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Posts posted by Coldin

  1. Really, I think you put 3 good players in any class together, and they should be able to hold a node for a very long time in Civil War. Has little to do with it that those classes were Operatives.
  2. This is still a pretty big problem.


    Beyond just Premades vs PUGs, there's the issue of matching recruit vs Elite War Hero. I'm not really sure if this will be fixed much with the launch of 2.0 and Bolster, since that still might leave well geared PVPers well ahead of anyone coming in with stock 55 blue gear.

  3. If you look at some of the terrain on balmorra, in the imperial side, and then the republic, you will notice that the republic side is there earlier than the imperials. Take the small town/Flight point area imperial side. Where you have to escort the guys wife. There is no giant cliff there. The bridges are gone. Republic side, the bridges are there, and you can get onto the top of the cliff.


    Taris, the names of the towns are different. The imperials are pushing the republic off the planet. When the republic are there, they are fighting pirates and rakghouls. I think there was a small imperial presence, but I forget, been awhile since I was there.


    Yes, it does not mess up very well, and leads to confusion.


    As to the cliff on balmorra being gone in the imperial version, I think they were bombing the planet from orbit to get the resistance out and took out parts of the terrain. Leastwise that is what some of the areas look like to me.


    Imperial Balmorra happens before Republic Balmorra. You can just assume the bridges just got rebuilt sometime between the two storylines. (Gameplay wise, the bridges are gone because Balmorra is an early planet for Imperials, and that blocks off a region where otherwise there would be empty space)

  4. There were 2 issues with operative dps in pve: mobility and energy management. Both are resolved. Concealment and lethality dps are now pretty much on par with the other classes.


    Still feels a little low if you ask me.


    But the mobility and power issues were resolved pretty handily. Still lacking a bit of survivability, since we'll get downed pretty quick under direct attack. DPS is better because we can keep attacking going longer, but our good attacks (shiv, lacerate, backstab) all still have cooldown that really make a rotation just feel clunky.


    I still would like to see Acid Blade also apply on Sever Tendon, and for Meticulously Kept Blades to increase the Crit Damage on Lacerate/Collateral Strikes by 30%.

  5. The biggest change to Alacrity was the boost to energy regen, and I think that's the real reason a Scoundrel will want the stat.


    We don't really know how it will all shake out once we have mix-maxed gear, but there is one big plus to this. Now instead of stacking surge way past diminishing returns, we have the option to stack alacrity instead. And the alacrity should provide a noticeable increase to our DPS as well. Though...we may not be able to stack as much of it as before, now that critical rating is worth much less.

  6. evasion removes the root, and negates the attack.


    So you shouldn't be eating a full ravage anyways.


    Ravage is a much shorter cooldown than Evasion though.


    I'm not saying that I eat it everytime. But we don't have a reliable counter to it everytime it's used. Especially in back to back marauder fights.

  7. Gotta love this type of post. You try to belittle anyone who is not of your opinion. Believe me the caliber of my mind is probably far in excess if your own. I have an IQ of 140, so much higher than the average, but as I disagree with you, I must be thick. Oh dear, learn to debate without insults.


    Only belitting the numerous posts in this thread that simply state "Subscribe!" in more or less words. It really adds nothing to the discussion other than stating their position, and gives nothing for the debate to really focus on.


    But please, feel free to mention how high your IQ is again. That will surely make me realize how wrong I must be.

  8. Maybe F2P peeps might want to open up that wallet and pay 15 bucks and be able to do all the great thing subscribers do.


    By the way its funny to see those scrubs get blown up in WZ. They are at a disadvantage because they are cheap.

    Keep them in greens as reward to the people who actually pay for this game.


    Of course, what really happens is that they keep getting blown up (because Recruit gear is awful), have a horrible time, and then they just leave the game, rather than spending money.

  9. If it works in the preview then the functionality is there (the engine can do it) and all hope is not lost.


    *unless they cheated in the preview by raising the floor


    I believe the preview works because the preview doesn't have real cloth physics. Check out a robe in preview, versus the robe worn. They look different, because the preview doesn't have it pulled by gravity.

  10. you should really get on test. scrapper is effing amazing right now.


    It's certainly much better.


    I'm not sure I'd say it's back to 1.0 days, but it's also different. Now we have better energy management, a little more DPS on Sucker Punch/Flying Fists, and a handy roll for better mobility. The upfront burst is still gone, and it may be even harder to kill tanks now with their buffs to shields.


    It'll be interesting to see how it all shakes out.

  11. My point is why would people sub if they get to do what they want for free! How will this get people to sub? Yes I assumed that you were F2P and that's my bad, but once again why would people sub if they get it for free. I personally hate PVE and really don't ever do it unless my guild asks me too. But if I could play PVP for free without any restrictions even with less coms. Why would I pay when I am already fully geared min/maxed. What do I need coms for? So basically for me as a sub who only PVP's and is fully geared I wouldn't pay anymore if I got to do what I wanted for free. Plus you said PVP on this game is not that great so why does it matter if it's free or not. You don't even think it's good. That's why people are trolling you.


    If Cosco wholesale foods said we are going to do a promo to get more business. We are going to have things you can buy w/o membership at a higher price than with people membership. but COSCO says you can buy all edible goods at membership prices. Would more people sign up for membership?



    You make people Sub by making the incentives worth it. From these responses, it seems many of you feel the Sub would not be worth it if you could still PVP without restriction as F2P. I guess having the much lower credit and commendation limits would not be an issue? Having to pay higher costs for PVP gear would not be an issue? Earning fewer commendations per warzone would not be an issue?

  12. Yea... Good thing we have a awesome sense of humor.


    Truth is, we will make it work. Give us a little, we'll do the rest. Give us a lot, we'll take it until is taken away, and make it work when it gone.


    I still say, this class has gotten it pretty bad, and a lot of us still play it, and very well. As far as a determined bunch, we take the cake.


    I'm mostly worried about people trying to take away our awesome new roll. I don't really view it as super powerful, giving it's high energy cost and reduced effectiveness when slowed, but other people see it as a huge advantage.

  13. Personally, I see it this way.


    Limiting F2P/Preferred players access to warzones actually hurts the Sub player. It means there are less people to play with in warzones, which makes longer queues. The limited warzones also leads to Free Players ditching warzones that they can't win, in hopes of entering a warzone where their limited entries will count for more. There's also little incentive for a F2P player to stay in SWTOR once they've exhausted their weekly limit


    I propose they remove the Weekly Warzone restriction, but in return, reduce the amount of commendations earned by 20%. The weekly pass then could remove this penalty. It matches the similar restriction in place for leveling, but allows the F2P to keep playing, keeping them more invested in the game. Plus, the F2P is already paying almost a third more than the Sub player for the exact same gear.

  14. I really kind of wish the bracket extended to level 55. Some of my most fun in PVP has been warzones before hitting level 50 and the massive gear disparity that comes at cap. Maybe it will be better with Bolster, but if it is better with Bolster, then why put 55s in their own bracket? Capped warzones could just be reserved for Ranked Warzones, where that sort of thing is much more important to the high end PVPer.
  15. This worries me a little too. Seems too good to be true. I know in the past, the OP'd have not been balanced before going live, but with our luck, they will adjust - for the first time with this (OUR) patch.


    If this does go through, how many people are going to come out the woodwork with their retired Scoundrels, and how many people will re-roll to keep up with the fotm? That will immediately cause some hotfix or patch to reduce something.


    Or not. Just look at all the people that rolled up Marauders, Powertechs, and Assassins. And they still haven't seen any significant nerf yet.


    Really, the only class that ever got a huge nerf was....Scoundrels. So, I guess maybe we should be worried about huge nerfs.

  16. I would like it if the weekly was changed to match the Daily method. Matches played counts toward completion, but wins count as double. That might help people staying in a losing warzone, but I'm not sure.


    See, part of the problem is that the Free to Play player can only do 5 warzones a week. Taking a warzone loss is a significant hit to amount of commendations they can earn for that week. A loss means less commendations, slower advancement on the daily, and absolutely no progress on the weekly. Not sure what's the best way to fix that without changing Bioware's system. Maybe just simply closer commendation/xp rewards for wins and losses, and for high medals or low medals. But I know some people don't like the idea of the losers benefiting just as much as the winners.

  17. Yeah the cooldown is still on tactical opportunity else you'd see chains of 6 lacerates in a row fairly commonly. But with cheaper lacerates and backstabs as well as higher energy regen overall you should have a much easier time setting up explosive probes and orb strikes without getting energy starved. Might even be a place for overload shot with spare energy.


    Explosive Probe is a lot more powerful now too. I was seeing it hit as hard as Hidden Strike.


    my only complaint with scrapper is surprise comeback. it was increased to 4% every 3s, but with the pugnacity changes, it's now a 15s HoT, which equates to 20% of max health healed every two minutes. this is significantly lower than the ~80% per two minutes you can heal on live.


    Yeah. Surprise Comeback got nerfed. Really not sure if it's worth the two points anymore. I was kind of hoping it would keep it's old duration, but sadly, no.


    Scrappers are still lacking a lot in survivability. There's just not much available to boost it while still picking up Flechette Round.

  19. As I see it, only the energy regeneration is fixed. The dps will not be improved at all because Hidden Strike still requires stealth and Backstab has the same CD. Plus, other classes get stealth detection, immunity, reflect and more goodies. I was waiting to see a decent fix but I think they will not give us. At least they told us the future class 'balance'. For me its time to move on from this game. No reason to wait any more or pay for this 'balanced' expansion...


    Even not counting the changes to Alacrity and power regen, one change in particular is a direct increase to damage. Lacerate + Collateral Strikes is now much better through traits. Collateral Strikes procs 70% of the time now, and is no longer rate limited to once every 10 seconds. That's a pretty nice boost to DPS.


    Better Energy management should help DPS as well, if only because we'll be able to use more attacks without running into energy issues. I know I can frequently become energy starved if I'm not very careful.

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