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Everything posted by Zwirni

  1. Wenn die Komplexität und der Trollwille tatsächlich 0 ergeben dann sollte der Trümmerfaktor legitimerweise 0 sein, wie es auch in dieser Formel abgebildet wird. Also da ist alles korrekt. Jedoch würde ich tatsächlich selbst allen SM-Ops eine 1 geben, da es genügend Forumspost darüber gibt, dass Denova SM VIEL zu schwer sei ;-). Skill 0 und Erfahrung 0 gleichzeitig in einer Gruppe von 8 Personen zu Stande zu bringen ist eine Leistung für sich und sollte mit durch 0 teilen belohnt werden ^^.
  2. Moinmoin, um die Trümmerfaktorberechnung endlich mal zu klären habe ich mich entschlossen diesen komplexen Rechenweg offen zu legen. Der Trümmerfaktor (TF) berechnet sich aus dem Verhältnis mehrerer Variablen, dem/r durchschnittlichen Skill(S), Erfahrung(E), Motivation(M), Komplexität der OP(K) und Troll(T). Diese Werte korrekt auszufüllen ist die Aufgabe des Gruppenleiters/-aufbauers, die Werte variieren lediglich zwischen 0-10. Die Formel lautet: TF = ((K+T) / (S+E)) * (11-M) Als Beispiel eine erfahrene Gruppe, die DenovaNiM laufen möchte, allerdings nicht besonders viel Skill besitzt und alles nur mit 258 Gear bisher gelegt hat, wenig Motivation hat, aber auch nicht unbedingt absichtlich trollen will: S = 6, E = 10, M = 5, K = 9, T = 2 Daraus ergäbe sich: TF = ((9+2) / (6+10) * (11-5)) = 4,125 was ein sehr angenehmer Raid werden könnte. Einen Trümmerfaktor von >10 zu erreichen bedarf bereits der aktiven Sabotage durch Spieler (hoher Trollfaktor) oder einer so niedrigen Motivation, dass man sich bereits fragen sollte, ob diese Personen überhaupt mitgenommen werden sollten. Wie man sehen kann sind fast alle Variablen gleichwertig, abgesehen von der Motivation, die immer größeren Einfluss hat, als nur das simple Können, da man mit ausreichend Motivation auch über sich selbst hinauswachsen kann! Alles Gute, Zwirni EDIT: Mir wurde ein sehr überzeugendes Argument zugetragen, dass der Trollfaktor kein Durchschnittswert sein sollte, sondern die höchste Trollbereitschaft eines Spielers der Gruppe abbilden sollte. Dies ergibt in vielen Bereichen Sinn wenn wir an Sage Heal, Taunt DPS usw. denken. Fühlt euch also völlig frei die Variablen nicht als Durchschnittswert zu betrachten, wenn ihr dies für angemessen haltet.
  3. Feedback for Tyth MM: Our setup for trying and killing it was 2 Assa-Tanks, 1 Merc-Heal, 1 Sorc-Heal, 2 PTs (AP), 2 Sniper (marksman) Group's Gear Level was 249 (252MH+OH+Relics) with 240 Augments Hey Matt, after ~100 pulls without crystals (best try 31% after 6:45) and ~20 pulls with crystal (Tyth dead) I feel prepared enough to give you some feedback on the Boss. First of all I have to say that I really enjoy the boss because of its randomness. It is very much to my enjoyment that you switched the main focus of the Boss from DPSing the Boss and handling the adds on the side in VM to DPSing the adds and handling the boss on the side in MM. I had a lot of fun developing the tactics we used to test this boss. Our tactics are really refined by now and we are certain that we use every option the Boss-design gives us to our utmost advantage. Yet we only managed to kill Tyth with crystals which leads to the following points: 1) Boss-life 2) Add-life 3) Magma-Droid-spawns 4) Which adds spawn 5) Too low heal-requirement 6) Boss-movement behaviour 7) Bugs/Exploits 1) Boss-life: We already heard from you that you want to decrease Tyth's HP by 7% and increase the enrage-timer to 07:15 minutes. But for me that doesn't go remotely far enough. As mentioned above I really enjoy this Boss being an "add-boss" so I wouldn't decrease the add's HP but rather Tyth's HP. Looking at the raw numbers we killed Tyth with crystals at 06:44 minutes. We will lose roughly 16% damage (no crystals but full 252 gear) on the live server. A good way would be to decrease Tyth's HP by at least 15% (9.7mil down to 8.25mil) and keep the enrage at 06:45min. I really dislike the idea of increasing the enrage-timer because it just unnecessarily stretches the encounter. 2) Add-life: I would really like you to keep the add-life as it is. Maybe decrease Justice's life by ~10%. 3) Magma-Droid-spawns: I really don't know why they have to spawn semi-randomly at the start of the encounter. Just assign fixed positions so we can put our juicy Orbital-Strike down before the pull ;-). 4) Which adds spawn: I am torn on this point but the majority of my group would like to have a little less randomness in the fight. For example no one likes to see 2 Justice adds in the same wave. On the other hand everyone is cheerful when we have 2 Grace-adds in the same wave. I think it would be a nice compromise if every wave can only have 1 Lancer/Justice/Grace and rest Guardians. 5) Too low heal-requirement: First to clarify: Tyth's damage output is fine once you reach higher stacks. The problem are the adds. We can easily off-tank 5 Guardians if we are not in the mood of killing them right now. I like the options this low damage gives me as a tactics-creator but it really shouldn't be a thing. Same goes for the Lancer's laser, it should hit like a truck - double the damage. I am fine with Justice's damage. 6) Boss-movement behaviour: Where to begin... I don't think it's a secret to you that the engine is not the best when it comes to movement - to put it politely. But this Boss is something else. The hitbox is very odd which sometimes makes it impossible to "push" the boss backwards, yet sometimes he reacts to your slightest movement and turns the 180° cleave into 3 adds left of the boss. Since I am no developer I can only tell you that the movement of the boss is horrible. You need to decrease or increase the hitbox by a large amount till these problems don't occur anymore. It's worse than Nefra and everyone who tanked her will probably know what I talk about. 7) Bugs/Exploits Bugs we found so far: As PT and Jugger you can jump at the boss after he kicks you off the platform which makes the new knockback obsolete. Adds sometimes don't spawn on the correct timer. Boss-aggro seems to reset sometimes with no explanation (we know the inversion mechanic and no it is not that). Would love to get a reply to some of the points! Have a nice day, Zwirni P.S.: Aivela&Esne's enrage-timer maybe should be doubled ;-).
  4. Feedback/Bug-Report for Tyth MasterMode: We encountered a bug which is reproducible. If the Boss drops below 65% and you let it heal above 65% again you won't get any add-waves until the Boss is again under 65%. This makes it incredible easy to clear the room before the 2nd 8-add wave. We haven't tested it for longer than 35 seconds though, maybe at some point a backup-timer kicks in.
  5. Remember that everything written in that thread is wrong since they changed the alacrity formula. These are the alacrity numbers you want on every character. For example as every class that doesn't have an alacrity bonus you want: 1872 Alacrity (6 Enhancements + 5 Augments) 765 Precision (1 Enhancement + 3 Augments + Stim) Rest crit.
  6. I am fine with that. It would be a boring world if everyone agreed with everyone else. The only point I am making is that a guide should never contain wrong information. The guide even states a percentage for alacrity for example. The correct percentage would be 15.385% instead of 7.5%, so I don't see any reason to not change that or even give advice on how to reach it (6 enhancements, 5 augments). It doesn't matter to me whether this guide is meant for SM-Raiders or NiM-Raiders because the premises are always the same. For example for healers to only heal as much as needed and dpsing the rest of the way. This is also the reason why I wouldn't let anyone I write a guide for believe that running around with 117k life as a tank is the right thing to do, even in SM. And I really don't believe you wouldn't mind a <120k life tank in NiM . You claim that I have forgotten how the game feels like when you start out. I believe many, including you, have forgotten how hard SM can be if no one knows the mechanics nor their own class. So being correctly geared can help you a lot. For example there is a recent thread complaining about how hard Denova SM is. If everyone would gear correctly and the healers would know that they should do DPS I believe this thread could have been avoided. Once more, we all have different opinions but facts should never change.
  7. A "starting step" should never be in the wrong direction. Tanks: You never use full Shield/Absorb Augments. Always aim for ~3300 points spend among those 2 stats and then augment endurance. Shield and absorb augments at that point are only "better" if the fight lasts over 8 minutes of constant hitting but they still do nothing for your spikyness which is the #1 reason why tanks die and more often than not you can't shield the big impact hits anyways. That is also the reason why only a very few "progression" oriented tanks use tank relics. Serendipitous assault and focused retribution are the go-to relics for most top-tier tanks because of their endurance. That is also the reason why you want to use B-Mods instead of the normal ones but this, indeed, might be a second or even third step. DPS: Every class has an Alacrity soft-cap which you want to reach. The cap is reached when your Global Cooldown goes down to 1,3 seconds. Here you can look at a list of the Alacrity values: This means that most dps specs want to have 1858 Alacrity which transfers to 6 Enhancements + 5 Augments and the rest into crit. You never use Mastery augments. The same goes for Precision. With every DPS you want to use the precision Stim + 1 Enhancement + 3 Augments. Healers: You are sending a completely wrong message here. "Your job is to keep the others alive with heals, not DPS!" is the worst statement for someone new to the game. The healers are meant to DPS, most heal checks are a joke or at least do not require your full attention. Healers should always DPS to learn it. There is no reason to do 12k HPS while only 4-5k of it is effective. Especially in Story-Mode and Hard-Mode only 1 Healer is needed for most fights. If you want to help people you should seriously question your knowledge of the game and revision your guide multiple times. Zwirni
  8. Toth&Zorn strategy with 4 melees: Toth is tanked on the right. Zorn on the left. Whenever Toth reaches 90%, 70%, 50%, 30% and 10% he will jump to Zorn and Zorn will give everyone within 28m range a debuff that reflects every damage you deal to Zorn. You keep Zorn on the left and Toth on the right. The tanks swap position whenever Toth jumps. It is easier that way to avoid debuffs. With 4 melees you usually have a taunt dps. To make the transition after jumps easier your taunt dps should stay at Toth's tank position and taunt him back while the former Toth tank immediately taunts Zorn and jumps to him, so the connection between Toth&Zorn breaks as early as possible to reduce raid dtps. All DPS go on Toth, remember to stand behind him and at 3,9m range. If you have a PT/Vanguard tell him to be at 8m range whenever possible to reduce damage income. Once Toth jumps the last time (9-7%) you wait for the debuff out of range of Zorn and then all your DPS switch to Zorn. Your Toth tank is not allowed to bring Toth to 5%. So logically at 6% an absolute damage stop is necessary. Remember once Zorn is below 9% that you always want to kill Toth first because even 2% on Toth when Zorn dies can lead to a wipe. If you can kill them simultaneously, do it. For healers it is normal that you need roughly 18k eHPS (9k each) with 4 melees and I am not talking about bugged Sorc bubbles here. Stormcaller&Firebrand 4 melees: Only difference is that you want 1 heal and 1 dps on Stormcaller to deal with the Double Destruction. That means the other 3 dps need to be good enough to get Firebrand to 80,60,40,20% before Double Destruction casts a second time. All reflects go on Stormcaller so it is a good decision to focus Firebrand anyways. If 3 out of your 4 melees aren't good enough to manage these dps pushes they can relog on any rdd and take the spot on Stormcaller but dps on Firebrand. If they are bad melees, they can be bad rangedDPS as well. Colonel: no difference kephess: no difference
  9. To me it doesn't matter what the mount looks like. The rarity is what makes a mount shine. Brontes NiM is still the hardest boss in the game and therefor the Wings of the Architect have an exclusive appeal to them over every other mount. Same reason why people are still using "Conqueror of the Dread Fortress". It is not the most innovative title it is just one of the rarest ones. Unfortunately Izax was so undertuned that many raiding guilds, even the ones struggling in NiM, managed to get the kill. So no matter how "good" the mount would look like it will lose attractiveness within a few weeks.
  10. Naja, ob man Exploits in Guides aufnehmen sollte steht sicherlich auf einem anderen Blatt.
  11. Izax 16m HM The-Force & burdens , Republic, Tulak Hord Dude in charge of screenshots forgot it >_>, anyways https://www.twitch.tv/videos/246483352
  12. I fail to see how I didn't match your criteria for feedback regarding what exactly should be changed. Adding PTS to reasoning is maybe moot for you, givin that you are part of the minority that actually is on the PTS, but for everyone else it has relevance. Sadly I see we are going in circles here, you don't like me blaming the people on the PTS (which I never did) and we can't have a rational discussion because of that. I try just one more time and then we can part in an agreement of disagreement. PTS raiders aren't doing their job badly, there are just too few of them to reach sufficient results. Evidence being the clearance rate of the boss right after release. Or as a peace offer Have a nice day.
  13. You are the only ones focussing on that. I simply gave reasoning why the boss is most likely in its current state. And as I said, if you ever worked in development you know that the more input you get the better it is. You can disagree of course, but seeing that only 3 PTS-guilds killed it right after release means that only 3 guilds on the PTS have the abilities to test it properly. Especially P6 which is not worthy of a last phase in a nightmare operation endboss. Mac himself made this the topic of this thread? Or do you want a simple chart of people saying "too easy", "too hard" and no reasoning at all?
  14. If you really believe that feedback of 3 guilds has as much value as feedback of 7-8 guilds I can't help you. If you see it as an offense I don't care. That is the only point I made, everything else you made up. If you want to widen your horizon look at Q&A teams which never consist of 3 people but rather of 20-30 people, plus beta tests with hundreds of people.
  15. You telling me you encouraged the devs to leave P3 like it is? Obviously there is too little input, otherwise neither P3, P4 nor P6 would be like it is now. The other option of course being that noone listens to your feedback in which case it is irrelevant how many guilds are on the PTS.
  16. My main concern is that there are too few people on the PTS who can actually give quality feedback. If we just look at facts we see that 4 out of the first 5 guilds who killed Izax without PTS access were german from the server Tulak Hord. But these guilds are denied PTS access categorically. I guess it is because they don't want to deal with german feedback, but you can just write in the Terms of Service that all bug-reports for PTS need to be in English. For example with 4 more guilds writing to Matt stuff like: "Phase 3 is a joke, you need to tune that, maybe spawn the 2 conductors and 4 tether droids directly and just push the boss with one P3 to 60%. You would by that make the fight harder because after Phase3 you'd only have 3 Grapple-items left in the group instead of 5 and the fight would be shorter. Extending the fight doesn't make it harder, just more annoying." "In Phase 4 you shouldn't get a damage buff on the boss with only 1 stack. Maybe starting at 2 stacks you deal 25% more damage, 3 stacks 50% more damage. This way the DPS-check isn't such a joke." we maybe could have changed the boss a little. All in all the boss is way too easy if you call it MasterMode, especially if you compare it to Brontes or Styrak. But to be honest I am quite shocked about the clearance rate. I thought the game had more raiding potential on other servers. But as it turns out the german server has the highest population of good raiding guilds which is really sad because that means that other servers are as dead as Tulak Hord in regards of raiding.
  17. Oh boy, you should get to know me better . So I see my guide totally didn't hinder your ability to progress the boss without information. Nice argument there.
  18. Moinmoin, wir haben Izax heute getötet und haben einen kleinen Video-Guide erstellt. Dieser ist allerdings auf Englisch, da sonst niemand etwas veröffentlich hat und somit eine etwas größere Reichweite besitzt. Bei genug Feedback erstelle ich noch einen auf deutsch. Gruß, Zwirni
  19. Hey there, so we just downed the boss and as always released every information on the german forums. Because noone shares information on the english forum I post my guide in english as well. It is a basic talkthrough of the boss explaining every phase and how you could play it. Kill-Video: Video-Talkthrough: (little wait for 1080p ) Have fun killing the Boss!
  20. You should rather use the youtube video: And the Video-Guide will be up in 15 minutes. Teaser: https://i.imgur.com/I7iGNQN.jpg
  21. Well, given that I am openly offended here I kinda have to answer although "progression" in SW:ToR is as dead as it can be. Several German guilds, including mine, tried since before the release of Tyth to get their whole team onto the PTS. We wrote several e-mails to Musco and Keith and to the official email address to apply for the PTS. Keep in mind that we continued to do that for every boss and still never got invited. To simply claim that we "didn't try hard enough" is just ridiculous. Plus this whole withholding videos point is obsolete because some guilds already got intel about the boss from friends in PTS guilds. Please stop claiming that "everyone who wants" gets on the PTS and then you can withhold any video for whatever time you like and feel superior because you killed it before everyone else. Zwirni
  22. Moinmoin, wie immer versuchen wir nach unserem Kill möglichst viele Informationen weiterzugeben und darum gibt es natürlich ein Talkthrough-Video zu dem Boss von mir. Viel Spaß und viel Glück, Zwirni
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