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Posts posted by Easpeak

  1. Welcome to The Ebon Hawk. I still have no idea why anyone transfers here instead of literally any other server. PvP pops a lot, I get it, but this is the other extreme of the Quality vs. Quantity argument.


    I'm from Europe. Bioware doesn't allow transfers to EU servers, I don't like this game enough to grind up another legacy. Had to chance it with the highest population server during my play time. Regs are bad on all servers.


    Ranked scene is determined by the community, not the server.

  2. If you are speaking of the original huttball... Quesh can die in a fire though.


    I very much enjoyed organized 8-man ranked Huttball, but watching 2 VG tanks in your own pit trying to kill an ops healer makes me facepalm every time.

  3. Until they fix queue syncing and hybrids (and classes are not balanced for the yolo queue) solo rank, imo, is worse than regs.


    Team ranked is the only form of ranked, solo is simply a method to farm ranked comms.


    Tequila, I thought you were playing wow???


    SWTOR has always put a heavy emphasis on team comp (PVP and PVE), you have to have the right people with the right comp or it won't work.


    If they'd bring back in-field respec, yolo would be interesting. Personally, I'd play all forms of arena over Queshball/Huttball where you see people run around like drunk ants.

  4. does solo ranked still happen, ever?


    Unless someone makes a genuine effort to make them pop for one night, then no. In a game that's slowly, but surely, losing population, people take their rating and ehonor too seriously.

  5. I'm just calling the shots I see. It's not my fault you all take my objectivity for subjectivity.


    Now here comes my subjectivity, seems how you all are so ever curious about it....

    My biased opinion about <Maven> is that they themselves are a bunch of try hards


    You do realize that what you just said makes your previous posts about my guild invalid?


    Secondly, I have no idea who Kuriyama is/was. On POT5 I played as Heff in Rainbow Space Unicorns, Phantom of The Operative and Casual. Imp guilds. Whoever knows POT5, knows that that is opposite to what you just wrote.


    I brought my PT over here first and after seeing/hearing what people wrote about the factional imbalance, I formed Maven.


    I would appreciate if you never talked about **** you do not know again. Makes you just look bad. Now transfer off this server.

  6. Just callin the shots I see. I have no emotions attached to this topic.


    And yes, you're right. I'm leaving Ebon Hawk because of ar-tards that can't PvP.




  7. I've been either a member, applicant, or wanted member of some of the PvP guilds on this server. Let me set you all straight.


    <Maven> blah blah this, <Maven> blah blah that.



    You sound obsessed, are you really this hurt that we didn't join your <The Chosen Ones> and made <Maven> instead?


    I also find your text ironic after your previous posts on these forums, an example:

    Carebears made Thobi so sick that he's now on leave from TEH. I had many imperials log onto rep toons to ask me to stop 'griefing' them in the PvP area. I tried to explain that there was no such thing, but nothing was getting through their thick skull. And after all the fun <Guerrilla> had, I even had a <Guerrilla> member say "1v1 me" after he died.

  8. ...it is time to look at your personal play and get better.


    I don't even know how to take Alexsamma's whole comment, as he has created more nerf threads on these forums than I have regular posts.


    3) It's hard for me to call a guild good when, majority of the time, they are superqueueing and crushing PUGs, or maybe a premade of 4 and 4 PUGs. *Shrug* Call me an ***, ask me if "I'm mad, bro," whatever. All I really see you doing is grieving people who are trying to PvP.


    I'm glad you got all that out of your system.



    Maven's response

    Super-queues on both sides happen due to the population scarcity, there really just aren't enough players queuing up. While not intentional, we don't really care when they happen either.


    PS. People should look for ways to improve their personal ability and their chances of winning, not look for easier opposition. There is no Story Mode in PVP.

  9. TEH PVP is pretty average.


    What Viking said, PvP in SWTOR seems to be generally the same on all server, just depends on what guild you are in or how hard you can carry the team on your own, being a damage dealer will have the biggest effect on the outcome on TEH.

  10. Nemesis should take a lithium pill or two. You asked for ranked yesterday and we queued and we don't mind queuing again. I thought it was fun, aside from the technical issues we had (that 3 v 4). Weekend deals are fine with me. During the week tuesday-wednesday nights est Seje/Sojo will run a team.


    You have to understand that Maven is not from Ebon Hawk, we have people from 4 different servers, who have never played together before, and if you send tells to people that have only been in the guild for 3 days, you are not going to get an adequate answer.


    If there are other imp guilds/people that want to queue arenas then one or two of us can probably queue on the imperial side too if we have excess people on.

  11. I think what RGMetal means is that you'd expect to have more people with full expertise than sub-1700 at this stage of the game. Whereas in reality there are usually ~3 people with full expertise and then the other 5 ranging from 1100 (how?) to 1900.


    Just having the same people day after day with the same level of bad gear, you might start thinking that people just don't get Warzones.

  12. I could maybe help you out with a healer, I still have a scoundrel on TEH.


    What's your in-game name(s)?



    <Guerrilla> has been very active and with several members in game at any given time, can easily field 1-2 teams for group ranked. If there are groups trying to get a team rollinng pubside, my scoundrel can heal for you if you are in need of heals.


    Will see how many people we have on tonight.

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