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The Clone Wars TV show... do you like it?


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So the CGI show on Cartoon Network... how do you feel about?


Personally I hated it at first. I thought first season was crap and an obvious cash in on the star wars name. But then the show eventually started getting good reviews, and I decided to give it another shot mid 2nd season.


I've been in love with it ever since. In fact, I would say the last six episodes (nomad droids, the Krell arc, and the slave arc) have VASTLY surpassed the prequels.


They've made me care more about Anakin than I ever did. And they've made the Clone Troopers REAL people who you connect with more than I could have ever imagined.


The show has smarts and balls. Yes, there are a smattering of very weak episodes, but overall, this show is what the franchise needs.


And to those that wave it off as a kid show, despite it's cartoony appearance, this show is more mature than Episode I or II... and I am referring to the story (not just the massive massive MASSIVE body count). Don't get me wrong, I would still classify it as a kid's show, but if it wasn't a cartoon CGI, it would be as "mature" as episode III. Lol, I don't know how they get away with half the stuff they do. The last episode had a slave commit suicide, and then several slaves were plummeted to their death simply for the lols. Not to mention the depressing ending the the Krell series.


Anyways, I wanna know how you feel about the show, and what you like/dislike.

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The Krell seemed like a retelling of General Haig in the first world war... He was a vile Jedi and gave the separatists a bad name.


I enjoyed the political aspect of the show, but the change on Mandalore messed up the republic commando books. They need more well known heroes and villains in that era, Dirge primarily.


Overall it`s decent but still not worthy enough to stop my channel surfing.


and I still think that several story-arcs can mend the canon together...




(IT ENRAGES ME... Nass is clearly in EP3 and not dead)


Edited by HenryundertheC
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Ive been wanting to check out the show. I figure once i have the spare money ill probably buy the seasons.


It's worth your time to be sure, just keep in mind the show has been getting better and better. For example, I think the first season had more "meh" episodes then good, the second season was about 50/50, but the third season really picked up the pace, and the fourth season has been fantastic.


So if you find yourself not liking the first season, don't write it off.

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I have seasons 1 and 2 and enjoy watching them over and over again. I like the stylized art and enjoyed 'discovering' new planets that I had not previously seen in the movies. Honestly, I don't much care for the main characters of the show, but I love paying close attention to the peripheral characters that are not focused on as heavily or seen as often. Cham Syndulla is my hero!! I have a hard time sitting through most kid shows these days, but this one I have no problem.
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I enjoyed the political aspect of the show, but the change on Mandalore messed up the republic commando books. They need more well known heroes and villains in that era, Dirge primarily.


I hate that they allowed this to happen too. I loved the rich history Traviss was creating and the way she was done was not cool at all.

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I have seasons 1 and 2 and enjoy watching them over and over again. I like the stylized art and enjoyed 'discovering' new planets that I had not previously seen in the movies. Honestly, I don't much care for the main characters of the show, but I love paying close attention to the peripheral characters that are not focused on as heavily or seen as often. Cham Syndulla is my hero!! I have a hard time sitting through most kid shows these days, but this one I have no problem.


Ya, I agree. I'm not a huge fan of any of the Jedi characters. I prefer the episodes that don't focus primarily on the Jedi's.


I'm a huge fan of Clone based episodes or Cad Bane episodes.


Although like I said before, this show made me dig Anakin, which is a surprise because I loathed him in the films.

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I rather liked it, until the end of the 3rd or 4th season, where it wandered into (literally) a pocket universe that had very little to do with Star Wars. Watching three or four episodes of somebody's bad D&D fanfic with existing series characters in the background of their Mary Sues didn't do it for me and I've never really wanted to keep up with it since.
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I like it, I guess you could even say I love it. I've seen every episode and have all the seasons. But it does get a bit childish at times and can mess up already established canon in the EU. But crap like that happens all the time anyways.
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I loved the first season with the cartoon network house style animation before the CG. I have tried to watch a few episodes and found them to be borderline tripe with predictable story like it was generated from a flow chart. But I have also seen some wonderful character development so I am still giving it a chance (part of why I felt the need to check in on this thread)
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I like it a lot. Some episodes aren't as great as others, but that is far and few between. Better than the last three movies for sure. I'm not a guy who knows EU that much so I can't speak to that. Anakin is actually likable and you can see small glimpses of his darkness in eps where he goes off the rails.


Cad Bane, 'nuff said.

Edited by PagingCraig
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when it first aired hated the look/style, but somehow it was only thing on tv at that time so i watched it, got used to the look, and now its one of my weekly tv shows


Ya, I agree. I'm not a huge fan of any of the Jedi characters. I prefer the episodes that don't focus primarily on the Jedi's.


I'm a huge fan of Clone based episodes or Cad Bane episodes.


Although like I said before, this show made me dig Anakin, which is a surprise because I loathed him in the films.


wow u kinda took my feelings and said em for me,


im quite curious what they will do with Ahsoka when the show wraps up..


i think someone else pointed out but the -Overlords/Mortis arc was good , well imo




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i watched the very first episode and wrote it off as a fluffy waste of space, decided to give it another go and so far im about half way into s2 and its been pretty good, its hindered abit by the episode length and needing to hit a story beat every 20 mins but on the whole its way better than first impressions suggested and is getting better.
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We had a few "meh" moments when trying to check it out on tv but now that we started from the beginning I am a little addicted! We are only half done season 2 right now though. More Greivous is never a bad thing.


I also think it's sweet how the little used but important characters get a chance to come out and play sometimes.

Edited by Hesterlicioius
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As sad as it is the character developement and stories blow the prequel movies out of the water. It is just that much better written and done. First season was just ok. Second was good, and mid third season and beyond has been excellent.


Yeah, it's a great series. But it does not blow any prequel movie out of the water.

The prequels great, especially Revenge of the Sith. The second best part of the saga if you ask me. Empire is number one, always. :)

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