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Everything posted by xcomax

  1. Well, you have a valid point there that's for sure.
  2. Assassins Gunslingers and Scoundrels? When Mercs are spamming Tracer missle with back to back 4k crits, Juggs doing 9k aoe crits back to back, Sages healing to full in 2.2 seconds and ****** anyone that touches them? Really?
  3. Sage would be a very bad move. Them, along with Mercs are most likely next on the nerf-bat list. Although I seen a video yesterday of a Jugg doing over 9k AOE crits back to back non-stop. Yes, that's on youtube just search for it. As for the Scoundrel, I feel you. I have a level 50 Operative, and can't even play it anymore because it's embarrassing now opening up on a sorc/sage only to have them wtfpwn my face 3-4 seconds later. No one wants us in groups, everyone laughs at us in PvP. I've already unsubbed and I have 13 days left before my account becomes inactive. I honestly have no more fight left in me over this. It's a sad, and harsh reality that Bioware is going to continue to do this until this game becomes nothing but a memory.
  4. Then I guess you need to take a step backwards and do a little research on the term. They are clearly "avoiding" PvP combat here.
  5. For all of you that scream at everyone for trying to kill Republic in the way that the game was designed, you need to think again. What you're doing is called "exploiting." I don't care how "hard" you think the weekly is. It's a "WEEKLY," not an "hourly." It's 150 kills for a reason, and not so you can get into a group with your buddies and trade kills with Republic for 20-30 minutes to complete your weekly quest on illum. I'm tired of being screamed at, made fun of and harrassed by you carebears that do nothing but continue to exploit the system. It's time the devs seen this, because personally, I'm sick of it. I made a fraps video of exactly what goes on in my server every hour of every day. My sever is "Wound in the Force." This should clearly be an exploit and NOT AT ALL how this game was intended. Don't scream at me and my guild for going behind the republic to kill them the "RIGHT" way. What you're doing here is cowardly and clearly an exploit in every aspect of the word. Find a new way to farm valor from now on, and Bioware stop this crap from going on.
  6. Unsub like many of us already have. Speak with your wallets, not with your fingers. They will send you a survey, take the time to fill it out and voice your reasonings. That's the only way we're ever going to be heard.
  7. The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports. The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least. http://www.xfire.com/games/swtor/Star_Wars_The_Old_Republic/ This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.
  8. So is "helping the community" lying about subs? What's your ideas on that? Also, I think you need to dig a little deeper and not just look at the first page sir.
  9. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports. The writer of that article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least. Why does xfire say the population is about half of what they are "claiming?" Can anyone elaborate on that? http://www.xfire.com/games/swtor/Star_Wars_The_Old_Republic/ So who's "really" lying? EA or xfire? Hmm, which of the two have nothing to gain? .....
  10. You guys act like these are my articles. I'm sorry if your game is failing, but those are the cold hard facts.
  11. You sound angry bro. Come back when you're cooled off a bit there little chum.
  12. So a 15% total loss of customers in only 30 days is good to you people? lol Just wait until more people hit 50 and "check out" Illum! lmao
  13. 85% retention means a 15% loss in only 30 days. Is that not "failing" to you? lol
  14. "The sad fact is that Bioware has failed utterly in its efforts to create another blockbuster MMO. Whilst EA maintain that 1,000,000 subscribers would be the "sweet spot" for profitability, analysts are now trending EAs 2013 profits down by quite a margin. This isn't just because of the general failure by EA to take the fight to Activision, but largely due to SWTORs failure to live up to expectations." nuff said.
  15. http://www.darthhater.com/devtracker/topic/43511-swtor-underperforming-ea-earnings-revised-down-bioware-should-listen-to-players
  16. So because EA's stocks went up 6% one day, this game is the greatest game since the wheel? Exactly how far is your head up there? (o)
  17. The fact is, people are unhappy with the game. Especially the end game, Illum, the PvP being so imbalanced, severs drying up, the laundry list of bugs that's yet to be fixed etc. A very large number of people are unhappy with it. Just try reading these forums more often.
  18. You obviously know nothing about how stocks work. lol There's always an up before the big down. Try to learn something, it might help you in your future endeavors.
  19. Onlinemassivemultiplayer is a "blog?" lol Think again.
  20. Also, one of Biowares own even calls fail before beta even came out. http://www.onlinemassivelymultiplayer.com/upcoming-mmorpgs/swtor-to-be-the-greatest-failure-in-history-of-mmos-says-ea-employee-lackluster-closed-beta-feedback/?doing_wp_cron=1328223937
  21. If you want to know the future, look at history. http://www.darkjedi.org/news/news.php?n=5434
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