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Everything posted by QuinMantha

  1. This played a lot into your rationale for flying Impside more exclusively, didn't it, Rhodo?
  2. I may have to modify my callouts when I vape somebody with my Quarrel now. Instead of saying "whappy-daffy!" to take the sting out of getting killed by a railgun, I may have to start saying Fear...myyyyy... ...OPTIC BLAST!
  3. No, I just enjoy them. It's like how lobster doesn't get you any thinner, but it's still damn tasty. *grin* Kelrilgast, if you'd like that Strike matchup sometime, I'd be happy to oblige you! Was I flying my Clarion?
  4. So, is Siddain back on the menu again? *breaks out his butter and tongs*
  5. Okay, I'm going to modify Lan's post so that its meaning and import actually come across to you. "I will still report names that are offensive." That's one complete thought. That's got a subject and a verb, and can stand on its own as an independent statement. "It is my right to not want to RP with a mirialan named The'Hulk." This is another complete thought, totally separate from that bit up there. The name itself isn't even all that offensive, and thus, probably wouldn't merit a report. What Lan just said, though, is that she reserves the right to not RP with that character...not that she would demand he or she be hung, drawn and quartered for daring to type such a blasphemous heresy into the character creation screen. EDIT: Damn, beat me to it. Oh well. I'm gonna leave this here anyway.
  6. Did you actually read anything I wrote before, or did that hurt too much to even attempt? Hell with that, did you read Lan's post any further than that? That's nice that you roleplay, please, keep it up and have fun doing it. I mean that sincerely. But I have never suggested that an RP police were a wise, necessary or practical idea in this thread. All I can do is what I've been doing, which is also exactly what Lan suggested: if I don't like a name, if I don't like an RP, if I don't like a concept, I don't gravitate towards it. I don't deal with them. Because, no, I don't have anything nice to say to you. I deal with a lot of smokers, and I don't feel the need to jack them up just because I disagree with them so long as they respect my airspace. If I saw you smoking in an area where it was okay for you to, I wouldn't care, and go on about my day. If I saw your name in game, I wouldn't care, and go on about my day. If I saw you RPing, I would decide whether or not to care, and if I didn't, I'd go on about my day. But if you'll notice, I merely supported what somebody else said because it was nicer than I could put it. People are right to feel their immersion threatened. The answer to that, however, is to leave you very much alone and find folks they do like to be around, and for you to respect the space of those who want a more immersive experience. Yet just because I don't have anything nice to say to you, that doesn't make the points you extoll correct.
  7. *raises hand* Been there. Done that. Eventually learned it was much more advantageous to be his friend.
  8. Two shots of Ion Railgun will leave a Bomber open to my teammates. Two more shots of Slug Railgun will leave a Bomber in pieces. Find the Gunship pilots you know to be good. Make them your friends. Cover them from the bad, bad Scouts and they'll return the favor by eating Bombers for you.
  9. I agree. It turns GSF into...almost a solo mission. While notoriety does come with consequences, nobody puts a gun to our heads to make us fly our mains so consistently that we become infamous.
  10. I think turning off nameplates would actually deteriorate the solidarity of the GSF community. Whenever somebody I know comes to shoot a bad guy off my tail, I try to thank them if I can. I can count several instances where I saw the nameplate of a pilot I knew and headed towards them, or breathed a sigh of relief when I saw them swoop past me, lasers blazing. Also, having nameplates active helps me to coordinate my place in the strategy of my team. If there's a pilot I know to be deadly coming towards a group of newbies or a satellite, I shoot him down regardless of ship type. If there's a bad guy whose name I don't know, maybe I won't focus him so hard. Usually, in the case of a green or unknown pilot, I'll wing him, then let my teammates try and finish him off. Accomplishment for them, success for the team, and I helped to contribute. Let's say nameplates are off. There's a Blackbolt coming towards a satellite me and a newbie are guarding. I don't know who it is, but I did see in the launch queue that an enemy pilot I know to be better than me was flying a Blackbolt. Do I take the chance that this is a green pilot coming in? Or do I hoard the kill to myself and deny my teammate a chance at becoming a better dogfighter because I don't want to risk getting blown up by a possibly vastly superior foe and thereby lose the satellite? Knowing who's come to call informs my tactics. Knowing who I'm flying against helps me. When you've flown for a while against a certain cabal of folks, you really get to know them, almost like friends. You know where they're strong, and you know where they're weak. You can almost predict them. You know when they'll cut and run, and you know when they'll bite and never let go. And when the veterans on a GSF server square off...there's no time to putz around with the small fry. You go for the big names. Partly to shut them down, partly to ensure your team's success...and mostly for the thrill. So, if I end up with three guys on my tail in a TDM match, and I'm dancing just out of their sights in a Flashfire (yes, I DO fly something OTHER than a Gunship), I take it as a supreme compliment. They know my name, and for whatever reason, they consider me a worthy target. I'll even smile as I look for my teammate who's a hot hand with a railgun and lead the poor nerfs to the slaughter.
  11. I just mostly assume that people are after me because I'm in a Gunship. Or it might be the two to three times I hose somebody down, and maybe a couple of those times, they decided was needlessly cheap or something. I think I earn my bounties in every match.
  12. That's a nicer way of saying what I was feeling upon reading that bit from Chembox, thank you, Lan. I don't think I could have presented a civil counterpoint to that with how I was feeling.
  13. ...well! ...yeah, that's, that's about all I've got to contribute here.... ...anyway...
  14. Yeah, I'm not transferring. At least, not until I get my RP-GSF server. Which you could say Ebon Hawk is. Why are we even talking about me going to another server now?
  15. ...who...brought...that...up...because...uyh... Ohh, never mind. H-bomb's been dropped. Civil discussion is now concluded.
  16. ...yeah, that...that was kinda the reason I figured I didn't need to expound on it.
  17. I disagree. And I don't see a reason to expound on it any further than that.
  18. I keep hearing it as 'bwatt bwatt bwatt'. I like that sound.
  19. Someone who knows best how to contribute to a win on a match, Gavin? ...I can agree with that! Sometimes, the best folks to fly with are the ones who are so confident in their skills that they don't go out of their way to show them off. Just winning is enough.
  20. I'm starting new characters and trying to prove my skill by flying without the benefit of my name and my gear. I'm still upgrading, because I've flown stock and I've flown mastered, and mastered is better, but it's neat to see that I'm still being singled out as a threat on some of my other characters. So, I'm kinda trying to do what you're suggesting, man.
  21. *raises hand* Yo. Anyway, back on topic before the Honeymooners here pull us in another direction... I really don't know of a better solution to the server's issues of RP population and RP-indifferent population, south of just orbiting closer to whatever group you're more in line with. When you can't restrict access to the server based on a set of criteria (and we probably shouldn't, either), all manner of folks can end up in a place that's ostensibly set aside for one certain thing. I'm sure normal servers have an RP guild or two (though I wouldn't know firsthand...I don't think I've ever rolled a normal server for...well...anything). The only real solution to the issue is if you don't like an RP, don't get involved with it. That counts just as much for RP in general as non-RP, and bad RP as much as good RP. Find the groups whose interests and stories match what you want to be around, then follow their orbit and try to stay in it.
  22. I think your definition pretty well covers it, Sid. I consider players to be aces as opposed to characters, but it's easy to think of someone that way when they don't announce their alts, who may have worse stats and get slapped with some real ugly carnage. Everybody makes their own name for themselves. For example, I've started flying Impside on Ebon Hawk. Now, Repside, I'm known as Rhint, a special sort of irritant that should be cursed to a long, slow digestion in a Sarlacc's belly. Impside, I fly as Tyraine, nowhere near as geared as Rhint is (Mangler isn't mastered yet), but I began to notice Repside players--players that I know--coming after me and my bitty cannon with a consistent intensity that suggested they were aware somehow of the damage I could do. Part of that could be just 'GUNSHIP ARGHABLARGLE KILL IT'. I like to think it's these guys sensing how deadly I, as a player, as a pilot, actually can be.
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