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Everything posted by Pherdnut

  1. And by that I mean, what kinds of nasty shocks am I in for when I finish uploading 8 months worth of client updates?
  2. I think there's a lot of us have that have always been bummed we couldn't play Ugnaught snipers or Hammerhead bounty hunters. And I get the technical/writing obstacles. Romancing with a wookie would be odd (hilarious, IMO, but odd) and there's way too much content to basically add a non-romancing third gender to the game at this point. Or is there? We have insta-60 now. Couldn't BW just start tagging all the newer KOTFE dialogues to make it possible to introduce such characters and then just consider all the prior plot-stuff auto-completed with no flirting having been done? You could make insta-60 not-as-humanoids a reward for completing all class plots for a given faction so they couldn't be used as a cheap way to unlock stuff?
  3. As a PVPer (who was away from the game for a few months), I for one heartily approve of this development until I max m1-4x out, at which point, I plan on a 100% flip-flop on the issue. The quest should probably have an alternative inf-gaining mechanism though. Like maybe 10 war supplies instead of the usual 5 or something to encourage people to try without massively punishing people who definitely don't ever want to PVP at all and shouldn't. I fear wins-only would lead to horribad players looking to get lucky and get carried through like 200 match attempts just to get M1 though.
  4. My last unanswered bug report was in October. And I know they don't answer those but they at least acknowledge receipt. Nope.
  5. Mostly because I was kind of let-down about the generifying of the companions in terms of gameplay and just wanted to give the game a break for a while to see what all this new stuff evolved into... but there's been almost nothing. * Nothing new in the end-game * A very small fraction of a Kotor in terms of single-player-style content * The Fluff which I'm admittedly a glutton for looks like the B-Team's been phoning it in and is behind by about 3 months. But seriously no new e-motes. No new toys? Just meh armor, guns, vehicles, many of which are repaints, and in lower quantity than before. Awesome. You just had the best damned SW movie since Empire a couple months ago. What in the heck is going on here? The thing that really bugs me is that I'm actually bothered by the 15 bucks a month I've been spending in absentia. Because while 15/month has been in my adult life relevant, it's not very relevant to me now. It's almost nothing. And yet I can't help but feel like I've participated in a bad faith kickstarter. I can't stop thinking in terms of an entire game I spent 50-75 bucks on and thoroughly enjoyed sometimes for years vs the 5 months of almost nothing that got added to this game. Well, thanks for running the servers I guess. And the gunslinger archetype in the SW setting was fun while it lasted. But I suspect I'll be in maintenance mode myself from here on out once I've played however few hours it takes to get through chapters X and XI. And seriously whoever wrote I though IX, get them on an SP Kotor already. That was good stuff. Just maybe not $180/year good.
  6. First City of Heroes. Now this! *tear
  7. I'm still adjusting gear and have a long way to go (I've got mad amounts of accuracy to swap out and augs to hole-punch in) but I've been made to look like a punk-*** chump repeatedly by maras lately. They've got some nice burst going on from what I can tell and they cut right through all doubled-up via bag of tricks mitigation FAST. It pretty much took all my attention and often help from allies to survive mara encounters in recent games.
  8. I thought 12x was over on Makeb anyway.
  9. Stealth is and always should be the #1 thing we're nervous about IMO. Any class that naturally sits still occasionally and is usually farther behind allies than everybody else, should be. Any time I've played stealth we were the obvious target. Stealth detect should ramp up a little faster than it does IMO. It's never worth much unless you're guarding, which IMO isn't something slingers are great at solo but maybe I just suck at it.
  10. It would make sense if their role was more pressure/sustained damage now. They're damned hard to kill in the right hands and have plenty of mobility, CC, AND off-heals..
  11. Opposite of camera facing too? Like when you r-click and swivel with the mouse?
  12. It's the doubled-up + additional defenses and roll people should be nervous about, not the easiest LOS in the game. Haven't PVPed yet but it looks like we finally got a designer who understands where slingers were hurting. I don't think my health dropped below 85% all the up through chapter VIII last night.
  13. It's when I'm losing to pre-mades that I can tell actually suck but just happen to have the right class composition that I'm really seriously ready to move on. I have loved PVP in this game but it is and has been slowly but surely going away for some time. And don't get me wrong, I love me some barbie times. But it's not enough without PVP. Looking forward to playing the not-quite Kotor 3 content but beyond that, pvp improves or I'm an intermittent subscriber at best.
  14. At least give slingers and commandos a poop self and die option for solo ranked. That would be funny for like a week.
  15. * I did not hit a single arena * Most importantly, not one single premade tonight But lots of good strong players (it wasn't all wins). Please, can we have solo-only regs maybe with an option to ditch the one WZ-type we hate? I can live with sins/sorcs/PTs/Juggers/maybe-maras-now getting all the cool ranked loot. I just want to have fun again. Please can I have fun? Hint: getting insta-killed repeatedly with VOIP reaction-speed for being the one guy on the team who focuses a premade's healers is not fun. Realizing that the rest of the team isn't helping you because they just at least want to farm what they can without being focused is decidedly less fun.
  16. Yes, that's it! Join me fellow disappointed SWTOR PVPers in a boycott of Battlefr... oh who am I kidding I don't even like FPS and I want to play that game. Unless it's Origin exclusive. Then EA can screw themselves as they did with Mass Effect 3. You don't get to be the sole publisher and retailer of all the games.
  17. I'm sure the developers and designers work hard. Regardless of whether you appreciate it however, I "feel" that empirically speaking, giving a class that was already a nuisance in PVP for having the ability to heal in place while invulnerable and then follow up with heavy self-heal, the ability to teleport through walls where it can then heal itself some more is completely bat-guano-retarded-insane where basic rational thought in terms of balancing the game for PVP is concerned.
  18. My impression from interviews is that you'll be able to mission with all your old companions. You just won't be able to use them during KOTFE-specific story quests until you've rediscovered them. You will not have to regrind affection. They explicitly said they're not taking anything away or forcing you to regrind stuff. Aside from their other obvious plans to murder crafting as a relevant game mechanic, you have nothing to worry about.
  19. Why waste the soon-to-be-worthless mats if you have 2 comms handy and aren't level 60 yet?
  20. It's possible we've been hacked by Bioware or hero engine. I keep running into this thing where my abilities delay by a lot when targeting specific players. There's something hacky or something broken there.
  21. I've more or less stopped because of it. Between the cheap server moves and conquest I'd say at least 50% of games are completely pointless. You touch their healer and they murder you with VOIP response time while your team does the usual oblivious thing. IMO there should really be a solo-only option. Random pickup matches are less fun when they're constantly being dominated by conquest farmers. And it's only going to get worse now that they've eliminated repeatable war supply points from conquest.
  22. Hold position is the cover ability. You're not "hold-positioning" if you aren't in cover. They aren't describing an effect for dodge in the hold position description because they intend for you to think dodge will also get the 75% DR when you aren't in cover. It is absolutely intended that way. When running with dodge/evasion, it's only good against ranged attack accuracy, nothing else, and it's not impossible to get hit still. When you hit dodge/evasion in cover you should be very hard to kill for 4 seconds. Not that this will do much good vs 4 sins globalling you in solo ranked while your teammates type 'L2P' at you instead of helping.
  23. It's the charged-shot/dirty-blast potential that people aren't seeing yet.
  24. Why wouldn't you buy from GTN? If you're saying you couldn't make a profit buying from GTN, then you're basically screwing yourself and everybody else at the same time by selling way too low. The value of your mats isn't 5000, it's whatever you can reliably sell them for within a reasonable time period -5000.
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