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Sith Inquisitors over powered?


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No, tbh the only reason I think people think ranged classes are OP, is because 95% of the time people get Huttball, and in that it is incredibly easy for ranged classes to take advantage of the multiple levels, if you notice in Alderaan/Voidstar ranged classes dont dominate so much.
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Yes of course they are OP, this has been common knowledge since forever ago. Its why they are the most used class in the game. At some point they will be "balanced" and then it will probably be troopers or some such class that will be OP, and then they will be the most played class in game, until they are "balanced" etc. This your first MMO?
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Just keep your interrupts on C/D and once you get into melee range(comfort zone) they are generally scrood, there damage is bursty but not nearly as much as other classes. pretty sure youve never been killed by a sorc 1v1...


HAHAHA you clearly do not know anything at all. I kill Juggs 1v1 easily. My force lightning with all my stat boosts and especially the zero cooldown time owns everyone. I just sit there activate my relic, my static barrier, and spam force lightning like it is my job.

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HAHAHA you clearly do not know anything at all. I kill Juggs 1v1 easily. My force lightning with all my stat boosts and especially the zero cooldown time owns everyone. I just sit there activate my relic, my static barrier, and spam force lightning like it is my job.


It's cause Jugs and Guards suck in PvP outside of their tank role. Working as intended. Sorcerers/Sages are fine. Perfectly in balance for what they are. Stop QQing.

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Im a level scoundrel rank 51 valor... all sorcs do is kite once you get in close there useless... interrupt when you can and there's nothing to worry about...There is many classes that out damage them and 9 times out of 10 when you fight a sorc there is 3 more which is the main reason people think they are "OP" when they really aren't... every warzone i have been in they generally don't give an effort on interrupting or anything, once there bubble is gone notice they go down in 4 seconds or less...



All of the classes have strong points and weaknesses its just knowing them is the issue... people are clueless

Edited by Mastersix
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HAHAHA you clearly do not know anything at all. I kill Juggs 1v1 easily. My force lightning with all my stat boosts and especially the zero cooldown time owns everyone. I just sit there activate my relic, my static barrier, and spam force lightning like it is my job.



all his stat boosts, guys

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does anyone else believe that the sith inquisitor is over powered?


no i think...


BH are over powered since have same CC's i do, heavy armor and massive aoe damage...


oh and Juggs are OP because of uber mobility spamable snare and gaurd! i mean *** how is that fair! 50% damage reduction? how am i suppose to faceroll when he's nerfing mai damage!?


lets not forget sniper! all he has to do is faceroll and 2 shot everyone! lets forget once we get close he just knocks us away! mean someone does more damage then i do? *** THATS NOT BALANCED!


yea and maurders! to how is it fair he can sit on me and spam interupts and kill me! mean i cant tank melee? *** how is that balanced!?


Whats with ops, and assassins!? just pop out of stun and spam attacks and stuns i cant even move before i die!? mean sure i could click CC break but why should i actually play the game?!


... to the OP every class can be broken in right hands, as of right now are far more pressing issues make PvP hard and has NOTHING to do with any individual class on its own. Real problems are abundent CC, lack of a lasting way to escape bad situations for most classes, and no diminishing returns.


As for the sorc as a long time mmo player and a sorc player myself, is no situation i've been in i felt overpowered quite oppsite actually. With all of my attacks being easily interrupted, having 1.5-2.5 cast times or more, and having lowest mitigation and health of any other class in game makes us squishies targets there is.


that said if your not 50 with full pvp gear doing premades(which cant do yet because cant que as an operation) with an orginized guild of people cant really say who is OP and who isn't...posts like these irk me the most you are judging a class based on unorginized pvp...with low levels, in no pvp gear, and dot spamming going on... just not a really good representation of the class.

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It's cause Jugs and Guards suck in PvP outside of their tank role. Working as intended. Sorcerers/Sages are fine. Perfectly in balance for what they are. Stop QQing.


So what you are saying is you play a Sorc/Sage and want easy mode. Gotcha. Sorcs/Sages are OP mainly their shield and sprint. Any class that has a shield that can absorb 5k+ dmg and then sprint away when it pops to heal back to full is OP. Stop getting mad because people know you are bad compared to players that play underpowed classes and do just as weel as you do in PvP.

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