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Everything posted by gothshark

  1. After 3 playthoughs, I have to say Sith Inquisitor, it felt like a Continuation of the Class Story. p.s. My SI was Dark 3, Darth Nox, I picked mostly DS, but never killed anyone needlessly, and rescued civilians when it didn't cost anything. She knelt, and took all the power, she always lied when at all possible. It felt so natural even the Power gained was totally SI.
  2. Rishi, once you get there it is so worthwhile. Yah, I disliked the underwater stuff, and the starter planet invasions, but once you start getting pirate gear, it's all worthwhile.
  3. You have to earn the Dark 1 to get the Darth Nox name. Otherwise the default setting is Light Side. Yes staying Neutral means lightside.
  4. Light Side Inquisitor. Starting at level 60, means you were not at least Dark 1, so no Nox for you. ;P
  5. If you are on your sith, The Light Side choice is Stand, and Kneel is the Darkside Choice. If you buck the system the dialog gets wonky. The thing is Darth Marr, and Lana are Darkside light Good Guys. They use passion for the greater good. Marr made a Light Side choice.
  6. The first two chapters are slow, but once things take off, it is a really good story. I don't want to say spoilers, but there is a moment that shifts the focus from what you think is going to happen, to something else. Once that happens I felt it was one of the better Stories in the game. Of course the best 3 stories are Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, and Imperial Agent. Seriously everyone needs to play those three at least. Also Sith Inquisitor works so well with Fallen Empire I almost think it is a continuation of the Class Storyline.
  7. Such a difficult question to Answer. So lets look at my list: Smuggler = No, took the power once to save a girl. (Chaotic Good, ultimate flirt) Warrior = No, will never take his power. (Lawful Good, Red Skin Sith, hero) Knight = No, and Never. (Lawful Good, Red Skin Sith, hero) Agent = No, oh hells No (Lawful Neutral side of the people) Sorceress = Maybe, on both - (Chaotic Evil, hates slavery, loves Lightning, no fear of force ghosts) Bounty Hunter = Depends, is he paying? No need for the power, he's no fool. (Chaotic Neutral) - Keeps HK-51 from dying... Made the right choices. Trooper = Oh hells no on Both, She is Loyal to the cause of the Republic. (Lawful Neutral)
  8. so much funny in this post, I have to reply. Vitiate before you scream plot hole, learn his history. A good start, for people not paying attention to ingame dialog. To put it in a simple terms. 5000 BBY ~ 1300 years ago: A Sith lord became emperor, lost a war with the republic, murdered a world to become immortal, and moved the remains of the Sith Empire out of view of the Republic. 3954 BBY ~ 254 years ago: Revan sought to confront the hidden Sith Empire, he was captured by the Emperor. Sometime in the past, at least a couple of hundred years ago, He split his soul in two, one part of him became the 'Voice' which ruled the Empire, the physical part of him created the Zakuul Empire. ~5 years ago, you confront his 'Voice' on Ziost, he then kills that world and vanishes into wild space, a mixed fleet of Imperial and Republic forces then pursues him deep into uncharted Wild space. Basically, no plot holes, you just missed the big subtext, You only previously dealt with 'The Voice of the Emperor'.
  9. my 2 credits. So I have actually been thinking on this subject myself. Here is what I have considered as possibilities. spoiler tags, in case I guess right.
  10. Oh he's dark as BEEP, but he developed a society that used both sides of the force.
  11. "A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished." "A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government." "A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises." -Due to the fact that as an Imperial player, you have to support a regime that uses injustice as a means to empower it's self, you are forced to subject others to injustice. The best you can be is Lawful Neutral, or Chaotic Good. Just based on post choice actions. ie you the player who always picks LS, will do plenty of actions which Violate the ideals of Lawful Good.
  12. Spoiler free, I was able to do my download around 4pm Pacific. It was done around 5pm Pacific. I made dinner, eat dinner, then Logged in at 7pm. I wanted to go to sleep by 3am, but I couldn't bare to sleep until I reached a specific point which I knew would come. Around 5am as the sky was turning grey outside, I was able to log out and go to sleep. Also, so as to make this clear, I am an Avid Bioware fan, been one since Baldur's Gate for the PC. I have played every Bioware game ever, and have only been disappointed in a few games, SWToR when released being one of them. I felt they were trying too hard to be WOW in Space. I think what they have now as an MMO is far superior than it was. And now the Story actually feels like a Bioware Story. I am stopping randomly to listen to basic NPC dialogs, which I can't even react to. I am getting a full barrage of emotions from the events I am forced to deal with. I have to point out, I am loving this. Instead of doing a WOW clone MMO expansion, they have gone full Bioware. You will barely have a chance to breath if you do it right. God I love it.
  13. I'll put in my 2 credits for the topic headline. "Do any players consider the Empire to be the good guys?" Now to put perspective on this, this falls in line with basic D&D rules, which I'm not sure if they realized when writing the stories, and giving us the choices we would have to make. Empire as an governing body, falls squarely in the Lawful Evil category. As an Empire player, depending on choices made, You can be Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Evil, or Chaotic Evil. None of the choices you make allow you to be Lawful Good, only the Bounty Hunter can play the Good alignment properly. This is not to say as a player, you can not have head canon that you have a Lawful Good Sith warrior. I do, because a Lawful Good Paladin type Pureblood Sith Warrior is kind of awesome as a concept. Which is something I did. Still I was very aware, the actual Alignment he has ended up would be somewhat Lawful Neutral, with a strong sense of Justice, and the desire to save people.
  14. You are missing a key power of the Emperor, his mind control and ability to put his mind in other bodies. During his very long life, he has spent 100's of years on one planet, while half of his conscientiousness has been at the seat of power in the Sith Empire. The thing was, what was in the Sith Empire was merely a potion of the being, the living person was building a secret utopia free of Both Jedi and Sith teachings, a place where he could focus on a new path, a grey path. Plus the whole Super advanced tech that was (spoiler) there.
  15. Actually as an expansion idea it could work, one of my favorite MMOs from years gone by did just that, and it was really fun and amazing. Hell with Fallen Empires they might have made the story setup perfect to do just this. After all we lose our companions and get to re-friend with them or get new ones. So I don't actually see the old reasons being valid after Fallen Empire, hell it maybe one of the options in the expansion, after all it's a game changing expansion.
  16. Actually, the Old Republic of Phantom Menace is not the same Galactic Republic, that iteration of the Republic is only 1000 years old. SWTOR is nearly 3000 prior to that time. Yes, the fate of the current 'Sith Empire' is to fall fairly soon, but the Galactic Republic will fall and be reborn a couple of times before Anakin Skywalker is born, this is also not the last 'Sith Empire'.
  17. An assassin is a subtle tool used to kill people in stealth, the Hand has assassins, Wrath on the other hand (pun) is meant to be seen, he/she is suppose to be as subtle as a nuclear weapon. If you followed the story, the people in the Empire who turned away from the Empire needed to be Destroyed in public view, so everyone would remember the Emperors Wrath. Assassins is how you deal with Smugglers and criminals, Wrath is used against planets and governments. --- And yes Darth Marr asks Wrath to be Subtle, meaning he didn't understand Wraths role in the Empire.
  18. yes that's what it is called now, I'm use to calling it EU. And as I said the EU has the answer.
  19. keep going, I could say answers, but honestly just keep going. Too bad you are doing the DS as the preferred option, because it all works better if you play a LS sith warrior.
  20. ... honestly, unknown. Here's why, for starters the Sith Empire is failing but the Republic is unable to actually win the war at this time. Essentially the war that starts in the 3rd chapter never truly ends, but neither side really wants to commit to a fall out war either. So a war like this in a large galaxy could last a thousand years easily. as we know the EU has an answer for this, but Disney has nullified most of this lore. Leaving us in uncertain areas. What I can say for sure, at some point in the future the Republic will be the last one standing, although when and how are impossible to guess.
  21. Children surprisingly are better at handling it than adults. any flirting = ew gross If you have one you should have the other, if it bothers you play a different game.
  22. At a certain point in the SW story I really felt he was an Eddy Izzard routine. "Tea and Cake or Death?" spoiler free thing on a planet for a reason. Massive slaughter to get to the well guarded old couple. Guards "oh my god you killed them all!" SW "they opposed me, and suffered a fate worse than death!" Old Couple "spare us please!!" Guards "I will defend them to the death!" SW "well first let me give you a choice, Tea and Cake or Death?" Old couple 1 "tea and cake" old couple 2 "..or death?" Old couple 1 " what you really mean is Tea and cake" old couple 2 "ok I reluctantly take tea and cake." Guards "...um...?" Later when planet is done. SW "Master it is done old couple are on the way to you." Master "ah yes, so we can torture them?" SW "nope, they choose tea and cake, so sent them up with the deluxe luxury package." Master "ahh, I see your evil genius, by making them happy they will conceive person A how horrible we are."
  23. Not that I hated the Knight story, I enjoyed them all for different reasons. The JK story felt like KOTOR 3, so the epic world threatening scale fit. But at the same time, I found the Smuggler to be in many ways just as cliche, (You basically end up playing Han Solo, you have young naive kid, the Wookie, the Princess, and the "Jedi". Basically, I recommend playing all the classes, since if you do you get the full picture of what happened. Yes all the stories are linked, many companions know each other, and yes some stories are better than others. My personal favorite story from a writings perspective was defiantly the Agent, however I also really liked the Bounty Hunter story a lot. The Smuggler possibly has the most humor in it. And if your Trooper is Female, it's hard not to compare the story with Mass Effect. I found the both the warrior and knight fun stories but they were definitely over the top characters. While the Consular lives up to her name, and the inquisitor feels right to be a bit dark. So in summery. (TL;DR Table) Knight = KOTOR 3 Consular = Diplomat story Smuggler = Star Wars as told by han solo. Tropper = Mass Effect-ish Warrior = (played LS, most LS character I have) Galaxies biggest jerkface. Inquisitor = just trying to survive the day with pure Darkside power. Agent = the Empire really sux Bounty Hunter = You paying? whatever, Mako's hot, and a bit of revenge.
  24. So on Midi-chlorians. I think George Lucas failed, in his attempt to do something that would have been cool if he didn't turn the force into Bacteria. The thing is in the Orig-Trig the Force was basically a magical religion and people made claims with no apparent scientific reasoning. Lucas wanted to make the force into a measurable quantifiable thing, and pull it out of the realm of a religion and into a more enlighten scientific magic ability. he failed by not watching DragonballZ, so he missed the opportunity to be slick, instead he turned the force into micro-organisms, and basically failed massively. (humor what if: So what if Lucas was an anime fan... Qui-gon Jinn steps out and looks down at Anakin who is staring up into the nights sky, he then puts on the Force measuring eyeglasses, and the recital focuses in on Anakin, in the corner of the lense Qui-gon sees the number race up in digits, on his face a look of shock as he exclaims "Over 9000") Most fans, ignore that scene all together, and act as if Midichlorians, Jar-Jar, and 'Anakin whining' never happened. As to the low responce time, what is today? Yah tommorrow when folks are at work, people will be posting more. Well said. This
  25. It was in a developer interview way back when ME3 was getting ready to launch. they they related the history of inclusion of LGBT romance options. I am trying to find a copy of the interview, but it's buried under tons of not what I'm looking for.
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