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Everything posted by Rhysling

  1. Always in motion is the future. Don't be surprised if they push the 9th off to the Saturday waves.
  2. I think they will let in the 7th and 8th in wave one. Most of 9th in wave 2. Rest of 9th in wave 3. Half of the 10th in wave 4 and then call it a day with an announcement that waves will start again on Saturday morning.
  3. New exciting waves will be running Friday to Monday.
  4. Open your map. In the lower right hand corner you will see a drop down list. Pick a different shard and you can join.
  5. "You are not prepared!"... Oh wait sorry, wrong game.
  6. YAY! What class will you try next?
  7. Waves might run all weekend. 12/9 might not be till Saturday.
  8. Seems about right. We are leveling much to quickly anyway. I was hoping for less XP than what we were getting in beta.
  9. Who said anything about getting in tomorrow?
  10. Well Eve at most as about 35,000 people online at once. I think the record was 38k last year for them. And Eve has about 7,000 different regions of space for those players to spread out to. Swtor has almost 2 million players so far and far less zones than Eve. Now some games like Star Trek Online did the single server thing but made each zone only hold 50 players per shard. That was awful because you were always stuck away from group mates and friends. Different servers allow some different play styles also. Like PVP, RP, PVE. and can have language specific servers also.
  11. Not going to happen. New people coming in will go to where their guild/friends are. And guess were a lot of the PVP guilds went? lol
  12. I would contact Customer Support. By phone and email. Something is wrong if you are not in yet.
  13. In beta he was beneath the Senate Tower. Well for the Republic anyway
  14. And most people will not go to these new servers because they already have friends/guilds on the full servers.
  15. I hope so. These servers are packed already.
  16. SWTOR The Old Republic Today's final wave of emails have been sent. We will be sending another wave tomorrow starting at 8am CST. 1 hour ago
  17. Dec 7th. Wave to start tomorrow again. So if you didn't get in today you might get in tomorrow or Saturday.
  18. No its not Waves will run up to the 19th.
  19. The server my guild is on is 'Very Heavy' population. It will be even worse when the rest of the guild gets on. This is what happens when you stagger a launch lol
  20. It won't happen. Mostly because everyone wants to play with their friends/guilds who are already on those servers. So the new players wont go to the new empty servers but will queue for the packed ones.
  21. Well everyone should be in by the 19th so no worries.
  22. I wouldn't count on it. Probably run all weekend with waves.
  23. That is if you get in. Waves could run all weekend.
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