the conversation : / ...



The reality is your 100% right there is no such thing as a "normal" game time. There's an average game time but average (or normal as you'd say) surely doesn't mean "cheater/exploiter/hacker."

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I have played many games where i camped the same area or mob or whatever for more than 7 hours. to you and bioware that may not be "normal gameplay", but to me it is. I know many that camp spots for cash and do it for hours on end to them it is "normal gameplay". now they can be temp banned or suspended for their "normal gameplay"?


I'm not denying that this hasn't happened in other games. Y'know, in other games where a few players managed to farm WAAAYYYY too many (currency) for the economy?


Cap it. Needs to be done in every MMO.

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You're pretending you can get banned through normal gameplay with no reason to believe that. If you don't know the exploits running rampant in Ilum might I recommend reviewing this thread to learn of them?


I'm no corporate fanboy, if anything I'm a little sour on Bioware after DA2, I just can't stand people who make asanine statements and whine after getting banned when they know they were cheating.


I'm not "pretending" that I can be banned. I can be, at any time and for any reason. I agreed to that much. What bothers me is the vagueness of their guidelines - we're allowed to loot chests without level restrictions, as long as we don't do it too much. I'd like them to define what "too much" means, especially since they insist on tying the whole thing to the character level.


For the record, I do not think you're a fanboy or have any problems with what you have to say. We just disagree, as I don't think it's fair to ask the players to go on a gut feeling as to what constitutes an exploit, while you think it should be obvious to anybody.

Edited by chizhik
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You just admit that you can't claim whats normal. I'm sorry but any MMO in history will tell you that its definitely normal playtime for some . Maybe not me and you but definitely some.



Another Bioware fanboy that brings nothing constructive to the conversation : / ...



"Normal" is defined as what the majority do. Not what some "regularly" do.


Note the difference, learn, and move on.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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"Normal" is defined as what the majority do. Not what some "regularly" do.


Note the difference, learn, and move on.


Just because someone plays the game more than you (or has more time to play most likely) doesn't make them a cheater/exploiter/hacker.


Do you really not understand that?



You scream Bioware fanboy and it's sad you'd side with big corporations before your fellow consumers.

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