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Everything posted by Rhysling

  1. I agree. I found Makeb very enjoyable and hope we see more planets like this soon. Well worth the cost.
  2. That isn't true at all. There is plenty of gear that is wearable at level 1 and has a dye slot.
  3. Well its only been broken for 6 months.... I wonder how long it will take.
  4. As a Tank I usually will not queue for a FP without at least another Guild member in my group. Usually that person is the healer. There is just very little incentive to take a full pug group along. I am not sure what BW can do to fix it. I know other games list extra rewards for Tanks and Healer that queue randomly. Maybe cross server queues could help also for servers with low populations during the day.
  5. Sometimes we will slow walk a region if we want to RP our way through the missions. It depends on the group, and what type of characters are with us. An example would be that there is one person in our Guild who RPs their character as elderly and unable to move around very quickly. We do a lot of RP which consists of escorting her through dangerous zones. We even do FPs that way.
  6. I didn't see that problem on my characters today or other people around me. It looked the way it should. Are you sure it is not something with your graphics?
  7. I like it. It has cosmetic gear and items. Some of them I buy with my monthly allotment of coins. Some I buy from the GTN. I think as long as the items stay to the cosmetic side then it will do fine.
  8. At level 20 I bought all the gear. At level 40 I bought all the gear. After that if I capped I just keep buying med packs and use them as much as possible until I hit 55.
  9. Well the reason I premade is because I will log into the game and then ask in Vent if anyone else want to come for the daily PVP mission. And yes the four of us have an advantage because we are in Vent together, but we only make up 50% of the team so there is that 'wild card' factor that the other 4 random people may not be any good.
  10. I miss mine from SWG also. It would be nice to have animal mounts here. And to keep them off of Fleet they can be restricted to certain planets. A Dewback mount can only be used on Tatoonie. A Taun Taun only on Hoth, and so forth. Be a nice addition to the game.
  11. It was just a quick CGI video. No actually game footage. Nothing to get excited about here.
  12. New NM content is good. And hopefully people will get the transfers they want. The disappointment, for me, is for the last 3 months all everyone has been spamming on the Forums is "Wait for June! 2.2 is going to be the greatest Update ever!" Yeah, well.. Now its "Just wait till 2.4 comes! That will be awesome!
  13. Being a Cartel item you would think this would be fixed by now.
  14. So with all the double XP weekends we have been enjoying I decided to start another Agent. This is the first one I ever got off of Hutta. Just finished Belsavis. So much fun! I love the storyline and the companion quests.
  15. ~smiles~ Those are great!
  16. Very nice The current character I am leveling would be Chaotic Good.
  17. Welcome back! And I know this probably isn't the answer you wanted but, go try them out and have fun. Don't worry about stats, or what is more useful. Just play and have fun.
  18. A PVP mount would be nice. Something not re-skinned. The more mounts the better.
  19. A varactly and taun taun would be nice. I miss those.
  20. I use it a lot. Sometimes it takes awhile but mostly it is pretty quick. Though I tend to play in the evenings when there is a lot of people online. I can imagine during the day it would be slow since most people are either working or at school.
  21. I will probably level with a friend. Do all the missions, take my time and enjoy the new planet. I am in no hurry to reach 55 the first time through. Now after my 4th or 5th character, I may rush a bit.
  22. I have used Typefrag for a few years. https://www.typefrag.com/ They always seem to work well and never had complaints from people using my channel.
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