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Everything posted by Vesayen

  1. Think about it this way. I am Rank 54 and i had 2 pieces of champ set gear until the patch. Almost battlemaster rank and i dont have champ gear, hmm seems odd right? Well now that they have done it this way i did the dailys and weeklys and i was able to buy my chest instead of praying i get it. The new loot system makes it so much easier for every to get gear, its finally fair. Instead of some people never getting champ gear and some people getting all the gear in the first 10 bags. Stop complaining.
  2. for everyone that had this problem i believe i figured out what caused it. i was using the side button on my mouse for vent. i noticed that the problem only really happened when i would do things while i had that mouse button pressed. changed what button i use for vent and it doesnt happen anymore
  3. i will admit that the aoe dmg for a merc may be a little op. but if you use relics properly and understand how pvp works then you can change the outcome of a game.
  4. I believe that my spec is 34/4/2 im not at home so i cant look it up. hutball is one of the easier ones to do alot of dmg and healing on because of the fact everyone is fighting over the ball so everyone should be in a general area. what kind of gear are you in? that could be a big part of the problem.
  5. BH healing imo is amazing. the fact that your auto attack can heal for as much as it does is incredible. i currently have 515 bonus healing along with 35% base crit chance. so that along with the heal bonus' you have from other abilities makes that skill alone amazing. In wz's i am constantly breakign 400k healing. not only that but mercs can safely pump out high ammounts of dmg while being able to have those "oh****" moments and heal a tank or aoe heal a group. never have i thought taht the heat or the heals were bad. once you learn how to successfully manage your heat its gg for anyone that tries to stop you or a friend.
  6. ive done this now both on my merc and assassin. didnt use cc for either. if you cant keep the tank up then its either not a true tank just a dps that is using the tank abilities or your a bad healer. the heroic has nothing wrong with it
  7. i really feel no pitty for you. i am rank 44 and i have gotten 4 pieces, where as a friend is rank 23 and got 6 pieces in his first 10 bags. its random loot it is what it is. if your mad about a close fight where your undergeared then go back to wow. you should be happy about the fact you almost had someone that outgeared you, it would show you have more skill then the other person and that when you have gear you will dominate.
  8. Idk how you dont get medals, well first off hybrid spec why? im full healing on my bh and i get atleast 7 medals every game. ya i dont get mvp votes even when i do 400k+ healing and 200k+ dmg but thats because people que with friends all the time and they just give it to them. try going full healing and just spot dps here and there, snipe a kill to get that medal. if your only getting 2 medals your doing something wrong. at lvl 50 the 2.5k and the 5k healing medal should be piece of cake, along with 75k healing and 300k healing. plus the finishing blow on a person. then if you just do some aoe dmg the 10 kills should be simple. right there thats, 6 easy ones that every healer should get. not to mention the defender medals. being a healer is the easiest way to get medals. if your only getting 2 i would suggest to either play a different class or go full healer and try that.
  9. Idk what your talking about saying that healing is underpowered or un fun! I play a BH Body Guard and I am getting 300k+ healing and 100k+ dmg every game. Healing in this game is so easy. You just need to know what your doing and not rely on gear like you can in WoW. By far the most fun i have had healing a game
  10. Hey so i have had this happen a few times now, my ui will randomly lock up. It wont let me click on anything, wont even let me leave the game. I have done the ctrl-u to reset the ui and it has worked so far but i have a bad feeling that sometime that wont work anymore. anyone know the cause of this issue? It has happened to quite a few people i have talked to from my guild and server so i know its not my pc
  11. BT was by far one of the best instance i had ever done. i did it twice and both times i did it i took 2 completely different paths. the fact i was doing the same instance but 2 different ways was amazing. the interaction between the players and the npc with the cut scenes are flawless! Excellent work guys
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