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Everything posted by Choloe

  1. I completely understand what you are saying - and you know the answer as well as I do, but that is not the point. Also, I did put this in the wrong area - it was meant to be in "General" not "Suggestions"
  2. There is YET AGAIN another issue with development and FORCED PvP.... The first has been said so many times in the past 3-years, I'm at the point where I feel the Devs honestly DON'T CARE. Please prove me wrong! Per what I've written in this post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=780514 ADD "Opt-Out" of Open World PvP - wherein you will see ENEMY PLAYERS show up as "unable to target" so PvP morons can not grief PvE players by trying to FORCE them into unwanted PvP. (This was brought up MANY, MANY, MANY times since the FIRST NYCC Cantina Tour - let's get this done sooner than later, OK?) We now have this... The Life Day event, you're just having fun returning a snowball with your [Life Day Snowball Bomb] on someone flagged for PvP, and guess what the Devs elected to do? Yep, FLAG YOU FOR PvP! Yet another NON-PvP event turned into a potential PvP content for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.
  3. Thanks. I'm just suggesting that doing GSF missions (daily/weekly) earn that reputation. You'll never get it as fast as doing the on-rails system, but at least you'll get more people into GSF because of it.
  4. This was actually something I spoke to the guys about during the NYCC Cantina Tour. Do I dislike the on-rails system, yes. Do you honestly think anyone cares about the 'value' of things done in game? No. Prior to 3.0 I had a few pieces of 180+ gear, now I'm in full 187 and all I did was spend comms. There is no value unless you are actually spending real money for it; for example, the dyes. (Or, better yet - I paid full price for my Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds, now players can get them for 3 credits. How about I paid 1.2 million to train in skills prior to this weeks patch? Value is completely subjective) But, we'll agree to disagree. However, I do know the guys at BioWare were receptive to the idea, and a few equally hate the on-rails system. It's nothing but a poor coin-op arcade game.
  5. Updated for clarity on comm-caps.
  6. If you areon Ebon Hawk, I'll give you a full set of the Cybernetic armor set, then you can say "I'm a Droid, Rawr!" Give is more species, but Droids are not species, they are tools.
  7. ROFL, my wife is a Software Engineer... We are, quite actually GAMMA Testing. Also, testing environments always differ from actual live environments - what may have been a minor issue in Beta turned into massive issues in our Gamma. :-)
  8. At the Cantina Tour event they said THIS was the exact reason and coding a different system would not be worth the effort. The closest you're going to get is Legacy Cargo Hold.
  9. ROFL, No. Please, let's be serious. I agree we should get SOMETHING for our GAMMA Testing and laying out close to a million credits in training... But a Hypercrate is not reasonable. Now, you want to ask for a Bind To Legacy Revan Armor Set (either one), or some other NON-Pet item? I'll sign for that.
  10. Reading comprehension For The Win!!!
  11. Yes, the cap on how many you can HAVE ON HAND, not how many can be earned. I get that you don't want people getting Legend in a week - but if I've earned the points allowed (by having the characters to do it) then I should be able to use those points to get as far as my characters 'earnings' as I've received. They already do that with CARTEL reputation.
  12. These are not in any specific order. These are just changes that many of us have discussed either with members of the BioWare staff at Cantina Tours in NYC and through other various outlets. (SUBSCRIBER PERK - Edited for clarity) No caps on Comms (Currency Cap, not amount that can be earned per-week)... Period. In fact, there should be no cap on anything except whatever the current game has on character level (currently 60) or crafting levels (currently 500)... Subscribers should not be restricted by caps (including Reputation Rewards - cashing them in per-week - use the same Reputation metrics as CARTEL Reputation). CARTEL DYES SHOULD BE REMOVABLE or added to COLLECTIONS... Paying 2000 Cartel coins for a BLACK/BLACK dye only to have it destroyed when new armor is released that the player likes more is completely unfair; I know, no one said life is fair... But Cartel coins are REAL MONEY, I should be able to "take the item I paid for" and use it until the game shuts down... IGNORE needs to be "Account Wide"... When you add a player; especially "Credit farmers" to your IGNORE list, that character name, or even every character on that account needs to be added ACCOUNT WIDE. So, when we log on our other characters, we don't have to add that player again. Or, give us a check-box option "Ignore Account wide?". Follow up to this would be MUCH FASTER ACTION needs to be taken on CREDIT FARMERS and players that make RAPE THREATS in Chat! Let's get rid of these 12-year old boys that think rape is cool! A Possible Solution: INCREASE the STACK SIZE of crafting material to either 1,000 (999), 10,000 (9,999), or 100,000 (99,999) - otherwise stop adding new materials, and make new things cost more of older materials... ADD "Opt-Out" of Open World PvP - wherein you will see ENEMY PLAYERS show up as "unable to target" so PvP morons can not grief PvE players by trying to FORCE them into unwanted PvP. (This was brought up MANY, MANY, MANY times since the FIRST NYCC Cantina Tour - let's get this done sooner than later, OK?) IMPROVE IN-GAME Chat Options: Allow both factions to read/see emotes, and remove restrictions on trade between factions. The game story itself states that Empire and Republic are working together.... Why can't both factions be able to interact a bit more? Have GSF Daily/Weekly give "Hyperspace Armada" reputation rewards; there are few people that play the "on rails" missions (being truthful? If I could find a BOT that would fly those for me, I'd use it and RISK my account; that is how much I hate the "on rails" system; but want to max the ONLY reputation I have 0 points in). INCREASE the number of Missions (Currently set to 25) in the mission log - new content combined with content that requires x-number of completed goals or groups (Macrobinoculars/Seeker Droid as an example) make that 25 a pain. DECREASE the timer for "/stuck" when out of combat. There are so many places to get stuck on Rishi and Yavin 4 now that waiting over 120 seconds to unstuck is insane. Either that, or make sure we can go over plants, rocks and don't fall part-way though bridges. FIX: SOLO "GOD MODE" GSI Combat Support Droid: It despawns during combat when you level up in a Flashpoint. That's would not be a bad thing if it did not always seem to happen when there are still several silvers and a gold to fight. Rishii Idol needs to be increased to at MINIMUM 4 per Legacy; This reward for ordering SoR is wonderful, but having 4 strongholds, and only one (1) for the entire legacy? Let's get this to at least 4, or as many as 10 (or 50). Move all PvP Achievements to their own Category; including PLANETARY objectives. I have several worlds all sitting in the 90s and only the PvP objectives are incomplete... (I'm on a PvE Server for a reason). Thanks guys!
  13. HELL YES!!!!!! No more min-maxers (I hated them in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 system; pen-n-paper RPG) and I hated them more in my MMO. Plus, I'll also add - I don't fear change.
  14. This I can get behind - or, at least a massive reduction in training prices for Subscribers.
  15. Uh... No. I do think there needs to be MORE rewards/perks for being a subscriber, but this is not one of them.
  16. Well... Thanks to the 2 players that showed up... I've sent both an email packed with stuff for showing up... I'll have to figure out another way to get the word out - NO ONE seems to read these forums, and if I'm not logged into my Empire toon, my listing is not visible. :/
  17. This is still happening! So spread the word - Open to only people in my stronghold and once I hit the 50 total guests.
  18. On Monday, November 17th at 9 PM EST I'll be giving away one (1) M8-3R Astromech Droid code in my Tatooine Stronghold... All you have to do is show up, and answer one very easy Star Wars Trivia question (that any Star Wars fan can answer in their sleep). How do you enter? You need to be IN my stronghold ("Aarun's Jedi Academy" open to public and both factions), and as soon as I reach 50 guests (and get the achievement) I will gather all of us in the 'courtyard' and ask one (1) Star Wars question... In order for Empire players to have the chance to win, you must "/yell" your answer... The first player, according to my chat-log, that answers the question correctly wins the code. The giveaway will not occur if the 50 player achievement is not met - but between our Empire Players and Republic Players on EH, I'm sure it'll be easy... The code will be sent via in-game mail from either my main character "Aarun" (Republic) or "Soterios" (Empire). So, remember - 9 PM EST come to my Tatooine Stronghold "Aarun's Jedi Academy", gather in the "courtyard" (just above from the Starship Hanger, and once I get the achievement, I'll ask the trivia question, and all you have to do is "/say" the correct answer (whispering, yelling and General Chat does NOT count as no one else can see your answer, answering in General Chat is also not visible to Empire players - so "SAYing" is the only acceptable means to answer; we discovered that Yelling does not work either). Looking forward to having everyone visit, and to give one player an awesome 'hard to get' item.
  19. I was unable to correct the TITLE, I re-posted this message with a proper title... Mods, if you can remove this thread, I'd appreciate it.
  20. Allow a toggle in preferences to completely DISABLE/OPT-OUT of Open Wolrd PvP (when NOT in a Warzone or PvP area) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=716246
  21. There needs to be a complete OPT OUT of PvP when NOT in Warzones or PvP areas. What these FLAGGED players do is stand in the middle of mobs an unflagged player is fighting and hope for Companion or accidental TAB-TARGET-ATTACK. The solution is to NOT permit unflagged players to become flagged without CONFIRMING (opting in) for PvP.
  22. I like it. But I would also want people in-game; who are not forum posters to get involved, too.
  23. THANKS!!!! Not to be a complete 'jackhole' here, but I've heard MMO Radio's event, I guess I'm too old to enjoy the music that is played during the events. I know it's young and "hip" but it's not for me, and I'd rather do something unaffiliated with a group or their event.
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