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Strongest PvP Class right now?


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Snipers, Powertechs and Sorcs are all pretty good along with their respective mirrors. Melee classes definitely need some love. If your looking to faceroll pick a RDPS class.


Powertechs ARE melee...not ranged- only the PT spec Powertech is a partial mix of both range and melee.


I have yet to see my Retractable Blade dart out 30m- and "Rocket Punch" doesn't have that name because it shoots out a fist like a Rocket....jeez

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I play an assassin and I felt slightly OP but other assassins never give me a hard time so it's tough to say. Right now I feel like pyrotechs are one of the strongest classes. The damage output seems out of this world and their survivability always makes it a close fight. Follow up would be marauders / sentinels. Do some pretty serious dps and if they know when to pop their CDs it can get scary. Other than that....


Juggs I just have to be ready to pop shroud once or sprint and it's GG,


Sorcerers can't come close to even putting up a fight,


Operatives I just need shroud up and I can typically do enough damage to put them down before they can even touch me,


Just my thoughts!

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This still doesn't answer what class is best by any means what so ever.


Is there a "better" class, to begin with?


Every class has a role: tank, dps and heals.


Each of these can be extremely helpful in pvp.


You dont win pvp by just doing damage or killing a lot of ppl.

Edited by EduardoJN
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I play an assassin and I felt slightly OP but other assassins never give me a hard time so it's tough to say. Right now I feel like pyrotechs are one of the strongest classes. The damage output seems out of this world and their survivability always makes it a close fight. Follow up would be marauders / sentinels. Do some pretty serious dps and if they know when to pop their CDs it can get scary. Other than that....


Juggs I just have to be ready to pop shroud once or sprint and it's GG,


Sorcerers can't come close to even putting up a fight,


Operatives I just need shroud up and I can typically do enough damage to put them down before they can even touch me,


Just my thoughts!


You kill operatives in 6 seconds? Either you're a liar or your opponents are really bad.

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Strongest PvP Class? EASY

TANK: Shadow

HEALS: Scoundrel

DPS: Gunslinger&Sentinel

If I had an 8 man pre-made, it would look like,

3 Scoundrels healers, 2 Shadow tanks, 2 Gunslingers, and 1 Sentinel.

I disagree with the person stating a pre-made should be all tanks, for Gunslinger and Sentinel DPS is un-matched, and you won't win without a strong offense.

Tank healer combo for incredible defense, and stalling for re-inforcements.

Also may I note that both the Tanks and Healers are stealth classes, and the Scoundrels can Smuggle the DPS.

Have fun!

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For healer it's Operative by the virtue of being the only healer that a Tankasin cannot easily kill, and this is because they can heal while running away and they can do all their healing from instant casts (any heals that require a casting time is going to get interrupted by good DPS).
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I think every class has an equally important role in the game and that their is no such thing as the best class, working together in a good team however can make you invincible. My main is a level 50 assassin and while it may not be the best 1 on 1 direct fighting class i can stealth in and around the jedi in pvp to take the objective as well as outflank and deal massive damage from behind when need be.


Sir do we play the same game?

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I've been playing my sentinal a lot lately, just as i was before the patch so i'll list the classes in order of hardest to easiest from my perspective. I'm certainly not the best player but i'm no slouch either.


  1. Assassin/Shadow - If a good player is behind it fights tend to end up 50/50, there are one or two sins i'm not sure i could beat 1 on 1 but I haven't had the chance to fight those particular ones like that yet.
  2. Powertech/Vanguard - The burst on well geared ones is insane to the point i can be dead before i can react if i'm not paying attention.
  3. Gunslinger/Sniper - If i can position myself in an area where they can't knock me out of range i'll win every time, out in the open it can often be a tough fight to out DPS them especially if Force Camo is on cooldown. Easier to kill as Watchman spec than Combat due to lower cooldown on interrupts.
  4. Juggernaut/Guardian - They're only positioned here because i beat Sents/Maras on mine almost every time so i know how good they are, unfortunately most people on them are crap.
  5. Operative/Scoundrel - They are only tough to kill when heal spec. DPS specc'd i'll win even if they get the jump on me as i can dish out much more damage than they can in the following space of time, they've been nerfed far too hard by the initial nerf combined with the global surge nerf.
  6. Sorc/Sage - The only time it'll even be close is if they're very good kiters and we happen to fight in an area that gives them good LOS like the buildings of the side nodes on the new map. Otherwise they are easy pickings these days, even heal specc'd.
  7. Merc/Commando - They hurt, a lot from range, but other than that.. meh. It might be a different story if they'd been given a speccable root on their knockback as the slow means nothing when you can leap right back on them instantly.



Sentinal is very good right now but could do with Master Strike / Ravage having the recent buff removed, it's too much. I'd honestly rank Juggernaut/Guardian, Assassin/Sage, Simper/Gunslinger and Pyro specc'd Powertech/Vanguard to be just as good classes, the rest need a buff in some way tbh. We definately don't want nerfs as Bioware seem to be heavy handed in that respect, the evidence is in Sorcs and Operatives going from amongst the best classes to amongst the worst, at least in my opinion. Specs overall also need to be looked at as there are far too many weak trees that are way overshadowed.

Edited by Kabaal
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but dont forget, alot of the ****yness of sorcs now has to do with the fact that huttball (talking out of imp perspective now) isnt the wz you play 80% of the time anymore.


sorc were just deemed op because of the utility they bring to that specific wz. in voidstar and civil war they never had that much of an impact.


nowadays i just /point /lol at them tbh, in everything else than huttball they really suck.

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sents / maras are just rediculus nowdays!


god dam guys with 5-10% health attacking 2-3 person teams and they get 1-2 kills!?!

what the hell ... i am a sniper they always homing on me and if i dont have all cooldowns and time to deploy them 2/3 of the times just kill me!


so yea you like pvp and want to reroll?

just go that way to have some lolz

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I play a mara, but bounty hunters are the most versatile, and powerfull, tons of CC's and tons of DPS or Jesus Heals. In addition although maras can pump out the DPS several of their skills are broken (such as Ravage and Obliterate which do not function as they should.) And maras have 0 CC except a channeled one which immobilizes the Mara as well while channeling it.


So BH's are currently the most Powerful pvp character.


All you have to do to kill a mara is stun us And we go down like wet paper bags. Yes we pump out massive DPS, were also paper thin if you learn to use the correct skills on us.

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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I play a mara, but bounty hunters are the most versatile, and powerfull, tons of CC's and tons of DPS or Jesus Heals. In addition although maras can pump out the DPS several of their skills are broken (such as Ravage and Obliterate which do not function as they should.) And maras have 0 CC except a channeled one which immobilizes the Mara as well while channeling it.


So BH's are currently the most Powerful pvp character.


All you have to do to kill a mara is stun us And we go down like wet paper bags. Yes we pump out massive DPS, were also paper thin if you learn to use the correct skills on us.


maras have intim roar which is a very good cc and used often. Also, a good marauder should not lose a 1v1 against 9/10 ACs in this game.

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but dont forget, alot of the ****yness of sorcs now has to do with the fact that huttball (talking out of imp perspective now) isnt the wz you play 80% of the time anymore.


sorc were just deemed op because of the utility they bring to that specific wz. in voidstar and civil war they never had that much of an impact.


nowadays i just /point /lol at them tbh, in everything else than huttball they really suck.


As long as people think like that I will wreck your team coz your not focusing me down. But your welcome to your opinion of course.

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All you have to do to kill a mara is stun us And we go down like wet paper bags. Yes we pump out massive DPS, were also paper thin if you learn to use the correct skills on us.


Im sorry but thats just not true. A wet paper bag does not have a shield around it for 5 seconds, then vanish or heal itself in that time. Stun used to be a good counter, but it works half the time.


Marauders survivability needs reworking, its like an extra bloody life like paladins used to get.


They stand out above every other class, and since 1.2 it is more pronunced.


Not saying "nerf" but they deffo need looking. They are not balanced in the grand scheme of things.

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From my experience in PVP I mostly find that whoever is a good player, can kick some *** in the WZ's. However, being a Sorc (Madness spec) I've found the classes that give me the most trouble are Sents and Maras.


Having such a squishy pool of hp, their burst damage always does a number on me. By the time they have finished their bursting, my hp is down to its last drops.


But as I said above, all classes can be good in PVP, or all could be bad. It's not a case of flavor of the month, it's how well you know your class vs how well your opponent knows theirs



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Marauders survivability needs reworking, its like an extra bloody life like paladins used to get.




Sorry but its not even close to as bad as paladin bubble and their instant 100% hp heal on the long CD. You don't remember how terrible that was probably.

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