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Posts posted by digimass

  1. pretty sure since they refuse (absolutely refuse to) say the new multiplayer addition will be a op, that it defintly won't be one.


    If it was a OP, they would be going all out on saying such, but at best we get more arena single/group, or at best a flashpoint wich will be a even bigger joke.


    So how long are they going to lead us on, and feed us bs?

  2. bring back better expansions, where I feel like I accomplished something, and the content is replayable. This was far worse than dealing with Revan.. It was like all the butt luv, but no lube, and he didn't leave his number to call him back.
  3. I was disappointed overall. mechanics on last fight were .... at best, and no need to use the odessen weapon. all this was, was a prelude to the next set of chapters. They put more work in to the new cartel button than the last chapter, and the credits took longer to watch than it did to run thru it...


    Sooo, where is Mako? where is new group content/ops? why do you keep reskining crap for cartel and offering less but charge more. Where is my HK chapter for faithfully being subbed thru the whole steaming pile of bs, and when will you announce that the this game is being turned to sub'd single player to make room for the next sw title you're working on?

  4. I don't see the point. I'm not going to a low pop server and do this all again for rewards I'll only get on those toons there.


    I know what they're doing, and its a FAIL. I cancelled my sub yesterday, and I will find a better game to play that doesn't blatantly return to old content for lack of dev.... And screwing over your seasoned vets, really? Its almost as if they want this game to sink below the line so the can mothball it.

  5. I would pay good money to play a game I'm not targeted by other players maliciously using a system that allows for this kind of game hindering actions..


    Really need to look for another game, because I do sub, with real money, and Bioware pretty much is blowing this off...

  6. here's the dealio. I will detail as much as I can without naming names, because "shaming" is something they don't allow, although I feel people should be held accountable for their actions, especially on the forums.


    I am on Harbinger. A heavily populated server with many guild competing to be the best or top guild. Conquest is something guilds compete on in SWTOR. One certain guild, lets call them beta... feel threatened when other guilds compete with them for conquest. Beta is a notorious guild unfornately, and Bioware knows them well for their use of exploits and other questionable methods to play there game.


    I'm in a guild, lets call them victor... Our guild leader publicly called that we would challenge their monopoly on conquest. Ever since that fateful day, most of the member of victor have been digitally harrased by beta. Through private messages, sabotaging group finder runs, and especially squelching.


    Squelching is easy to do in this game. It was set up in a way that 8 or so people could report a spammer (like a gold farmer or trash talk) that it would squelch a person for 24 hours Unfornately this system has been abused by beta to target to target a competing guilds leadership and members. Running raids, and general interraction with the game is seriously hampered when such people are squelched. It makes playing the game unenjoyable and organizing or running stuff next to impossible.


    My guild, for the past few weeks, has been targeted by this one competing guild to prevent us from specifically competing. We have numerous tickets, a open investigation, and many many calls to customer support, but still it continues without any visable signs of ending.


    Do we continue to play? We try. Will bioware do anything? probably not. But this system in place right now needs to be fixed. They won't ban beta, as time has shown with their previous exploits, because all BW cares about is the subs, but will it balance out the subs they loose because they ignore the problem?


    My guild and I are harrased specifically by this guild daily, using a system that is open for the taking. Some of them even post in this thread to troll, trying to shift the blame to us so they suffer no penalties....

  7. When is bioware gonna take a stance on this? Hell when will they ever even answer tickets....


    One specific account had to finally transfer to another server today because he's blacklisted... (used up all his alts too go fig)


    This is not roleplay, this is not acceptable, and I'm going to stop subscribing over it, even after i hung on after the companion nerf...

  8. Let me cover the solo, then I will get in to my opinion at the end.


    I am a merc dps spec'd aresenal, geared in 224/220. I can offheal (wich was essential for this), know my rotation and openers well, and am a experianced raider. Prior to 4.0 I had 192 aug'd geared comp's so I know what they were capabale of doing before and after 4.0 . My Lana is currently lvl 33.


    full clear of the alderan sf. no big problem with trash, but I did see that my health was dropping here and there. Lana was set as healer. First Paladin was eay enough, took out the trash, and lana kept me up long enough to drop it, although we were both below 25% by the end. Praet, first attempt, Lana as heals, Lana decides to spend here time DPS'ing instead of healing me. wipe on first attempt. Second attempt, Lana as tank, she stays up long enough tanking the non important adds, and not even bothering with praet, but I dps thru it. Second paladin, same thing. Lana as heals first attempt, she tries dps'ing instead, and we both die. 2nd attempt with her as tank, and I make it thru by dpsing like mad, although she is dead at the end. Last boss, I make it thru 3 rooms with lana as heals. 4th room, we eat it, with all the mechanices. I now slot unity and heroics, to see if thats what it takes, Lana tanks this time, and I pop unity. We get past the 4th room on the 3rd attempt. Final platform. Lana heals again, sentry gun up, she spends all her time trying to dps, and we die again. 2nd attempt Lana as tank, pop heroics, stil die. 3rd attempt. Lana as dps, turret up, pop unity, lana drops, then boss. close fight 5k health left.


    Nerfing healing did not help fix companions. I found Lana trying to dps and stop healing me while she was in healer spec. Lag wasn't as bad in sf as compared to last week, but also helped destroy what little healing I was getting. In my opinion healing might have been overpowered after 4.0 release, but offset the problems with lag and spec issues companions are contending with. Now that healing has been drastically reduced the other issues companions have are going to be more difficult to deal with. So now instead of trying to tweak healing they are going to have to deal with the real issues companions have, wich is they don't do what they're suppose to be doing. It is just humorous to watch Lana, watch me 10-15 seconds in to a fight and do nothing, then take off to dps something when she is suppose to be healing me. When i was below 50% is was like she didn't even bother trying to heal me after that point. Are SF hm still soloable? Yes if you have end game gear and are a "expert" at a class that can off heal and dps (god help the rest of you). But the level of difficulty is far more than what I encounter in some hm op mechanices, and the risk is defintly not worth the reward.

  9. is there any reason they still have a customer service for subs? why do I even bother sub'n anymore. And apparently nothing is done to ninja looters? *** Bio. guess I need to stop giving you money and move on to another game. Multiple issues, and none are getting resolved properly. The ninja looter tonight, is the last straw I guess
  10. i don't see how answering my ticket with a link pointing me to this thread saying they're sorry fixes my lack of rewards... its a classic pass the buck around till u are totally annoyed by they lack of care, and you give up....


    I'm not going to be a subscriber after 4.0 if this is how it continues to go. You got one specific issue, a quest was completed, you refused to reimburse the rewards for the quest, and you just start saying, oh we're sorry, without at least giving compensating us for your bug. god only knows how long you're going to take to fix it and how much more stuff you have hinged on to conquest, that will be ignored and bugged as well...

  11. risk vrs reward, and the new rishi hm's defintly require a higher than listed gear requirement, and a lesser payout for what is needed. this is not to grind for elite comms and gear, when you need to have the stuff it drops already. It would be worth it if they put in 192 gear with min/max mods/enh , or maybe the mod/enh as a bonus drop. I've pugged this a couple times, without the bonus boss, and you can not carry anyone that is not minimal 186/192.


    my 2¢

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