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Posts posted by digimass

  1. So i played this op from day one. I am the one responsible for getting guildies to run this... we can go over all the bugs, but seriously. u cant code nightmare, let alone fix the things we to break this. So ya, what he sad. get ur shiz together. If musco wants the full story since its conceptio, ,u can pm me directly, but only if ur serious about finally after 10 years you want to fix this. It is impossible to do this when you bug last boss. stop waisting my time and my guilds.
  2. these things are worthless, and appear to make my crit rate even worse with a full max set than a toon crafting without. I'm seeing a normal 25-30% crit rate on non amplified toons, and less than 20% on toons with full amp set.


    I hope this is addressed in next week's patch considering how costly and rare it is to have a full max set.

  3. I was just on test, and I can't even begin to relate to how disappointed I am with BW and the lack of vision or grasp on their audience.


    So the new crystal currency wasn't enough, and we're getting a extra new type crystal for gear grind. crafting mats for 258 gear is still locked behind nim gotm, and they set up a deco vendor to eat crystals+unassembled components.


    6.0 is a pipe dream. they are literally just putting minimal effort in and milking it for whats they can. Disney needs to pull the ip sooner than later.


    At least fix bugs! but they are incapable of that as well.

  4. eric said stay tuned, more of the same. Patch is literally in hours from now, and its a serious problem.


    as far as my planning, I have a couple toons left to do ossus wb's and 1 imp that all I left to do was craft on to finish on all 3 of my mercs. My commando had 40k conquest this week. None of you play prog apparently, and I was waiting till Monday night to decide wich toons I would buy a masterwork crystal on with my unsssmebled components.


    if the white knights actually played this game and didn't care bear the narshadda bar erp, I would actually take what they say seriously.


    ERIC, toss us all something for it, get on it.

  5. EA will not issue any refund for any problem. They will correct billing if need be, but that's legal.


    Asking for in game stuff will not cost them a penny, and literally, this game will be non existent if they loose another 100k+ subscribers like they did the beginning of last year. If that's the case, the 258 gear is just there to tap the last bit of cash till they announce there will be NO 6.0. it will probably happen anyways though

  6. why do people say "its not their fault" ? are you just brainwashed in to beleiveing you don't have to take responsibility for something. They don't have a accepting our money, they own it for good or bad.


    Any other industry, from food to construction, if you don't deliver, you loose clients, people get upset, demand refunds and walk away. If you haven't noticed they are down to 2 US servers, and literally funked over asspac and west coast. This game will be gone in 2 years, and they'll expect you to buy their next piece of crap.


    They set weekly goals for their new drawn out progression, and then cut you off at the last minute from finishing your "quota". but its not their fault.


    Own it Eric, start dishing out the compensation. I think this is a free conquest week and 1 masterwork crystal per toon. Its not like your played base is going to get better when stuff like this sticks out and becomes the norm.....


    But its not your fault...

  7. ya, this set back has killed a lot of peoples goals before patch, and EA/BW have gone out of those ways to make the new grind and then leave the player hanging to finish their weekly quota...


    seriously, if you know the client is sending the query for the server list, and its not being sent back, even as garbage, you need to hire people who know what they're doing and not this, whatever it is, life support maintance/dev team.

  8. complete bs that I can not choose the install location for test server, so this crap keeps filling my ssd maindrive and telling me sorry at the end.


    ***, can you guys not do anything right?

  9. this may be long... I will attempt to provide data on this. I am in a conquest guild on Sat (1 of the top 10), and have encouraged my other guild mates to post as well to help. Eric is welcome to message me at any time to get exact info for that.


    Currently I am the top conquest for my guild at 25k. I did this before we started burning lblo on ev gf. Other people in my guild are at the 20k mark, but not a whole lot, and our main conquest leader is only slightly trailing behind me at 20k+.


    I ate a few stacks of 10 of invasion forces on this toon, crafted 10 invasion forces as well. Did the illum heroic (imp side) and this is what got me to 20k. Well, that and being credited randomly 5k each (2x bosses randomly) while i was doing my illum heroic (Grav & Surg).


    We worked on last boss lock out (lblo) ev after that, where I received its on 2 different characters and 2 other characters did not ( I ran 2 dps, 1 tank, and 1 heals)


    I am giving you this info to fix it. Its all fx0rd up, and defintly was better before you tried to improve it. My guild uses conquest to get people together and if you fail to up the low points, correct the bugs, ,and make conquest viable again, there will not be a guild full of subscribers left to play this game. My advice to you is RESET back to pre 5.8. It is broke, and you are damaging your sub base. Work out your bugs and if you need testers, let my guild know, we are more than happy to help as long as you aren't just going to ignore us, or the rest of your player base.

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