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Everything posted by Sethan_Cinomed

  1. Merc heals in regs is just fun and effective as operatives, maybe even easier than sorcs\sage. My spec was passed to me, I can't remember it off of the top of my head but I will PM you the link. In yolo ranked, its a crapshoot. Expect to be focused hard and survival is tough in a uncoordinated group.
  2. ^ This. But, the vote kick system still needs to be changed to allow the operation to kick a non-contributor\troll. I can kick someone from a Flashpoint I can drop someone from a PVE Operation --------------------------- I can't queue an 8 man operation into a WZ I can't vote kick someone from a WZ BioWare forces us to play with pugs, but disables our ability to police them.
  3. Good for you brother. You should demand a server transfer. I was serious when I said I would as well. I PVP at least 80% of my play time and something like this would absolutely unsub and /delete the game files. I wouldn't even be mad at the naked AFK guy. Bioware is responsible for allowing this behaviour to continue. If someone Qed a FP naked, would you not Vote\Kick? Sure you would, because: You can. Vote kicked a guy who was afk in Esseles last night, np. Why not WZs? If 5 out of an 8 man Op is not interested in carrying a derp or a naked AFKer, they shouldn't have to.
  4. I stay either way. If the team I get placed on is getting destroyed I just derp and make the best of it by Pick an opposing team member and see how many times I can kill him. Solo cap a node. Live through an onslaught of the opposing team for x duration Its just a reg warzone. if the team balance is off, oh well. If the players on my team are in raid gear trying to get their wz comms... not much to prevent it. Up against a crazy pre-made... it happens. Its just as lame as roflstomp win.
  5. Just having the normal flashpoint vote kick system applied would be enough help police the WZs. CSR's need to take this stuff more serious. As a sub (Paying Customer) I would be pretty peeved if this was happening when I play. Eventually I would unsub, reason: Lack of Customer support. When things like this affect the profit margin, changes magically happen. Applying the GF ignore system to an 8 man ops with possible premades would be very, very complex. You ignore 1 guy of someone else's pre made 4... your now ignoring the other 3 for possibly the next few hours. You will get less Q's from regs and thats just 1 person... multiply it and do some insane link analysis and you and everyone else has ignored each other through 1 or 2 other people.
  6. Heh, there is the one Imp Sorcerer that comes in and just RE's off in the corner. You can't vote kick the guy because he just starts eating himself to avoid the kick. EDIT: I am going to message the opposing team in general chat from now on when I am stuck in a WZ with the turd. Tell them where he is and disrupt his RE'ing.
  7. This thread needs to be stickied, so new people coming into the PVP realm have an understanding of what's in store for PVP.
  8. What is on the slate (in development) now for PVP, and what are the future plans for PVP? A timeframe for future plans would be appreciated.
  9. If the bug is too difficult to find, fix, resolve, remove... at least make the /stuck command reset the character so they are not stuck at the spawn point and booted from the WZ.
  10. 1. Sometimes (I like regs too). I would queue both as Yolo and pre-made It would be good practice for teams and it wouldn't affect ratings.
  11. Sethan_Cinomed


    That is the flaw in an ELO rating system. link The Elo System (used by the United States Chess Federation, FIDE, and many other online chess sites) is popular for two reason - it has been around for a long time, and it is simple. The idea is this: given two chess players of different strengths, we should be able to calculate the % chance that the better player will win the game. For example, Garry Kasparov has ~100% chance of beating my 4-year-old daughter. But he may only have a ~60% chance of beating another Grandmaster. So when playing that other Grandmaster, if he wins 6 games out of 10, his rating would stay the same. If he won 7 or more, it would go up, and 5 of less, his rating would go down. Basically, the wider the spread of the ratings, the higher percentage of games the higher rated player is expected to win. So to calculate a person's rating after playing a few games you calculate the average ratings of his opponents, and then how many games he was expected to win, and then plug it into a formula that spits out the new rating. Simple enough. Well, it turns out, that is maybe TOO simple.
  12. No, its equal number of Roles, not classes. 1 heal = 1 heal 1 tank = 1 tank 2 dps = 2 dps Thats why people rant on skanks.
  13. Great, I may have a tank lined up. I'll add you to friends in game and we can discuss.
  14. 80 something people looked at the thread. 0 responses. Ranked Teams do not create themselves. Ranked isn't just for premade superstars ~ and those that shine at it now, probably sucked at it when they started. Team Ranked requires building a team, becoming a good team requires practice, practice requires a team to queue. Looking for a tank and 2 dps. Gear req: Obroan, augmented, and stim. Exp level: Know your class and role in pvp (or at least learn) VOIP comms will be determined or provided. If you're not interested in helping create this team, feel free to recruit a team on this thread.
  15. I am pretty sure they are referring to unranked Arena matches from wz queue
  16. Looking to put together a ranked team for this season. I'll run my operative medic or merc heal. The idea is to use this season and the coming preseason as team building to really compete in Season 3. If your interested, post, PM, or in game.
  17. Shout out to Regalia for always keeping my spirit up! And a shout out to those that were stuck Q'ed with me, working on it... I am stuck on the fine line of 1200.
  18. With all of the RNG removals and auto-procs granted to most of the dps classes there has been a significant increase in dps across the board. It's no longer a crappy RNG\Luck to get procs for crits or watching for procs, its all automatic now. With the increased white damage some classes are seeing even more favorable results.
  19. If they allowed unranked to select Arena's so players may gain the experience needed to become better than bad there would be time for coaching and learning the ropes. Regs do not teach Arena tactics. ELO separates the seasoned and naturally talented players from the newer or slower learning players. If you want better players around, ranked yolo is best suited for that. If you want to be Elite, put a team together and you won't be affected by new players in Queue.
  20. The client app should be able to tell if your down a player in a match. At that point it should offer, through votes, the option to the rest of the team to reque without losing ELO. This can only work before a round starts, not during. The person who did abandon the match, should still lose the ELO. If someone decides to rage quit no one else suffers. Apply a vote kick system to Ranked Arenas. It may force a re-queue, but its better than a loss due to someone's lack of knowledge or caring about gear requirements. Minimum expertise [1900?] to Queue Minimum Valor rating[60] to Queue (not sure what this really proves though)
  21. Thats pretty over the top requirement that someone uses a specific brand... my set up is just fine. If your PC runs the game well, it will run ranked well (much better than regs). But anyway, you could still run your twitch recording from spectate mode, and if the spectate mode allowed free roaming you could get some pretty awesome views into the recording. Using something like fraps or whatever is nice if you want to record your own matches. I am saying, spectate other players matches.
  22. You lose more rating from quitting than from losing in a 3v4.
  23. Would'nt that require the player to run the additional software on overhead? Idk about you but I only run sw:tor when in ranked. I don't want anything dragging down my PC's performance or causing hiccups. I just want to watch it, not produce it.
  24. Seriously. A ready check with a timer to reset the group back into the Queue would be way better than losing rating due to something out of your control. There are downsides to this though.
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