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Everything posted by djvapid

  1. The resolve bar system does not work. It's just not good enough when it takes roughly 4-5 stuns to actually fill up. (Should I go into detail about how slows do NOT fill up the resolve bar, hence, you can be perma-slowed?) CC-breakout abilities should leave you immune to another CC for a couple seconds. Simple as that. Second, institute diminishing returns. If every class only has one CC breaker but every class has -several- CCs (Should I mention again about the fact that you can perm-slow people?) with a cooldown that is laughable, then something needs to be looked at.
  2. When they bracket 50s out of the rest of the game from everyone else, you'll see a lot less people leave. I, for one, don't waste my time when I see the usual full team of 50s decked out in expertise gear as a low 30s player. What's the point when you're playing at a 40% disadvantage from the opposing team? Anyone in expertise gear does 20% more damage to you and you do 20% less damage to them. Also, bugs and glitches being blatantly exploited. This also demoralizes a team and causes them to quit. So far, I see no good reason why any player should be subjected to these sort of situations. If you think punishing someone for having the freedom to choose -not- to be subjected to these frustrations out-weighs the root problem, then you need to check your crystal ball again, Jafar. Solve the root problems here and you won't see people quit. Now, with all that said, I -DO- believe there should be a timer that prevents you from queing up for another Warzone for like, 10 minutes if you quit. But I also think there should be a way in the game system to allow disconnected players to reconnect to the same Warzone if there's a hiccup in their internet or one of the infamous "error 9000s" that Bioware occasionally slaps a player with and boots them out of the server.
  3. Everyone has pretty much said what needed to be said, nullifying the whole point of this OP's thread. With that said, when Bioware finally allows us to filter what we que up for, watch Huttball become a ghost town and never touched ever again. Crappiest Warzone I've ever seen and some of the worst experiences I've had with PvP. It brings into light just how ineffective the resolve bar really is. It takes half a dozen stuns for it to actually fill. For starters. Second, THERE IS NO DIMINISHING RETURNS ON SLOWS. Which is pretty damning. You can slow someone permanately regardless of resolve bars or anything else. It's utterly stupid and, although not really game breaking, it /should/ be nerfed. Each second you're slowed should tick up your resolve bar and a maxed bar should make you immune to it.
  4. When people use the term "LEFT" or "RIGHT" they generally mean take the one that is immediately to the direction from which you land when you take the speeder down. This has never been a cause for confusion on my server. With that said, I'm not disagreeing with the OP. I just feel like if you are familiar enough with the map, Left and Right are more than sufficient. (Atleast in my experience.)
  5. I think the PvP gear is easy enough to get as it is. (Some people think it's too easy.) All it takes is a mixture of luck and a lot of time. It really isn't that bad when you step back and look at the bigger picture. The game isn't a month old yet and they're people who have been decked out for a week or more already.
  6. Some people say it's a memory leak, other people have their own theories. Bioware seems to think it's OUR problem and not an issue with their game. (Which is funny since it seems to be pretty damn universal across the board.) I recommend you post up your dxdiag and/or specs before you make comments like this though. Atleast then people might know how to respond.
  7. I'm not looking for the removal of the insta-kill zone. I'm not even worried about being harpooned and insta-killed. The issue I have is that, even though I "pass" through the score zone (goal) as I'm being harpooned, I do NOT score and the ball gets sent back to the neutral zone. If they fix this one part where we still score, then you can help me and harpoon me to your insta kill zone all day long and I won't complain at all. (Although I think your own team won't be too thrilled with you for helping me score.) I'm also not looking to see people banned. I just want Bioware, in an official statement, to regard this as an issue, an exploit, and fix it.
  8. Yet another troll who cannot decipher between in-game story and out-of-game gameplay mechanics. Really? This is your rebuttal to a glaringly obvious mechanic not-working-as-intended? Exit stage left.
  9. Yet another person who apparently cannot decipher between in-game story and out-of-game gameplay mechanics. Good job. Now. Exit stage right.
  10. Things like this can be funny. Are funny, in fact. But for a moment let's put aside the fact that a player is insta-killed by being pulled into the spawn point. The most damning part about this is that the ball is thrust back to the neutral zone despite the fact that it "passed" through the goal to their spawn point in the first place. If you ask me, if the ball goes through the goal, it's a score. Regardless of what happens to the ball carrier quickly following that movement.
  11. Absolutely (as we quickly discovered). But that, in my opinion, doesn't change the fact that this appears to be a design flaw in the mechanic. I think the most damning part of this isn't that the person gets insta-killed, it's that the ball gets thrust back to the neutral zone. If the ball passes the goal, it should be a score. The opponent is, afterall, harpooning you -through- the goal to their spawn point.
  12. I didn't know about that, thanks for the heads up. That absolutely makes sense. When I initially heard that sort of response from a representative, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I would have thought it was a glaringly obvious exploit.
  13. A couple days ago, my team was thwarted from scoring in a Huttball match over a dozen times by the opposing team utilizing abilities like Harpoon. And I'm not talking about pulling us into fire pits, poison or off the ramp. They sat at their spawn point and right before we crossed the goal, they pulled us into their spawn, insta-killing us and returning the ball to the neutral zone without a point for our team. As you can tell, this summarily kept us from scoring the entire game. Would you say this is an exploit? That it is glaringly obvious that this shouldn't be allowed? If you do, you would actually be the person who is "in the wrong". One player in particular reported the problem in a ticket and a CSR responded that "Although the ability is not working as intended, it is not considered an exploit by Bioware." If I'm not mistaken, anything "not working as intended" is one of the clear definitions of what a bug/glitch is. Silly me. So since Bioware doesn't believe this is an exploited glitch, let's see what Bioware's consumers say. The people who give them their money. Are you for or against this sort of exploit? Comment below.
  14. A couple days ago, my team was thwarted from scoring in a Huttball match over a dozen times by the opposing team utilizing abilities like Harpoon. And I'm not talking about pulling us into fire pits, poison or off the ramp. They sat at their spawn point and right before we crossed the goal, they pulled us into their spawn, insta-killing us and returning the ball to the neutral zone without a point for our team. As you can tell, this summarily kept us from scoring the entire game. Would you say this is an exploit? That it is glaringly obvious that this shouldn't be allowed? If you do, you would actually be the person who is "in the wrong". One player in particular reported the problem in a ticket and a CSR responded that "Although the ability is not working as intended, it is not considered an exploit by Bioware." If I'm not mistaken, anything "not working as intended" is one of the clear definitions of what a bug/glitch is. Silly me. So since Bioware doesn't believe this is an exploited glitch, let's see what Bioware's consumers say. The people who give them their money. Are you for or against this sort of exploit? Comment below.
  15. A couple days ago, my team was thwarted from scoring in a Huttball match over a dozen times by the opposing team utilizing abilities like Harpoon. And I'm not talking about pulling us into fire pits, poison or off the ramp. They sat at their spawn point and right before we crossed the goal, they pulled us into their spawn, insta-killing us and returning the ball to the neutral zone without a point for our team. As you can tell, this summarily kept us from scoring the entire game. Would you say this is an exploit? That it is glaringly obvious that this shouldn't be allowed? If you do, you would actually be the person who is "in the wrong". One player in particular reported the problem in a ticket and a CSR responded that "Although the ability is not working as intended, it is not considered an exploit by Bioware." If I'm not mistaken, anything "not working as intended" is one of the clear definitions of what a bug/glitch is. Silly me. So since Bioware doesn't believe this is an exploited glitch, let's see what Bioware's consumers say. The people who give them their money. Are you for or against this sort of exploit? Comment below.
  16. Actually, PvP gear is not better than PvE gear. Actually, let me specify: As an armortech, I can craft gear that far surpasses what you can buy with warzone commendations at -any- level. It takes a bit of money and time on my part, but it's well worth it to stay up-to-date with my gear. There is NO PvP gear that is "better" than what you can craft or find. It's simply not true and you apparently haven't progressed very far through the game or you'd know that. With that said, there is a stat on level 50 PvP gear called expertise that you cannot craft or find out in the rest of the world. It's a broken stat (can you tell I don't support the existance of it?) that basically seperates PvPers from PvE players and gives them something to progress toward as a goal so the grind isn't completely mindless. (Because, why would anyone want to play in a Warzone simply for the fun of it?)
  17. djvapid

    50 vs 50 bracket!

    I will sit back and enjoy all the complaints from the 50s about how they can't "pwn noob lowbies" anymore. Typical stuff. I feel sorry for new 50s who didn't get the opportunity to grind out their expertise gear in easymode under the guise of being "pro". A lot of skill-less drones are going to find out real soon that gear is no supplement for skill.
  18. /Thread. Thank you. Best possible way to sum everything up.
  19. Which is a terrible representation. At level 12, I was topping the scoreboard and more of a value to the team than people three times my level. Thanks to the bolster system, lowbies can be an asset too. But -skill- plays a huge part in that. If you suck at PvP, don't run around complaining and making up excuses to forum-rage over when, the root of the problem, lies in how good you are to begin with.
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Very soon these 50s are being bracketed off (and will quickly discover that their expertise advantage is now non-existant since everyone in their bracket will have it...and that they aren't as good as they thought they were). Then PvP will settle down again and it will be more skill based and you won't have any pretentious expertise players "pwning noobs" and claimg to be "l33t". In fact, I predict a tremendous influx of cry babies on the forums when they can't steamroll lowbies anymore.
  21. Balanced...by...the...expertise...stat. Wow. Just...wow. Expertise is the most broken concept out there for any PvP mechanic. And guess what? How exactly is it balancing anyone when 50s get bracketed off and -everyone- has it. When everyone has this stat, everyone is on the same level and it's as if the stat didn't exist at all. So if everyone has it, ipso facto, things are balanced, ipso facto, putting everyone on a level playing field as if it didn't exist, ipso facto - it shouldn't exist.
  22. This is a major issue. I've reported players for doing this and saw them present in games for nearly a week before they disappeared. These accounts should be banned outright, no passing go, no collecting 200 dollars. Period.
  23. Oh, and for those players saying "Well, healers get MvP votes" if you actually look at the reward for that, you'd know the difference isn't very much. It's nice and, indeed, MvP should -always- go to the healer. But frankly, it's pretty common for healers to get reduced medals compared to all the 007s and Dirty Harrys out there. As it stands, the healing medals are: 2.5K in -one- heal. 5L in -one- heal. 75K total healing. 300K total healing. In my opinion, it's a lot easier to rack up DPS score than it is Healing. The 30% healing debuff is there for a reason: it's fair. If you don't believe me, well, I can't force you to believe what I do. But take my word for it, it's there for a reason. With that said, healers need a bit more love. Like I said in my last post when I agreed with the original person who stated it: Healers should get credit for kills if they are healing the person doing the damage. It works out pretty well and helps balance things out. I've seen it in other games (Such as Global Agenda) and the system works great.
  24. Great idea here, been saying the same thing myself: healers should get kill credits (not killing blow credit) if they healed the person doing the damage.
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