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Posts posted by Kinsal


    .its a game yall lol if you kids can code better why dont you apply at bioware austin. seriously.


    The pay sucks and so do the hours, Job security blows you work on a project for 3 to 4 years get bounced in the normal downsize and on top of that you lose the thrill and fun of gaming for the most part. So I have heard

  2. Don't care about CC. I am pissed off because dear Eric threw a handful of codes for an unobtainable pet (I would have bought the damned thing otherwise and been done with that a LONG time ago) at a thread FULL of people and apparently thought it a good idea or entertaining or whatever to watch them scramble for them, and somehow expected that that would keep them quiet and busy. Then went into a huff when that didn't go over as expected and was like "okay so you said you didn't want this" when all that people said was that it would be fair if everyone got one. So, as always, not listening.


    Like Ebenezer throwing HUNI's at the soup kitchen line just to see the chaos

  3. As I understand it, lots of things.


    Mission names became strings of code. Cartel market prices became long negative numbers. Various places evidently "stopped working" in the game... That is according to the earlier postings.


    As feared that sounds like it was DB related in which the DB calls returned incorrect or null values should have been seen in a proper test environment.

  4. lol it cause of people whine that they push to fast and things go wrong if people would understand that coding a game is hard and takes time maybe it would not be broken


    Actually, it really not that hard anymore comparability speaking like say EQ or DAOC when its 4 dudes in a garage, it's complex ill give you that lots of moving parts hardest part shaping the Network Traffic these games create a crap ton of traffic. but for the most part they off load a crap ton to the client computer and with out server side checks hence the speed hacks wall hack seen in this game this is really just taken advantage of the game loading on your RAM find the correct value for your toon and changing it so the server doesn't disconnect you, I can get into an other discussion but I won't.


    Anyways for the most part, it's broken down into small separate teams each hopefully really good at what they do animations team, combat code team, data base team etc.



    Not trying to through SHADE on anything but I worked on system that are just as complex ie voice analytics

  5. idk why all of yall are complaining so much and act so suprised after all this kind of thing happenes with every update they release not just every now and then you think they would learn from this eventually but i guess learning aint on the menu



    This should not be the norm in any line of business the issue with this line of business is this is expected by the consumer as normal. Trust me the server farm EA leases the servers from, I guarantee there are heavy penalties if they have unexpected downtime like in the millions of dollars penalty this is a standard SLA in the industry.


    This is a self-inflicted wound I am not sure what the QA department is or was but an off brand off cycle patch should not take apart your deliverable for an entire day. Should not happen any f'in way ever no excuse and on top of that to have a change record with out a clear recovery plan if the change goes side ways is counter to every current industry standard, this is not 1999 where we just wing it and pray.

  6. I'm sorry that is an inconvenience to you, but don't you realize this game is US based? The Staff shouldn't have to stay out after business hours to make it easier another continent. The Team in charge of this game is small enough as it is, and Bioware couldn't afford to pay overtime for them anyhow.


    I don't know where you work but I can tell you one thing that you would not survive one release weekend where I do.

  7. If a roll back of servers AND client to 5.4 is necessary as a temporary fix, then I suggest you:

    1) identify all files in the Client-side 5.4a patch

    2) Recompile the 5.4 versions of these files with a new version id (for 5.4b)

    3) Force those files as a 5.4b update/patch to all clients.

    Thus, faking a new patch but actually faking a roll back. You may have already thought of this, but if not, just giving advice.


    That should have been or close to attached to the change ticket as the what if the goes sideways how to we fix it ASAP. A change ticket with out a back out plan is not a plan it's a throw the dice agaist the wall and hope for the best

  8. I don't always test my code but when I do so I like to do it production. So stay on call my friend.


    As an IT infrastructure engineer for a large employer on the east coast, your team should be down right embarrassed to have any unscheduled down time. You have the resources and the infrastructure to run an out in the WILD test server that you can place every single change to prior to delivering this to production and affecting your customer. I guess there is a very cavalier attitude to change management in your line of business but trust me if this happened where I work people are getting walked out the door TODAY at the very least there is going to be a meeting with the upper echelons of SR management where you get to beg for your job.


    This is absolutely un acceptable for a company with the financial resources EA/Bioware this is plain and simple, squeeze every dollar out of them with out putting any in that EA has been known for. I would be humiliated professionally and personally if a change I was responsible for ending in downtime outside of the scheduled hours.


    Out here in the real world that would cost pretty much any company millions of dollars, you, on the other hand, throw free codes out and can't do that right shameful.

  9. The issue with sent/maurders is they have a high ceiling but a low skill floor. So if you're good you can be beasty. If your not so good with the class it shows as its punishs you severely for your mistakes. Unlike let say merc atm which has a very high skill floor but not as high a skill celing. Its a far more forgiving class and doesnt punish you as harshly for your mistakes.



    Now in gereral PUB players as a whole seem to have a low skill floor, the good ones are great but the bad ones are notriously bad. You put those players on a class like maurders/sent and you get a situation like the op describes. You put them on mandos which is a carry class it takes those tier 3 players and now makes them tier 2.


    Moral of the story sents are not for baddies

  10. Never ceases to amaze me both class had an 8 sec mez neither did. Of course that jug was causimg the most issues. With taking the cap. Best the sin could have done was either sealth mez force a cc break to wirlwind. Or better yet move 30 meters away pull you to wirlwind while his buddy capped. You could do it solo back when sin had phase walk.
  11. If players are honestly defending Mercs DCDs in 5.0 they are one of the following:


    A) Trolling and won't listen to reason.


    B) Are such a Merc fanboy that they cannot logically listen to reason.


    C) Has little understanding of PvP mechanics in this game.


    D) All of the above.



    All of the above gets my vote

  12. Really nothing you can do you can either roll one yourself which I wouldn't advise unless you anticipate bioware caving on cxp and valor rank or you can deal with till the nerf comes which when it does it well devastate that class again or you can vote with your wallet.


    Routinely you see 7 to 8 merc in non rank warzone cause "thier so balanced" . If I know one thing about the pvp community most of them need a crutch they need away to be prop up by a class in order to compete just like the nerf call on sorcs and the crutch defenders you'll see the nerf calls on mercs and the crutch defenders. They have not gone unnoticed. The adjustment is coming it's just how long you want to wait. When it does you'll see a flood of them disappear as it takes a special player to take a tier 3 class and make it do tier 1 things. We just have a bunch of tier 3 players on tier 1 overpowered class so they can compete that's all. Those tier 3 players well defend their crutch to no end and once it's gone their still a tier 3 player looking for a crutch

  13. Because marksman is extremely conducive to destroying arsenal, it wouldn't just be me that could lay that claim if just one of the merc defensives was removed. Currently I'm playing against a stacked deck that isn't to do with skill.


    There are classes marksman has little to no chance of winning against 1v1 when talking about equal skill (ex: concelament) and I'm fine with that. Arsenal is not one of those. I also made the point that the mercs were not equally skilled, but they were good and know how their defensives work. That;s my main point- I'm not learning something new from a great player, my blood pressure is rising against cheese mechanics.


    I would also never say balance this game around 1v1, because you get into a lot of trouble. Nor would I say balance mercs around their encounters with snipers. But these are a couple issues, and the root cause is the same as mercs in general: healing on reactive shield. They simply crystallize my frustration wtih the futility of merc dcds when the player knows how they work.


    This is generally how MMO's end being balanced where one class has inherent advantages over another and vice versus it's laid out on the design floor. Where every class has its prey and predator a buff or nerf in the food chain can have a ripple effect. What's it's Strength and what's it weakness, what's it's TTK and what's its TTL. ATM outside off another merc I don't see predator for mercs. Their TTK is 2 short and their TTL is 2 long. Think when balancing an MMO Damage(TTK) and Survivability(TTL) are diametrically opposite of each other. As you reach the top in one area you sacrifice the other. When you have situation when a class is near the top at both it moves in OPness (crutch land or "Your cake and eating too"). This is a simplified view balancing but it's good to baseline a class. As it doesn't need to account for skill, as we all know a tier 1 player can do wonders with a tier 3 class.


    Think of all the specs that are Tier 3 like Lethality operative, Pyro PT and where they fall on that chart vs merc or another Tier one spec like Darkness Sin.


    I understand what bioware did, and it was correct merc TTL was too short in the pre 5.0 era. They substantially buff that area increasing it to point beside healers it's the best in the game. They just forgot to do the second part which is to reduce their top end damage. This is where I see the other shoe dropping for merc along with a minor survivability reduction.(of course the Rub here is PVE how the PVE'rs hate losing there Farming toons and thier correct most nerfs are pvp related as you balance encounters not classes in PVE)

  14. You sure like to pretend I write things that I don't write. I "was pissed"? I never said I was pissed.


    Has the salt blinded you so badly that you forget that in 4.0, PTs could pour their damage out even when tunneled?


    PTs had better defensives than mercs did in 4.0, even with their paltry defensives which says a lot about the state of the merc in 4.0 and earlier.


    Also back then, PTs did complain, a lot about lack of durability when tunneled, particularly in arenas and solo ranked. So don't try to tell me they didn't, because I know they did complain and it was a justified complaint.


    How do I know? Because I played a PT in 4.0 and earlier, a lot. I didn't "cry" about my PT getting melted when focused because I could pour out tons of damage before I went down. The merc could not.


    So even though both would melt like a snowflake thrown into an oven when tunneled, the PT would kick out some damage before dying, whereas the merc would not. On a side note, when heals were supplied the PT became much more durable and could withstand some tunneled damage, much better than my merc when tunneled.


    Again you compare two classes, PTs and mercs in 4.0 that couldn't be further from one another in power or playstyle. Just like when you said mercs in 4.0 were on par with operatives when it came to 1 vs 1s.


    You say a lot of silly things to try to make mercs seem better than they were in 4.0, so much so I have to chalk it up as you just trolling, or you being totally ignorant of the merc class in 4.0 and earlier.



    Basically it comes down to you and I had 2 different experiences playing merc. I also pick it up in 4.0 after it being the second toon i ever created back on pto5 my guild was done destroying pvp in another game. So i had time and gear was cheap and so many said merc blew. I was lucky i learned the ropes from an awesome merc in ldfifty. I can honestly say I feared no class one on one., I feared players not classes. I dont think its any big revelation that merc was low man in ranked and needed a hard damage stop. . I dont think it any big revelation that the community knows its overtuned now.


    Best of luck 2 you sorry you had a bad experience on your merc. Enjoy your uber solo rank rating.

  15. But how do you even go about gearing a pvp tank nowadays? Galactic Command will only drop traditional tank mods, not the A/B endurance heavy ones for pvp. I suppose you have to craft all the mods (meaning you have to be in an operations guild to get the 230/234/240 schematics) or spend 100m+ credits buying mods off the GTN.


    Anyway, regarding Sin vs Mara: I would go with Deception for solo ranked. As a Sin, you can choose when to start the engagement and avoid getting netted / globaled by multiple Mercs. Keep the Mara for unranked and play whatever spec you want.




    And I don't get why everybody wants to do solo ranked. It's a little more CXP, but it's just a miserable gaming experience IMO, especially right now for us melee lovers. I'd rather chill in unranked for almost as much CXP, faster queue pops, no Lyala / Jeezee, and a bit less antagonism and toxicity. I actually quite like arenas...I just don't like the atmosphere of ranked. People get so butthurt when they lose, like it even matters anymore. Your rewards consist of titles. I wear the manhunter title and don't plan to change that. Titles are worth nothing to me. I still have not spent a single S7 token.



    Not sure about the cost but 208 seems to bolster well

  16. The effectiveness of a dps is based on doing damage and killing things. I rarely spam AOE. Unless there are a ton of healers on the other team I still get double digit killing blows. Mercs can and do still die.


    Keep unloading your full burst into reflect though and come back and tell us all how OP it is for 30 more pages


    So you dont use the instant proc thundering blast on your lighting sorc or the puddle with snare on engineering never threw out a couple plasma probes on different targets never use your emp when the target is effeted by your electric rail shot. Nobody is saying you spam aoe baddie its build into your rotation. Unless of course you purposely play sub optimally then i doubt you ever top any score board.



    Also if you can tell me what a killing blow is ill tell you why it even more unimportant then total damage.



    If i were you i would just stop posting your obviously in over your head

  17. Maybe it's because I don't do ranked, but I don't feel arsenal mercs are all that OP aside from the 6-7 of them who were good at it before the buffs and were gonna be wrecking me anyway. I still out dps 90% of them with lightning sorc and engineering sniper. And quite frankly the buffs were much needed for the healers and it's good to see more variety in healer types in WZs.


    I really don't see the problem. Nets are annoying, but they always were. Too much QQ by mostly bad players



    Total damage does not indicate how well a class performs. Esp on a lightimg sorc who aoe is build into its rotation and has no resource issue at all and engineering is the defacto AOE spec in the game. In theory would have the same up time being range class and also not a high priority target on either class


    But Im a bad so what would i know in the presence of a scoreboard warrior as yourself


    I loved the merc because it was fun to melt people back then, but I also found it very frustrating when many classes could indiscriminately kill me with little to no effort at all by simply bypassing my cc with cc immunities and obliterating me with massive damage and burst.



    So you were playing a class connon spec and got pissed off cause you would melt like a glass cannon. Weird I dont see a **** load of PTech on here complaining that their glass cannon spec would get blown up.

  19. That "crutch" you speak about has been passed to different specs and taken away from different classes since the game began. Has nothing to do with people needing it.


    Also many people have played merc well before 5.0, not every merc is a rerolling FOTM kind of player.


    You just sound more biased that you die to mercs now tbh. Salty as hell in other words.


    They were far lesser versions of what the merc has now and deemed too strong and thoroughly nerfed to uselessness or removed entirely. You seem to base your balance decisions on time spent at the bottom and therefore it's "Your time to shine". I can only surmise that you were not good enough prior and the crutch of Jugg DCD combine with Marauder burst is something that fills the gap in your skill set.


    I hardly ever die reg warzones 1 to 0 deaths and when I do it's mostly my fault as I'll hold on to a DCD get caught in a dog pile or another tier 1 player will get me. In 4 v 4 it's more the make up your team and their skill level as relates to others than your own personal as it becomes near impossible to carry 3 baddies.


    Since you just came back to the game a few days ago rolled up your merc and found your crutch I'm willing to chalk your transgression as someone that had issue prior and the new found toys has made the game playable

  20. Both those post are anecdotal and show no bearing on OPness of the merc except they seem to be popular with those the need a crutch.



    I have no doubt an over correction well be made.


    It's understandable the majority of people that PVP are not very good and they need a crutch to help prop up their missing skill level. It happens in almost every MMO except the one that require a long grind for gear. 6.0 merc is going to drastically nerf compared to 5.0 merc have fun all you fotm re rollers reginding out that cxp( Im sure a large portion of them are madness sorc rerollers)


    Also, anyone that says, "Merc was the only one that could out one v one an operative in 4.0" loses a lot of credibility. I don't even have to explain why this statement alone is stupid and wrong.



    Now you're just trolling or I hope your Just trolling or you need to go delete that post and the one previous to that.

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