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if you don't get in tomorrow, what are you going to do?


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I'll wait. I have just enough maturity to be heavily disappointed but understand the reason they're doing this is so the game doesn't come to a massive grinding halt the moment the masses of late-pre-orders and non-pre-orders (or people who pre-ordered and the sat on their codes till the last moment) hit the servers come launch.


And no this isn't launch. I've seen people trying to go "Launch is today..." no Launch is the day the game becomes available to the general public. This is not launch. This is early access afforded to those of us who pre-ordered as both a gesture of good faith and as a method of making sure the game doesn't crash come the 20th.


well the welcome message from the head of BW in the launcher does indeed state that today is the launch

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taking my preorder slip back to gamestop, gonna get my $60 back, flame the forums some and play some D3 beta.


A game that is exploited on day 1 is not an MMO I'm interested in. They only got to exploit basically from the reduced populations. an Oxymoron indeed their own protections cost them PR and tainted the power and economy of 106 servers. Bioware is obviosly noob when it comes to MMO.


There is Firefall coming out. GW2 and D3. Planetside 2 is also coming mid 2012 so plenty to look forward to. My anger has subsided and now I am at peace with never ever playing SWTOR or buying a Bioware product ever again. It's cool..



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I'm not going to complain like everyone else, it's sad knowing a lot of the adults on these forums(I assume most of them are as a lot are in 18+ guilds) are raging and going "grr, i'm gonna cancel if I don't get in" and I a lowly teenager am being the patient one. I preordered mine relatively early, I hope to get in tomorrow, but from the looks of it I won't get in til the 15th at the earliest, seeing as that was the original maximum date I'm not going to complain. To those that will wait patiently I salute you.
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