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Posts posted by Jinroku

  1. Please no faction changes, but I am also really hoping server transfers will be soon. We have been waiting for them for a very long time.


    I really DO NOT know why you guys are so opposed to faction changes?

    What are your reasons? Story is not enough. Story does not have impact on game play. It is a personal thing.. Give me/us reason why not so?!

  2. Within 3 mo of The Cartel Market going live expect to see the following things in the cash shop.


    Paid Name Changes

    Paid Character Recustomizations

    Paid Server xfers

    Paid Faction Changes


    This is years of experience with MMOs talking. ESP with EA involved. They will do whatever they can to milk the cash shop dry


    Do you have a source for that? Or is that just speculation and hope


    Dude a smasher i jugg is so squishy that if its nerfed its gonna make the spec useless if they dont add survivibility with the nerf. As for maras tho its a bigger issue since they have alot better defence cds


    Squishy? Come play a scoundrel.. They just need to make other spec liable than a non target able burst ability that hits too hard.. Its not a hard fix.


    Against equally geared players, smash hits for ~5k at most; 6k if they have a debuff and the smasher is fully min/maxed with 1350+ power. Powertechs railshot, Maras force scream, and snipers ambush can hit the same numbers. Powertechs railshot can reset for insane burst over a 4 sec range and they have a lot more uptime. their damage numbers are on par with smashes and they are "single target" DPS. Sure smash is an AoE, but the biggest problem i see is that most people don't know how to spread out. Its not the specs fault that the people behind the keyboard are playing right into its strength. Sure, some places you cannot spread out, but 80% of the time, i land smashes on 3+ people when their is plenty of room for them to negate the AoE. Smash is our only high damage ability. It can land about ~9 sec or so when you factor in all the stuff going on in the fighting, setting up for the next smash, etc. inbetween that time, we are having to setup for the next one and using attacks that are subpar when compared to other dps classes attacks.


    Smash spec is probably the easiest Melee DPS spec to control. Against good players, i get slowed, knocked backed, and stunned out of 30-40% of my total damage output potential.


    Spreading out? Really. How the hell is a melee fighting a melee suppose to spread out. You're probably smashing those "3+ people" cause they are all melee, pretty much avoidable..


    actually smash spec used to hit for 10K when the game was released :) If you don't believe me, google it!


    Might have, might have not. I'll take your word for it. I just don't remember it being so game crushing to me then..


    I just find it sad on how the direction of this game is going. I played for the first 4 months when it came out, and quit. Just recently came back with all the new WH gear (granted its been out for awhile but new to me) and all the different class changes.. I remember rage spec was pretty dang good when game first came out, but NEVER put out numbers like it did. Why change something that was never really broken but kept up to pace then?


    Being a Scoundrel, its one of my worst nightmares right now. I have nothing against it. I've been getting pooped on game after game against jugs/maras. :(


    It's pretty obvious that the skill needs to hit less targets, or do considerably less damage. Probably both. Not like I can go drop a 7k Death Field on five enemies (and then do it again 8-10 seconds later).


    That almost makes me think, it only does more damage when their are more targets, and less with a lesser targets. So it actually seems like a AoE ability, but don't over do the damage as it is right now. Tone it down ..


    I think... this should have been in one of the other 700 threads about smash.


    That I did not know, and therefore I don't feel like searching. More threads tend to reach out than versus 1 thread. But I'm sure you posted on all those other 700 threads to help out the issue :rolleyes:


    Is it absolutely necessary for a non target ability to crit for 5-7k? Granted yes I'm not full WH out, but full BM and WH weapons, and this ability crits me like no other. It needs to be toned down. No one else AoE ability does that much..


    What do you guys think?

  3. I would pay top dollar for a faction change.. Story should have no impact. Maybe only allow people to do the faction changes as long as they finished their class story.


    More money in EAWare's pockets. So why should it matter?


    Also what about cosmetic changes as in appearances? Name changes?

    BW needs to get ontop of this micro transactions that ppl are willing to pay for.. Cause I defiantly am, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  4. Means that the game doesn't recognize you as being in position to fire a Back Blast.


    Like you said...lag :(


    Its pretty horrid in this game. Never played a game that is nearly as bad at this one with server/body lag.


    You know how many times I have to re position myself after Shoot First, cause the body falls in correctly due to lag.

  5. What the title says; I get that quite a bit while I PvP.


    Is it blatantly saying that, sorry our ability's don't work? Its very frustrating, happens alot with my back blast mainly.


    Another one that's annoying is the almighty great server lag, when on my screen I'm directly behind someone and its telling me I am not, and the next thing you know they teleport a little away from me. Gotta love body lag.


    But can anyone explain what "Effect Condition Failed" means?

  6. yes because pre 50 pvp means so much...... /sarcasm....



    Who cares you get nothing for winning or lossing, there is no rank, quit getting worked up over your e-peen.


    Wait, so 50 pvp has a meaning then? Isn't getting gear boosting your e-peen in the 50 bracket as well? Theres no rank that matters there too..

  7. Why can we not disband any quest we want? I don't want to clutter up quest that I don't want to do, nor finish.. Why no freedom in wanting to delete them?


    I understand not being able to abandon our Class Story quest, but anything else?


    Hope minor things like that will be fixed..

  8. I think it looks good. Especially the BH and Trooper. Ever thought that this might simply be, you know, an opinion?


    Godamn, you can wear whatever you want anyways with the changes to orange gear. No need to be such an *** to their art team.


    Sure, why not? Productive Criticism, we pay them, we tell them we either like it or not..

  9. The most popular deathmatch games these days are objective based in some way (COD, BF3)


    I was quoting him, saying no one in their right mind would play X amount, or up to 8+ hrs just playing deathmatch..


    Of course they would, I did. My mind is fine as well. It's called Team Deathmatch or Arenas..

    That's what all my friends played, and that's what I played. I don't care for objectives, I care for killing my opponent, same with others.


    there are mods for the deathmatch and people play it, but noone in their right mind would play that mode for 8 hours straight (while the defusal mode can and is played like that)



    Wait, SO are you say all the FPS games, that people play for X amount of hrs, even up to 8 hrs straight that are deathmatch type, and people playing arena in certian games for X amount of hrs, even up to 8 hrs straight..


    Just cause you seem like you wouldn't play a deathmatch type game, doesn't mean anyone else wouldn't.


    PVP = Player vs Player.. not Player vs Objectives with Players thrown in there.. Idk, just a thought?

  11. Learn to chain interrupt.


    Worst advice I have ever seen. You do realize interrupt in this game does not lock them out of their ability's like other MMOs, just that one specific cast they were doing.. So chain interrupt won't make a difference, unless you are in a vent/ts program to coordinate interrupts, yet alone your CD for you're interrupt is on a 8s or 12s timer..


    Nice try on the advice..

  12. I'm on the most populated server, even from head start.. and yeah, there is no hour long ques.. Where people are saying this, I have no clue why your making this rumor up.


    But you know, there's not point of the matchmaking system to have a brain, only due to the fact of the ALMIGHTY GREATNESS Bolster system..




    Even having the fact of "teaming up" with four other players, still don't matter, that is a pretty stupid excuse to give someone, cause 4 people don't make a team of 8. Yes, there can be some time where you carry you're other 4 team mates, but that's not always the case. So no reason to tell someone, teaming up with 3 other friends will make a difference, cause it still a 50/50 chance even with pugs to win/loose.

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