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Everything posted by xcomax

  1. Sell it on ebay. Some other Star Wars fanatic will buy it.
  2. 1 hour late? It was just posted 4 minutes ago. The original "Last wave" post was wrong and misinformation.
  3. You're quite welcome. I was hoping this would calm people down a little, so they would stop making all of these pointless threads on here in regard to their early release. However, I don't think it's going to do any good.
  4. Star Wars: The Old Republic The final wave of emails have been sent. We will be sending another wave tomorrow starting at 8am CST.
  5. Just letting everyone know that I received no email yet I'm able to play. You might want to try and launch your client. Just an idea.
  6. Followed the game since the beginning, yet didn't register until this month. Yeah ok, lol.
  7. How is asking a very legitimate question trolling? I didn't even complain, just simply asked a question. If anyone is trolling it's you.
  8. lol I guess so, but it proves that Bioware is full of it.
  9. I could have swore that Bioware said early access would go in order of the dates you pre-ordered. I pre-ordered and entered my code on the 21st of "AUGUST" and my wife just put hers in on December 1st and she got in on the 2nd wave. Can you explain that one?
  10. August 21st didn't get in yet, but my wife is in and she just pre-ordered on December 2nd and she got in on the second wave. I'm confused.
  11. Look at all of these threads in here that "DON'T" pertain to "STAR WARS." How can you close a thread stating that it doesn't pertain to Star Wars in the same forum that consists of 90% complaining about not getting early access?
  12. To all of you complainers out there who haven't yet been invited. Stop creating thread after pointless thread about how you haven't received an invite as of yet. Who cares if you'd rather be in a queue? This is how they've said it's going to be done from the beginning, so why is it all of a sudden such a big surprise? Personally, I'd much rather wait until a few thousand get ahead of me so thousands of people aren't questing in the same area trying to do the same quests and taking 3-4 times longer than it should. Furthermore, they just wiped the pre-launch forums clean and you guys are already littering the board with unwarranted and meaningless complaints. Be patient, your time will come. What's the worst case scenario? You get in ONE day early? At least you're getting in early and not having to start with the masses. Lastly, the game isn't going anywhere. It's not like you've missed your flight and half your vacation. Take it easy, because the complaining isn't going to get you anywhere and it's doing nothing but littering the new forum with garbage.
  13. For all of those who are saying that you'd prefer to wait in a queue. Well guess what? You're in one, now stop complaining and be patient.
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