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Posts posted by Coldin

  1. I've heard mix/matching PvE and PvP mods/armor/enh is a no-no as the bolster will just treat it like a pvp item and not bolster. I think the new EWH counts as PvE now so I think its all or nothing for the partisan upgrades.


    Yep. If you put expertise on an item, it better be ALL expertise.


    Which is strange, because the system does look at individual mods, but...I guess not whether they are PVP or PVE?


    For instance, my fresh 50 character that had recruit is now really bad in warzones because of the way bolster works.

  2. I've really liked the changes with Scoundrel Scrapper so far. Definitely an improvement. More consistent DPS and fewer energy problems. It's really nice seeing Flying Fists proc more than once per second as well. I do kind of wish Underdog boosted the crit damage on Sucker Punch though.


    We're still incredibly squishy, with no real defensive talents. Changing Pugnacity pretty much killed how Surprise Comeback works, leaving us with no effective way to restore health while in combat or in stealth. I'm hoping that particular talent might be reevaluated.

  3. End-game flashpoints have never been worth the effort. It's rediculous really. Flashpoints should be a way of gearing up to take on Operations, but always feels like it's the operations themselves that gear one up to take on the operation.


    We have basic gear commendations plenty in the various dailies. Flashpoints should be giving gear that's equal or even one step up the whole way. Getting just one piece of the upper end gear from the very last boss is silly. One piece of Underworld gear per boss would be much better, also giving players more a choice of where to go to gear up.


    But, whatever. Bioware does insist on making end-game gearing a horrible grind. Just like at launch.

  4. Two things.


    1. Using our energy return (which is on a long cooldown btw) breaks stealth. So can't use it to keep spamming roll and stay out of sight.


    2. Using the roll repeatedly only gets the scoundrel to a door or node slightly faster than a shadow/sage sprinting. And still puts them well within 30m for either a leap, pull, or just auto-attack from a blaster.



    It's powerful, but really no more powerful than a Sage sprint.

  5. Hey everyone,


    We have seen a few requests since the launch of Rise of the Hutt Cartel for the Mission Log size to be increased above 25 and I wanted to explain why that limit is currently in place. The Mission Log, just like all other components of the game, directly affects a player's performance in game. The goal in limiting the log to only 25 missions is to help mitigate potential area server hitches and ability lag they may encounter. Simply put, players could see decreased game performance with a Mission Log larger than 25.


    Hopefully that helps explain a bit why the limit is what it is. There are currently no plans to change that limit but it is something we will continue to monitor.







  6. I'm an operative and I'm not really a fan of this ability. Maybe it's because I find the motion to be jerky so it makes me feel seasick. :) It also costs a lot of energy and I'm usually snared in pvp, so moving forward a tiny bit isn't a huge advantage. I use it when shtf but that's about it.


    Funny to see a sage/sorc complain about an overpowered speed ability. How about when you get the Fadeout skill for your Force Speed that gives you a 100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects and grants you immunity to movement impairing effects as well as the speed? You poor poor babies....how you must be suffering. :D


    The ability was a bit smoother on the PTS. But that smoothness was also letting the scoundrels "bounce" for extra distance.

  7. I see no one is mentioning that Scamper's distance is actually halved while holding the huttball? Compared to Shadows, where their sprint boost actually ignores the slow while holding the ball.
  8. So you're saying in the multiple weeks and months since the release of EWH, that only a few "god" players were able to obtain the "best min/max gear".

    If you couldn't figure out how to min/max in that time span I guess your shock and awe at actually winning a game shouldn't come as a surprise to me.




    I personally didn't have the time to go grind out full min-max EWH gear. So...yeah. Kindly go somewhere else.

  9. I gotta say. The first few incarnations of this weren't very much help. Took a bunch of time to set up, and even then I don't think it was working right.


    I just tried the latest version, and it helps a lot. My framerate doesn't pick up so much, but it's a ton smoother. Without Unleashed, there would be stuttering on occasion, especially in warzones with lots of effects going on. Running Unleashed that stutter is gone, and while framerate stays mostly the same, there's no more big drops in performance.

  10. It's a free, instant-cast 20%-of-your-health HoT. Better than nothing, though maybe not better than a 30s cd (from 45s) on Dirty Kick, which is the other option.


    Woud agree that it's not rocking anyone's world. But it's not useless.


    No...it's pretty useless.


    I think it would be a lot better if it restored health every 1 second over Pugnacity duration. 4% every second for 15 seconds would actually restore a fair amount of health, 60%. Then it would really be deserving of the name Surprise Comeback.

  11. You guys also forgot that whenever you are not burning gcd's alacrity is simply a flatout energy boost. You may not think that it means much but think about every time your stunned, you would regenerate 15%(for me) more energy.


    Also I don't think anyone has noticed this but........we don't use accuracy. Pre 2.0 that meant we got an extra 3% surge which was practically nothing. But now........ we can throw all those extra(Waste) surge points into alacrity without wasting any on accuracy. For me that's +9% alacrity instead of 3% surge


    We get 6% off backstabs so combined with our new offensive cooldown my alacrity gets to 25%. That means that I stab the other guy 4 times while he can only hit me 3 times!!!!!!


    Our biggest problem *mobility* also got fixed


    We still need some accuracy actually, since they changed how shields and such work against tech damage. Probably only a mod or two though.

  12. Loving the changes myself. DPS is quite a bit higher, and I'm having hardly any energy problems. I'm going to have to start rethinking my rotation at this point since I have all this extra energy to spare.


    I do keep wanting to hit Pugnacity though, especially after combat ends to get my healing while in stealth. Kind of sucks that Surprise Comeback isn't worth taking anymore, but I think I'll live. :)

  13. MAYBE BUT IN PVP i find myself still energy starved


    Really? I was having no issue with energy, which was pretty amazing. Barely dropped below half most of the time. But I also don't have the roll yet either, so that might be a bigger drain later on.


    You made sure to take the buffs to alacrity right? That's nice energy boost whenever you're in-combat.

  14. Sad. I was hoping for a well stated thread.


    Personally, I agree with the OP.


    I think Early Access causes nothing but issues. Here we have a situation now, where people without RotHC will log into the game, see all the adverts for it, buy it, but be unable to actually use that content until 5 days from now. We have these new Advanced Skill training, that everyone can see, but only Early Access can buy. But there's no indication that Advanced Skills require RotHC.


    Honestly, I've never seen a game do early access for an Expansion before. It's always been "You buy it, you can play it". Bioware seems to love setting bizarre precedents in MMOs, and I'm really not sure if that's for the better.

  15. After more than a year of the same old splash screen, the new one's not bad.

    I usually have the same debate though...

    "So, that's obviously a Sith Warrior, but is that supposed to be a Smuggler, or an Agent...?"


    Smuggler I think. Gunslinger actually.


    An agent would have a blaster rifle. :)

  16. It is my understanding that an assassins job is to find an isolated target and remove them before slipping away and hunting for another. Assassins cannot pop out of stealth stun and kill more than one guy. It's literally the easiest class to counter. Stay next to your teamies and don't solo defend unless u are invisible as well and this will happen allot less. Remember no matter what you do though assassins will do their job and as long as you do your job you will still win. Let the assassin instakill the silly sorc running to snow while I marauder rush the crap out of the front line with a pocket healer. TLDR: it's balanced and it's fine get over it.



    Funny...that's what Scoundrel/Operatives said, and they got nerfed into the ground.

  17. I think Concealment will be better in 2.0, so don't give up hope yet. The roll and QoL increases should make the spec feel a lot better, and let you compete against Assassin in a sprint contest.


    Obviously healing will get you a sure spot in a ranked group, but I think we might see Sorcs become the top dogs for healing again.


    Honestly, just wait and see how it all pans out. :)

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