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Posts posted by Kinsal

  1. Lotta bad guardians and juggernauts then, I'm not shocked there was a real big bandwagon parade for the whole class every since the rng mess that used to be vigilance and vengeance was fixed. I mean that spec is pure fun and total bliss feel like a jedi so I'm not shocked a silly amount of players that are poor in pvp picked it up for shame to see it reflected at such a level though.


    This the sheer amount of baddies that play this class is staggering Low skill cap low ceiling class. Unlike the big 3 which are all low skill cap high ceiling.

  2. Funny I don't think guard is overpowered at all. Being long time player in the game that invented the whole guard mechanic its kinda weak here. In Warhammer the guard damage rolled against defense checks so a tank with 70% block would take no damage. Toss in healer detaunts , tank taunts and you would never kill a guarded warrior priest/DOK. Unless you knew how to separate the tank from healer. On side note a Guarded and focused healed slayer was a sight to behold.
  3. Regs don't count, there are still imp guilds on PoT5 that run premades in regs to dominate pugs, and we all know PoT5 is a ghost town. You can go anywhere and find reg premades, that doesn't mean there will be ranked pops there though.


    I'm confused why would you not play group ranked if you go through all the trouble to make a premade.. Is that cause premades don't like fighting other premades? Crap I would have given my alot if back in warhammer days if they had a premade que cause fighting pugs as premade is dam borning.

  4. Wait group rank doesn't pop every where. I been back for short bit probably won't stay long but there seems a over abundance of premades in reg warzones I figured group rank would be popin like crazy or is this just premades to beat on pugs and then pretend that's something special.
  5. Nice rig really awesome I used to keep up on PC tech once I was able to play games at 60 plus at 1600p I kinda stop putting money into it. That and my other sport is more expensive and i cant afford both. I had to choose $12,000 bicycle or keep cutting edge tech in my pc. Just goes to show you what ever your passion there is no limit on money to be spent. Good vid hope you enjoy such an awesome rig
  6. forcing people to not be able to play with friends in regs in not the way to do things


    Why is that cause being on the receiving end of ****** guild who can't play rank in a pug is about as much fun as your ****** guild getting housed in a rank match.


    Again see GW2 solution

  7. Good idea


    Once you make the baddie guilds with there premade play in rank matches



    I can play with baddies I don't care but I wont go against baddie premades that are to scared to play rank cuase they want to farm regs pugs.


    think gw2 had the best solution i have ever seen rotating maps with random randomizing of teams before the match in pug area's and strict PREMADE big boi pants matches that would never cross streams

  8. What was this game attrition rate and how many do you think out of those million or so were hardcore PVP'ers. What you have left are a select small group of pvpers that know what there doing who are also hardcore star wars nerds. It doesn't surprise me that the level of randoms has gone down as the pool in which you draw quality pvpers from is very small.
  9. Objective based pvp isnt bad idea. Though it might be implemented better. When u do not face organised opposition u might stand on objective for whole wz with no1 trying to cap it. Also it take away the pvp action. who the hell want to guard a node when u see there is some solid action in the middle? its usually just for stealth classes to do some 1v1 mostly.


    Oh hell, **** that. check warhammer - there are some interesting scenarios

    mourkain temple - in the middle of the map spawn some artifact u can take. once u have it, your team is gaining points but after some time that artifact start to dmg u. I guess last ticks are around 2k or 2,5k dmg (tanks have around 10k HP). once u r dead every1 can retake it from your corpse for X secs or the artifact reapear in the middle.


    Stonetroll crossing - in the middle of the map appear some thing that u have to pick up and then interact with 3 flags over the map to gain points.


    Gates of ekrund - small map with 3 objectives - middle and ramp above middle. when u stand near flag for X sec u make the flag neutral and then another X sec to cap it for your team. more players around - faster the cap. also u r gaining points for each flag.


    Nordenwatch - 3 objectives - 2 near spawn point, 1 in middle. The middle is pretty much nice situated for tactical defense. Stairs u can use to get on higher ground, bridge to stop enemies by "tank wall", cliff to punt enemy away or to make some pew pew station.


    All objectives generate points over time. U first retake it by sheer numbers standing around it to make it neutral and then stand there to cap it. That way u have to fight to wipe enemies or rout them back from the area around flag to cap it. Another objectives are near spawn so its hard for some1 who try to cap it solo cuz usually he is attacked by some guy who was killed.

    And still these matches do not last long. Mainly cuz u do not need X objectives to start generating points and also kills are awarded by points.


    Maybe something like that might be done in swtor too.


    OR for gods sake give us any new wzs pls :)


    All this is true, SWTOR is just a poor copy of Wars cause everyone worth a dam at mythic bailed by the time swtor pvp was being designed. Ill give you one jewel that was carried over to this game that they wanted to do in war but the beta players revolted no Open World PVP which they successfully delivered in this game. Oh and the failed resolve system that came from DOAC.


    As some said earlier watching a node is boring as ****.


    Ah I missed the large scale battle and the randomness of open world PVP, I miss farming the Zerg with an 8 man in DOAC or a 6 Man in Warhammer. You knew your guild knew their sh@t when you could farm a 90 man zerg with out losing a man. Now i get these boring area style even teams theme park bubblegum PVP. Sadly I don't think open pvp well be coming back to the main stream MMO as to many whiners about ZERG and numbers and not as many old heads playing who think up class combo's to farm that sorry zerg.
  10. This why we cant have nice ****...i missed when mmo's were played by a very select group of people..as the bar foe the equipment to do so was very high..those cut

    a large part if the mouthbreather pop..not anymore with the advent if wow that got everyone with an e machine to play it..along with computer tech being cheap yet powerful the pie has been lowered where mmo are no different than playing fps in xbox as they are drawing from the same sub set of players..so instead of getting over arching complex games that take advantage of the horse power that found even in the most basic computer...we get the op and lets face his money is the same as mine and there more of him then there are of me...the ol uo/eq/ao/doac/eve lineage is dieing instead ir starts with wow/varous games/swtor... Im sadded

  11. Prolly should reroll cause you apparently don't know how to play melee. I'm sure you'd love pvp once you got ahold of grav round.


    This push botton twice then push a different one one time...its pvp for short bus riders..

  12. The issue stems from there being no real tanks in pvp...the tanks here are a joke why they didnt just copy and paste kotbs/chosen iron breaker/blacj guard I dont know as some mentioned about rollin the bg into a zerg I used to do the same with my kotbs one healer to back me up I was nigh unkillable esp with morale pushes...tank in this game are laughable that why nobody wants to push..your tanks are the spearhead they take ground this game has no tanks...it poor design .. Countless times I led the charge on kotbs but I wont do it here unless I got evey healer in the zone spaming heals on me...as tank spec survibility blows hard
  13. That dev post reminds me of warhammer and there stance on bomb groups..for months they said it working as intended until they rolled out the city invasion changes on pts and played it agaist um actaul players then they as dev team had to face the ol two premade pull and bomb group..after getting rick rolled all night only then did they start to nerf the effectiveness of said bomb group it was all fine and dandy when there player base was leaving in droves cause of said bomb groups but once they got rick rolled for a night it was not working as intended...
  14. No game comes close to warhammer tanks I niss my kotbs everyday..with that said I got a tanksin the avadance trees are so much more well thought out compared to my juggy.. The tank tree is superior in both damage and mitagation..the dps tree is better even if it sub par..when I look at my juggy not much defense after 14 points or damage the extra cc is nice but that about it..damage tree is a covuluted mess of defense and sub par damage...the shared tree isnt much better..a reworking of the trees is needed big time...
  15. Its an mmo and most mmo's are based off for lack of better term rock, paper scissors were one class might excel in a paricular area it we be pkir in another.. Why are you concerned about whats the best one one class are you just dueling f so pick sent/maud but f you have to ask im not sure you have the skill to play one....
  16. I'm afraid Ashes is correct... whether you guys like it or not.


    A solo dps (good or not) cannot kill a good healer that plays right. Sure, you can focus fire one. But that just means there's another player out there that could be spam healing the other one, bringing you back to square one: a team of all healers is unstoppable. How are you going to focus fire all of them at once?


    I'm not sure a dps should kill a healer 1v1, that's not my issue. My issue is scrubs keep making stupid claims that are just plain false. Healers are THE KINGS of 1v1. Stop disputing that and I won't have to keep crashing your party.


    Believe what you want to believe... I ve pvp'd in mmo's where healers have been 100 times more powerful the they are in this game..ie pre soul gen,heal nerf warrior priest and still managed to be successful..pain train always wins..this gane is so g dam dps friendly its almost a joke.. Healers have always nd well always counter dps that why they are there..what you think healers should only counter the dps a tank puts out..again it comes down to focus firing a target if an uncooridated group such as pugs cant do pvp rule number 1 and the other side has healers and you dont expect to lose..you are qq on a class job that has the ablity to benifit you also if your faction has no healers its not the game fault

  17. Okay...troll. You're taking my example pretty much completely out of context.


    I don't "solo" an entire match, I'm constantly working with teammates even in PUGs but not EVERY situation against a competent sage allows me to constantly have back up.


    And the kicker there is, the sage doesn't need back up...but I do. I'm a heavily armored, high powered wrecking ball, and I do great stuff when I have back up, but I can't have back up 100% of the time. The Sage on the other hand is a lightly armored, supposedly low DPS class (which is completely incorrect), and they don't require any back up at all....a good sage can easily solo a good DPS, or even two people attacking them. A really good sage can deal with three people and while not kill any of them, NEVER DIE, depending on the variant skill levels between the three players.


    And PUGs are ALWAYS a situation of dealing with variant, unknown skill levels.


    Rookie PvP? So I guess all "pro's" do nothing but run on-vent pre-mades all the time? Cause I don't do that. I just try to work the best I can with the people I'm put on a team with.


    Thats correct pros always run premades...frist rule of puggin expect to lose basically from the point you outlined...i pug from time to time if I run agaist a good sage I dont begrudge him I /tiphat not run to the forums a qq about it...as I seen far more bad sages then I seen good and the good ones would own on any class

  18. The only clearly substantial gear advantage he could have would be full BM or mixed BM and Rakata, which he does not have.


    One good DPS, which I am, can take a healer out of the game and force it to heal itself, I do it all the time, the problem is, healers aren't defenseless. You continue to maintain that a healer being attacked by a DPS can do nothing but heal itself but that in and of itself is a complete fallacy.


    In a simple understanding of attrition it is easy to deduce that a competent Sage, when frustrated with doing nothing but healing themselves will pop Force Armor, slow/stun their target, force run out of range and blast that target with Project and Telekinetic Throw and Turbulence.


    Even a good DPS is going to eventually lose to this situation, because their DPS gets negated by healing, and the healer can create plenty of situations of advantage that allows them to get in some DPS on their side too.


    And thst why beating on someone by yourself is rookie pvp...which destorys your theory of being good dps..it is and allways well be focus fire that wins not some solo jockey that thinks he is good dps..ill take 2 shat dps that focus fire over some wanna be good dps that solo's the entire match...

  19. I wish I had a warzone with one healer. It seems to many forget they can.... but when they do remember it makes a huge difference in outcome. I almost always give MVP to top healers!!


    I have had a few games where it seems i am hitting them with a flashlight.... They out heal my damage regardless of the DOTs and Crits. They don't do any damage in return. and I wonder if they will ever run out of power,Until they get gang banged it is a waste of time hitting them.


    Dont be a moron and go off solo dps'n find another and hit what he is hittin...pain train the pain train well always win over a bunch of solo hero wanna be scrubs

  20. What are your healers doing oh you dont have any...lol it figures baddies load 8 dps go agaist a fairly balane group and lose then qq about.. Ive been runnin 6 mans to 8 mans for long time...healers get cc-d dps get focus downed, tank get ingored till nobody standing...when comes to pug on pug the team with the healers well pretty always win...as healers are force mutliplers loldps are jus that loldps...The pain train always wins if your beating on some one by your self it you that is retarded not the class
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