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BIOWARE please fix the GATHERING NODES(fellow players sign/read this petition).


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In some of the areas I frequently farm, it almost seems like the node amount is increasing. ran across one room with over 7 nodes in a small area! interestingly enough about half of those were tapped....I wonder if they're quick fix was to simply move the "location" of the node spawn point if there was something there already?


Not sure, but it seems that there are more nodes now in each individual section then there were prior to the fix. haven't wanted to test it hey myself, perhaps this weekend...

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Haven't had a single bugged node since the patch where they fixed some of them. Maybe my skill (scavenging) isn't affected by the bug you see though...


Yes, scavenging is affected. I see it in higher level planets more often than lower level planets.



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Ugh. Do you really think that after all of the discussion about this that they don't know?


The problem right now is that some crafting nodes do not "despawn" after being harvested, which means that they never respawn. This is different than the problem before where the node would spawn in but not be clickable.


It's a bug. They know about it. It's not some malicious attempt to piss you off. It has appeared off and on through beta and bug-hunting it has proven to be challenging. I'm annoyed by it too, but there is zero need to start a petition over an issue that is known and being worked on.

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Ugh. Do you really think that after all of the discussion about this that they don't know?


... you really think we're just trying to make sure Bioware knows of the issue?


You really think that just waiting for the "fix" is what we should do?


Have you not read anything of what's actually happened? Here's what's going on.




Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.




We're calling Bioware out on this bull ****. They lied to us pure and simple. They did NOT fix the gathering nodes, they cleaned up the bug but left the problem intact.


The fact that it's taken this long to implement a "despawn after 1 minute after being harvested" fix tells me a ton about the dev team, the code, and the politics behind SWTOR, and none of it is good. From nerfing Slicing so quickly, to lying about fixing a very annoying bug, Bioware is going to be this game's demise.


We have been shown now that we cannot trust patch notes to tell us the truth, so we yell, and hope that the game eventually changes, or we quit.

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They all are affected, i believe its caused by players gathering them, but not taking them....can be done accidently or delibrately.


It's been fixed...


The ones you can really take are the ones with the little glowy things around now...


What's happening it's some people clicking on it... Scanning but probably leaving to fast thinkin SHIFT-CLICK works... But it doesn't it only appear the loot window and need to click loot all...


Since someone already took the "skill up" you cannot loot it... That's why now you can hover your mouse on it not like the other real bug

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After patch I did notice a lot more nodes that are harvestable but as OP states, the ones that aren't are the ones that ppl just mine for skill points and then leave the mats behind.


/agree with OP that after a node is harvested (whether plyr takes mats or not) the node should despawn after a short time and that way pours aren't wasting time hitting 'bugged' nodes

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