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Everything posted by Reye

  1. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of this being an MMO? and it would make soloing way too easy.
  2. downloading the demo tomorrow, going to replay 1 and 2 and getting 3 at midnight.
  3. content is currently unavaliable!? nooooooooo!
  4. It's me http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/303130_10150370193779635_767209634_8460194_1543365763_n.jpg I have not figured out how to place a link in a word
  5. You know this isn't SwG...right? That game died.
  6. the bike blowing up is annoying, but the problem is the chase. there are times i can get away, but there are a lot more times when they won't stop chasing me, even when they're well out of the area they spawn at.
  7. so annoying, just riding around and then boom! blasters hit my mount and im knocked out on the ground, forced into another fight.
  8. because pressing esc is so much trouble?
  9. seriously, what's the reasoning behind this? it makes traveling around a planet so tedious.
  10. why can't they have the dialogue wheel and still have many conversations like in KOTOR, DA:O and NWN?
  11. I noticed a lot of people want server merges, but i have a question. if that happens, what happens to peoples character and legacy names? Wouldn't that cause some conflicts?
  12. what community? you played republic? there's less than 10 people in each zone maybe 20 at peak hours and fleet never passes 115.
  13. that's why i figured it would be better just to try and beat set times rather than go head to head.
  14. I suppose, I just wish I had more to do while leveling up.
  15. Right? I want my ship to be a place I actually visit, not just walk in for 45 seconds to choose a planet and walk out.
  16. yeah, I hate how empty and useless my ship feels.
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