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The Worst Class I Can Ever Imagine - BioWare Please fix this class


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One of the worst experiences I've had with SW:TOR is Marauder. While it does insane damage, whats seriously the difference between a marauder and a sith assassin that can not only tank but also dps (even if not as large)....ALSO even though I'm a level 32 Marauder, I still get killed by LVL 10 Commando/Troopers in PVP (2 of them) with their overpowered stuns etc....


Bioware needs to fix this, im only playing this because I've leveled too far now...I recommend anyone just go Juggernaut or Inquisitor.

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One of the worst experiences I've had with SW:TOR is Marauder. While it does insane damage, whats seriously the difference between a marauder and a sith assassin that can not only tank but also dps (even if not as large)....ALSO even though I'm a level 32 Marauder, I still get killed by LVL 10 Commando/Troopers in PVP (2 of them) with their overpowered stuns etc....


Bioware needs to fix this, im only playing this because I've leveled too far now...I recommend anyone just go Juggernaut or Inquisitor.


1) Doing more dmg means less survivability, this is by design.


2) Levels are scaled in PvP, so the level 10s are scaled to level 50. That said you still should not be dying to level 10s all the time and if you are you're probably just bad.

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I could be I'm bad sure...but when I play an inquisitor, i see that the AoE are not only more expansive, but also even though less damaging, they are very powerful against multiple people and steamroll Marauder.


In any case, I would love to see actual video proof from people on the forums that are so heavily defending the Marauder class. Please, post ONE pvp video of yourself and prove me wrong. So many people claiming they can "TEAR THROUGH ANYTHING OH YEA, UR ALL FULL OF IT"


and no one willing to show ANY proof.

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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1) Doing more dmg means less survivability, this is by design.


2) Levels are scaled in PvP, so the level 10s are scaled to level 50. That said you still should not be dying to level 10s all the time and if you are you're probably just bad.


Problem is we don't really do all that much more damage then a Jug until a lot later on in the game, we actually lack damage compared to all other DPSs except Assassin's that go DPS build but then they can put some perks into tanking abilities to get better survivability then we have. Also they have a push back ability which we lack.


Not played all that much PvP but it's gotta be admitted that we are slaves to CCs right now. We have to use camo to go in on the attack just because we expect a push back and then force charge but we can still be stunned after that/etc too.

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I'm regretting playing Marauder everyday. All I do is PvP and questing and it goes nowhere. Then I see lvl 50s also dying compared to lvl 20 troopers..lol its a sad sad day to be a marauder


my experience is the opposite

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I saw your videos...to be honest it was hard to see cause the quality was low... i put it to 720 p ...still not good


But you weren't dying...then again it was at lvl 50 and with full buffs from what seemed like a capable team

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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I have a level 50 marauder with some champ gear.


The game is well balanced enough that we can play, but we are by far the least useful class in the game.


we lack the punch that should go with being one of only 2 advanced classes (other being sniper) that can only fulfill a dps role.


Also, considering we wear medium armor, i also feel squishier than most lvl 50 sorcs i try to fight.


We just aren't there. If played very well, a Marauder can still compete, but a Marauder player shouldn't have to be in the top 10% of players to compete with people in the 50%.

Edited by Viscerus
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I have a level 50 marauder with some champ gear.


The game is well balanced enough that we can play, but we are by far the least useful class in the game.


we lack the punch that should go with being one of only 2 advanced classes (other being sniper) that can only fulfill a dps role.


Also, considering we wear medium armor, i also feel squishier than most lvl 50 sorcs i try to fight.


We just aren't there. If played very well, a Marauder can still compete, but a Marauder player shouldn't have to be in the top 10% of players to compete with people in the 50%.




We need more. EVERYONE should absolutely fear standing toe to toe with us.


They don't.


In fact I'm sure assasins and operatives enjoy killing us

Edited by Tilure
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I could be I'm bad sure...but when I play an inquisitor, i see that the AoE are not only more expansive, but also even though less damaging, they are very powerful against multiple people and steamroll Marauder.


In any case, I would love to see actual video proof from people on the forums that are so heavily defending the Marauder class. Please, post ONE pvp video of yourself and prove me wrong. So many people claiming they can "TEAR THROUGH ANYTHING OH YEA, UR ALL FULL OF IT"


and no one willing to show ANY proof.


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I could be I'm bad sure...but when I play an inquisitor, i see that the AoE are not only more expansive, but also even though less damaging, they are very powerful against multiple people and steamroll Marauder.


In any case, I would love to see actual video proof from people on the forums that are so heavily defending the Marauder class. Please, post ONE pvp video of yourself and prove me wrong. So many people claiming they can "TEAR THROUGH ANYTHING OH YEA, UR ALL FULL OF IT"


and no one willing to show ANY proof.


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i can see bad things on the horizon, BW will listen to all the complainers and make marauders less squishy, of course this will need balancing. say good bye to our extreme DPS and say good bye to the one thing that makes us unique




Extreme dps? You mean that extra 5 percent that we do over other classes? Ya I will gladly give that up for a heal strike or something.

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all them videos show is pvp damage done, that is not hard to do. In fact i've seen other classes do it.



I still don't see proof that other classes can't do everything easier and better.


It's a tough choice to play as marauder and it require thinking, reaction, tonns of keybinds. If you can't succeed with it - well, just switch to other 'easier and better' class.

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I see a heal bot with him, I also see him getting rocked by some people. I'm not impress.


Teladis, please just shut up!


All I ever see on these forums is you complaining about everthing. Maybe if you spent as much time playing the game as you do on the forums you'd start to understand this class and wreck things in pvp. Every post that's about a Marauder I see your name, and the only comments you have contridict everything anyone else has to say, most of the time they make no sense!


So please, actually go play the game for a little bit, any class, but if you hate the Marauder, then get off our forum!

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My level 12 asssin dó better pvp in my level 48


And i kill All level 50 98 % of the time



Marauders have Way to meny skills alot of Them are crap . Run to a tropper befor you get there 40% life left . If you jump in stuned or knowback and 40% life hes have 90%



I pve i out dps most People with anhi spec also other marauders that are carange or rage speced


But where the class is so lame is in pvp ... Pvp is lame stuned 98% of the time

The resole bar ia joke


I going to pvp dalliys with my main raid HM and pve but When i coming to hard pvp forget it. Then i play my asssin to we get a buff, other wise its not woth it

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I have no idea how you ppl play but this class is good and knocks out the dps, try playing a juggernaut/guardian then you have every right to cry.

You people crying about this class are you even 50 with pvp gear ? or just level 20 fighting 50s


btw I seen him play without healers and he still recks ppl.

Edited by Antixs
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It's a tough choice to play as marauder and it require thinking, reaction, tonns of keybinds. If you can't succeed with it - well, just switch to other 'easier and better' class.



Rage mechanic is for advanced players. Do not flame me, I'm not being snobbish, it's just that unexperienced players will get a better return from classic "mana" or "energy" mechanics, it is more satisfying from the getgo. Many of the flaming on Rage classes comes from frustrated players.


Having said that, OP has some valid points.

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I have seen the full videos linked to the TwitchTV and what not. I say this out of sincere honesty now. I do not believe this class "Sucks" But with every bone in my body, I cannot say it is necessarily the best class to play, or is even widely effective. There is a heavy problem in scaling comparison. A lot of you are saying "Well are you even a lvl 50 with FULL gear?"


I am not, but Kilua, and many of my friends are and have died at the hands of Assassins at subpar levels. You can say I may suck, but I know they for sure as hell do not. They take down a lot of people, A LOT. I have seen them in the top 3, but the problem is: it seems like it is a frantic amount of effort and skill to acheive virtually the same results a lvl 12-18 inquisitor can. Also I had previously seen the STMP's twitch stream. He told me himself he died a lot. He recks now whether you believe he uses heals or not (he said he uses guild healers), but the fact is the class has so much wrong with it in comparison to close-range melee versus actual stuns / utility EFFECTIVENESS.



Marauder class lacks in virtually any sort of anti-CC without an epic amount of fail. Level 50 does not help it. Please understand, I may be frustrated, and no one can say I'm not - but I have solid reasons and I live through them each and every time I login. I have decided at level 32, to rerun an Inquisitor.


I strongly believe the learning curve is less and perhaps better suited to someone who does not enjoy so many key-binds, and virtually a frantic pace of "keeping close" then getting stunned endlessly in PvP, etc just to put out honestly what seems to be marginal high dps damage in groups.


I know this class needs to be fixed, and to be honest maybe it does not. I'll just say this. BioWare has made mistakes. It made it with slicing, and hopefully developers play the game as Marauders and seriously can vouch for its effectiveness....I can tell you one thing for sure: I doubt any developers are actually playing Marauder class.


This is by far one of the worst classes of any MMO I have played in all its entirety, and I have been playing since EverQuest.

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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