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Everything posted by Spyde

  1. You know.. as in lest test this... and maybe... When the real rankings start.. there will be a rank requirement to buy gear. Like Boots take rank so and so to purchase, Chest rank so and so, and higher you are the higher the set you unlock. People forget the whole "PRE SEASON" and not, Season 1.
  2. Should Try reading what a class has for abilities before you come here and make a post like this. Youll feel smarter
  3. If you want a test, Get a full set of Cent. Gear and full set of BM gear. Solo Que 10 games in each set and record stats. and Win/Loss you had maybe 100 less Expertise 180 less CUnning 180 Less Endurance 100 Less Crit That is hardly a difference, you take somone in Full Cent Gear, they will still have a crap ton of lower stats and expertise as you with just missing 2 peices. It was all show and nothing more taking off those 2 peices. Toss in your running a pre made that had near equal gear is lulzy
  4. Have you seen GW2 PVP plans ? Its lulzy as heck. BIgger joke then pvp here
  5. This is when its time to realize your server is junk. And its time to re roll to a new one. Cand. Ordo i get instant ques.
  6. I vote for the person that did the worst. MVP voting is serious buisness
  7. Spyde

    1.2 rated WZ gear

    your nuts, we need pvp gear based on Rated Rank Except, the gear needs to have no mods in it. and just a fancy skin.
  8. in the 10-49 que.. there are so many level 20 and under on repub side, and there is a ton of 30+ on imp side. Alot of newbie class re rolls.
  9. i have to add to the lulz melee underpowered.. Tell that to a marauder or a rage spec jugger that has a clue
  10. because it relates to pvp..as i only plan to pvp as in.. class forums are just people ************ waaa my class sucks. guess pvp forums is the same
  11. So. Im trying to decide between Sage and Vanguard. Both are up to 17. but leveling them both much longer is gonna get bleh. Pros and cons.. as i like them both... Used to play Jugger. Thoughts ? Friend plays a marauder
  12. I know Mortar volley is ? Which of the others ? Hopefully the commando channeled heal does also...
  13. You know people are going to say it.. lrn2play. get your caster to 50. On my 50 Jugger i have no issues with sorcs/sages. damage.. damage.. crit for 4k damage damage.. crit for 4k again. Higher level = more intterupts, more tools to deal with the class. Also a healer should be able to heal somone 1v1 at 50 and live.
  14. So.. on my Jugger i could get 12 Medals a game for the longest time using Shockwater for 2 free ones. Who cares if we won... i just needed my medals while i stood in Ilum for the buff. Many People kill Traded Valor for their rank. Some Afk'd Most warzones and got decent amounts. I hope people realize.. its just a Title... Soon as Ranked PvP Is here.. It will "Hopefully" give gear to the correct people, Gear before ranked pvp is just who put in the time.. not who has any skill. Just wait! When Season 1 pvp will be ending, a few weeks after, they will make it easymode to gear Season 1 Gear.. Then the Season 2 Gear grind will begin. The cries will start again....
  15. Sadly with so many dead servers already. Most would rather quit rather then re roll. They are just losing customers slowly, Prime time on my server went from around 250 people on fleet constantly, to 140 now. And dropping. Same in all zones on the server. by 11pm on a Friday night, pvp ques were near dead.
  16. As title says. They are able to Tranfer characters. Why cant we pay to use it at least ? Proof. BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will officially launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore on March 1st, 2012! Fans in these regions who purchase the game will be able to experience their very own Star Wars™ saga on regional servers. Players who have already begun their journey will also have a limited-time opportunity to migrate their characters from their current servers to Asia Pacific servers after the launch on March 1st, giving them the chance to take advantage of the decreased network latency by playing on a regional server. All players who qualify for a character transfer will be notified in early March with more details. http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120214
  17. 2 People cant really be a pre made but. Re rolling republic, and looking for classes that go good together. Right now Options are pretty much. Other person is going to be a Sentinal. Im going to be a Commando... or Vangard. Which would go better with a Sentinal ? Commando.. Or Vanguard. Heals or/Tank I could heal the Sent... but i can also get shutdown doing that. Or, i could put Guard on the Sent, and use Taunts to keep him alive. Suggestions ?
  18. Most things in the Frozen food section is pre made. Pre made Muffins Pre made Cupcakes Pre made cheesecake Pre made Lasagna Pre made Twice baked potatos
  19. They are adding votekick. And buh bye baddies. Go get gear with other groups.... (If they dont kick you also)
  20. Do you have a clue what your talking about ? Merc/Commando get 35% pen from Buff And 20% from Tracer/Grav Shot.
  21. I really hope more people roll ranged. More people to shut down and have easy kills with my Jugger.
  22. In PVE Guard a DPS In PVP Guard a Healer. I dont see 4 people go oh hey hes doing damage KILLLLL Its more so.. that guy is spamming heals... KILLLL Ill Guard healer, and keep healer alive. Healer will Keep DPS and me alive. Or keep me alive, and let all the dps die, due to most of the time dps do not pay attention to people attacking the healers and just run off attacking random people.
  23. How about. I force Charge somone, and fall through the world and it then kicks me from the warzone.
  24. he hits for 900+900+4500 Some hits over 5k dmg its not with "Spinnylightsaberbladeattack"
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