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I'm not sure that I like the quests being fully voiced O.o


I like to watch a movie or talk on the phone while I play but with the need to listen to that to be able to know the stuff rather than all being typed out like WoW and most other MMO's I haven't really been able to.


Anyone else who normally listens to music or watches TV when playing finding it almost impossible to do with SWTOR?

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I'm not sure that I like the quests being fully voiced O.o


I like to watch a movie or talk on the phone while I play but with the need to listen to that to be able to know the stuff rather than all being typed out like WoW and most other MMO's I haven't really been able to.


Anyone else who normally listens to music or watches TV when playing finding it almost impossible to do with SWTOR?


No, just turn your subtitles on

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Yes, I agree 100%.


I really think the GF is starting to hate the "Hold on hold on, need to set you down for a minute while I listen to this class quest...."


That and I constantly watched movies and listened to itunes while I grinded. But this game has a serious lack of grinding. Which... I guess is a good and bad thing. Good because its different.... bad because I can no longer watch beerfest while playing.

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So it's a really entertaining set of games you've been playing over the last few years, where your mind is mostly on other things? Getting your money's worth there. How's mining in EVE these days?


No, I find I'm actually both paying attention to the game in the first place, and I quite enjoy it.

Edited by Grammarye
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I spacebar spam EVERYTHING besides my class quests. I love class quests, they are actully quite epic.


I still listen to music while i play, turn in-game music off.


And I sometimes watch a movie and play, mostly not right now because all i do is PvP really.. and gotta actually pay attention for that.

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I already spam space bar. If it's a side mission I'll space bar to victory, and pick random dialog choices. I'll look at my tracker afterwards and see, okay thats a bunch of gibberish for kill 10 boars.



Main story line for some of the classes really isn't that good for me to want to continue.



Pretty much every republic story line blows. I'm tired of seeing how bad they're doing and how they got screwed in the war, and how the sith is always a step ahead of them. yeah know what F that, if I'm a dark jedi I want to be able to go on a sith killing massacre. It's payback but no....>.<

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Of course you don't.


Aside from the decently made main-quests, it's all recycled drivel.


Soon enough you just see the same dialogue used ad nauseum and you'll just spam your spacebar into oblivion.


Pretty much this. ^^


I still find it hard to believe people find side quest dialogue engaging. If you really think that's good story then I have a whole series of trashy romance novels that you'll find incredible literature.


Serious, people who think the sidequests are engaging and sit through all the dialogue are the same people who think Keanu Reaves is a good actor.

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it's not that great to be honest. my character says several stock answers depending upon the choice i choose:


"i dont need to hear this!"


"havoc squad gets the job done!"


"time for you to see how a professional gets things done!"


ad nauseum.


Oh, and every single quest that isnt a main quest boils down to "those damn space-boars stole my {insert future technology here} i need you to go get 'em back!!!"


quest: kill 10 space-boars, and bring 5 space-boar tusks back. Bonus: kill 100 billion space-boar champions.




BLAH! New MMO please!

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I much prefer the voices. If I don't want to hear them I just spam cast Spacebar until the dialogue dies.


I think it makes things much more immersive. It's got the connective feel of a good RPG with a hard MMO drive. You can always turn on subtitles, skip it if you want to quest grind or just rage quit over their extra effort they made to give you that connective experience.

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I turned subs on because I generally have vent up when I'm in game, even if I'm just running around doing my class quest, and guildies gibbering away tends to drown out the voice acting :s


Well that and my hearing is crap so I actually need them anyway.

Edited by HELhikari
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What were you doing that you 'needed to set her down' from?


No. For some reason when I play this I find her voice totally out of place and annoying. Call me ******e all you want, she does all the time. But I cant STAND peoples gettin in the way of my class quests. All the other quests blow, cept maybe flashpoints. Have to set her down mostly, or tell her "Sorry call ya back in like five minutes...."..... Five minutes turns into about an hour and a half or so.


Im a bad person... I know :(

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Im finding all the VO's to be getting annoying. Far too many of them. Why wasnt the main story only VO'd? Theres no need for all the silly side quests.


BW have created a headache come patch/expansion time with all the extra work needed to be put in. I'd prefere to see all that time spent on some real kick *** content, than annoying cutscenes that i'll spacebar through as I can't hear what my friends are saying on vent.

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