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The Worst Class I Can Ever Imagine - BioWare Please fix this class


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1) Doing more dmg means less survivability, this is by design.


2) Levels are scaled in PvP, so the level 10s are scaled to level 50. That said you still should not be dying to level 10s all the time and if you are you're probably just bad.


Although I do enjoy playing my marauder your #1 is a bit off. If doing more damage means less survivability explain the sith assasin, Much more survivability with the same or more burst damage as the marauder. Either way we will see how things pan out when everyone is 50 with their PvP gear.

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Marauder isn't the worst class ever. Just a hard class to play... but at the same time that difficulty is compounded by the fact all the other classes are easier to play and grant better reward. Yes if you go Carnage spec you can lock a person in place... but they can still use all their abilities on you.


We're susceptible to chain stuns, chain snares, chain slows, etc.


Either the class needs to be put on a similar level in pvp with the other classes, or the other classes need serious adjustment to their kit.


Or the pvp system needs to be overhauled.

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I have a level 50 marauder with some champ gear.


The game is well balanced enough that we can play, but we are by far the least useful class in the game.


we lack the punch that should go with being one of only 2 advanced classes (other being sniper) that can only fulfill a dps role.


Also, considering we wear medium armor, i also feel squishier than most lvl 50 sorcs i try to fight.


We just aren't there. If played very well, a Marauder can still compete, but a Marauder player shouldn't have to be in the top 10% of players to compete with people in the 50%.


I am completely and utterly tired of being stun locked. From the moment I charge into combat I'm useless. Locked until death, always in warzones.

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I am 41 and am almost 42.


I can say for sure that being a higher level has made PvP much better for me however I still have a lot of problems with Snipers. Huttball is a great example as it has so many different platforms so I'm constantly trying to dodge snipers all the while I cannot Force Charge to them.


Overall I really do enjoy the class but I hope some changes occur.

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I am 41 and am almost 42.


I can say for sure that being a higher level has made PvP much better for me however I still have a lot of problems with Snipers. Huttball is a great example as it has so many different platforms so I'm constantly trying to dodge snipers all the while I cannot Force Charge to them.


Overall I really do enjoy the class but I hope some changes occur.


Try Jump-charging. You can charge people like that that normally you wouldn't be able to. Also vertical height counts towards the range as well, so if you're at the bottom and they're on the second tier you're stuck.


Now as for my 2 cents............


I admit, FINALLY admit, that this class DOES need a bit of work. However, you can't be a blind ******* and say the class is 100% broken. IF, and let me emphasize this, *IF* you're picky and choosy about who you go for and where they are and where they're headed, you can obliterate anyone in a warzone. It's not always easy to pull it off though. Part of the problem is people wanna charge into the furball, get the kill and get out. In reality, the furball is the LAST place you wanna end up. That's why you end up stun-locked.


44 Carnage Marauder, and I see myself getting better and better and better the better my gear gets. As far as ToT, I have CS, Specced Ravage, Specced Deadly Throw, and Specced Charge. So sticking my attacks is no problem at all. As far as survivability, Undying Rage, Obsfucate, Predation, Force Camo.............Need I say more? Oh, and on that note, quite using Force Camo to get in range nubs. It's an ESCAPE ability. Use it right. Aside from all that, a fat stack of PvP heals and regular heals so that I can chain them, and so long as you remember when to run you're golden.


Idk, I definitely think Marauders could use a touch more DPS. But it's pretty solid as it stands. A knockback ability OR a harpoon ability would be great, and i'd LOVE it if they made my Force Camo spec break all CC rather than just snares.


Again, idk. I do see what people are talking about, but only to a degree. This class needs to be TWEAKED, not changed on a massive scale. Quit crying about not getting an *I-Win* button.

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Try Jump-charging. You can charge people like that that normally you wouldn't be able to. Also vertical height counts towards the range as well, so if you're at the bottom and they're on the second tier you're stuck.


Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a shot!

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