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  1. Levels mean nothing with the bolster system, then consider skill off the players and that these are most likely alts so have built up experience of this game. Just because you got glad on one game doesn't mean much when your playing something different.
  2. Got to laugh at a mod basically saying this is a learn.to play issue.
  3. I love how you make a comment about how to make pvp fair that any one with a brain would see would ruin the diversity of any mmorpg. It's impossible to balance every class against every class but trying to explain that to you would take more time.than its worth. Yes I do play operative I was also the second operative to reach 50 on my server this is my only class, I'm not a form reroller, my main spec is healing. But im guessing you don't know that operative had different specs with your comments of 1v1 balancing.
  4. There will never be a DAOC2 . Can you imagine all the people moaning from caster / melee trains, been interrupted by any damage and been rolled by high RR players. No developer will ever make that game because there is a limited audience for it. Personally is love it. Hib zerg @ AMG!
  5. You don't actually mention in your post what your not happy with? Firstly you mention what you have accomplished in previous games you have played which is great but this is a different game, with new mechanics not seen in the other mmorpg uve mentioned. Now you mention why would a team take a assassin over an operative; Operatives have burst sure but in the competitive arena that's about it. Our healing is poor as we don't speced into it, and our resource goes fast if we attempt to heal any one for a more than a few seconds, its also incredibly easy to lock down our healing as our second heal requires additional resources from ta. We can be taken out from.fights very easily in hutball there is no sprint or charge abilities, so if we get a poor position getting pushed off ramps means we are out of a fight for 30+ seconds. A decent team can also keep an .operative out of a fight for a long time with appropriate cc, knockback. Also if we.get rooted we cant use our snipe or any cover moves. Our peeling moves are limited to 10m range, and have no stealth peals if Target is in combat, no pushes, no pulls and no mitigation to offer our team m8. I have not listed here things like stealth or vanish because these things as an assassin you also have. But you do have taunts and guard to help ur team mitigate damage, you do have a sprint to escape ontop of vanish or to close a gap/get over a fire pit. Your range attacks are not effected by any root on you. I would also like to point out that kills and total damage in a warzone also mean little, I personally have done 400k dmg 100k healing in hutball and my team still lost 6 - 0.
  6. A 500 hot was outhealling ur damage?
  7. I have to agree these NERF threads need to calm down. A new one starts every day. I really cant wait untill the level 50 bracket warzones begin and then rated Warzones so people play on a level playing field and dont see classes nuking down sub 50s in 3 - 5 GCDs. Its far to early in the game to be QQing.
  8. Op's are good for pve healing, currently working on Hard mode SOA boss in eternity Vault, healed the rest of it with a Bounty hunter (8 Man). I've been asked to cover the raid healing, and so far ive been rolling HOTS on the tank/s and using them to proc my TAs for toping up light damage with SPs. If some one takes damage im finding using KI+SP best to bring them up again fast. Nano seems a little weak compaired to the other aoe heals the other classes get and our healing utility isnt great, there is no increases healing done, damage reduction or armour increase. This also effects healing in pvp because of the trauma debuff effecting our healing we dont have anything to compensate against that.
  9. Why would this be to good to be true? We don't have gap closers or cc over 10 meters. Our main dame is melee range if we only had bade movement speed our up time would be effected. This is also a great bonus to healer pvp specs with more mobility than the other healers.
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