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Everything posted by dathmesican

  1. Whenever I use my field respect ability and try to put my points the game does not allow me to save some of them and I have to relog to fix that ? I first tried resetting the ui via Ctrl UU and that does nothing so I end up reclogging. Does anyone else have that issue ? If so is there any work around ? And lastly does BW know about the issue and have any plans to fix it ?
  2. This makes more sense than the Middle East. Como si hay mas gente con luz o internet en el Medio Oriente que en America Latina.
  3. **** read teh STICKY post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=16391
  4. Don't you people READ the forums ? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=16391
  5. Retail release is relevant, because that is the OFFICIAL LAUNCH date. It does not matter that you can buy from Origin, seeing how Origin is not the ONLY place to buy it. People just need to start complaining and wait. It did say UP TO 5 days. They gave us extra 2 days, and now it was announced EVERYONE will be on by the 16th.
  6. Umm. In the US where most people are based it has not gone on sale RETAIL WISE, that is the 20th. Early game Access does not mean it has launched. Launch means to EVERYBODY not a select few. Now by your logic then the day we get EGA our first month should start counting down. Happy ?
  7. The whole bringing back Palpatine and making him so damn powerful.
  8. I love it and so do my children. It's our Friday tradition to watch it together.
  9. I grew up with the Original Trilogy, and in my opinion jar was not that bad. he had his comic moments and very annoying moments. But like someone pointed out, he was meant for kids. The vast majority of people who saw EI and loathed him where teenagers and adults. Kids liked him not all but a great amount did.
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