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10 Good
  1. I had this problem in beta, I found waiting through the entire initial scene and not spacebar heroing any of it worked, not sure if it is the same or merely a similar bug though
  2. Which abilities are you using for damage purposes, I was running a similar spec then I moved points from black market mods into independent anarchy, sab charge is amazing and the extra damage on your AoE is great, especially freighter flyby. The skills I always keep close by are trickshot, charged burst, aimed shot, sab charge and flurry of bolts, cooldowns are bound to z,x,v with Shift mouse up and down also bound. Vital shot is pretty ordinary for sharpshooter under most circumstances, stuff just dies too quickly. Other than that, it is about finding convenient bindings for abilities that serve a utility purpose (hunker down, dodge and so on)
  3. I noticed a slump in leveling ease at around 30-38 too, it gets better again once you get into the 40s. Unfortunately you just need to suck it up and press on, maybe get a few flashpoint groups, pvp a bit to outlevel the quests you are currently on? Just because you can move on from an area doesn't mean it is always a good idea, an extra level or 2 can make a world of difference
  4. depends on how evil you are, if you adhere to the "red is dead" policy and pay attention around you, you should be able to get the jump on most people. Slinger burst is huge and you will generally have your cooldown up. As to the issue of cover, it usually doesn't present a problem but as stated, it wont be reliable 100% of the time, but the 90% is more than enough. Classes that give you trouble will be stealth classes with healing companions and only if they get the jump on you. knight/warrior are usually an easy kill if you get into cover before they get into range of their leap/charge ability. Troopers/BH "can" be tricky under some circumstances as their burst can be as high as ours, interrupt their tracer missile/grav round spam and get up close so you have your knockbacks available and you should have no issues. Most of your problems will come from shadow/assassin and operative/scrapper as they generally have more tools to keep you out of cover. Other gunslingers and snipers are ones to watch out for, this will usually come down to spec/gear and cooldowns available. You will out DPS an inquisitor/sage in a 1v1 pvp scenario
  5. Might have to record some sharpshooter pvp play when I have some spare time, get some community video action happening and let others know who the real power out of all the classes is
  6. 10-20 stims - 60k 40+ medpacs - 60k repair costs on a hard raiding push in raid purples (2-3 red gear repairs) - 120k "potential" daily cost around the 200k mark "congratulations" you beat boss x, heres 63 credits that there is the issue, would 8-10k each per boss be too much to ask?
  7. yes, we beat it, short of complete luck, the whole "north must be locked last on all stages except the last and each stage must be locked at approximately the same time" might work to finish the encounter but I find it difficult to believe that it is the way it is "meant" to be completed. Seems far too convoluted and obscure without any way to determine (via debuffs or preventative measures and so on) that it is in fact the way it was designed to be completed. The kicker though is that when you "fail" the encounter and the consoles lock up, you need to reset the instance in order to attempt it again. Once again, I am open to it being "a" way to complete the encounter, but it seems a bit stupid that is the way it was "intended" to be cpmpleted.
  8. yes to the macros, I should be able to set my 3 cooldowns (trinket, illegal mods buff and rapid fire buff) to the one button rather than having to push 3 buttons at once. This frees up room for other abilities to keybind. macro smuggler's luck to charged burst? yes please. not because I am lazy, but because I would much rather have "shift-mouse scroll down" bound to something I use more situationally You seem to be throwing that "automate" word around without actually considering what macros can and can't do. Prevent cast sequences and tada! no automation of any process. being able to type /tar <persons name> to pick someone out of a group to /wave back or cast individual buffs. Macros are only game breaking if the developers let them get that way
  9. yeh I know "how" to split it, but it is not exactly tidy, and the random [Thermoplast Flux] spam that you get in general every now and then is a testament to it
  10. This is a short compilation of issues I have come across that don't inherently hamper game enjoyment or playability (under most circumstances), but I believe to be issues nonetheless. If you have come across anything small and irritating (not "3rd boss in EV chest bugged" variety things), feel free to post them. SORTING AND FILTERING PVP Vendors Trade Market Mods, stims, medpacs etc All of these need more user friendly filters. I may be able to use that light or medium strength/willpower armor but what I am really after is cunning, and I really don't care about the lvl5 medpac that barely makes my health bar move. Searching the the trade market is just as painful, it insist that you specify exactly what you are looking for but even then it is still rare that you find what you after. Consider adding "filter by useable level" on consumable vendors and multiple tabs on pvp and gear vendors that have only items from a particular set on it. I have found many things that trigger the global cooldown or require an active global cooldown that seem more like an oversight. The speeder in the civil war warzone and picking up the huttball both require an available GCD Using medpacs and many other abilities that, though they say don't trigger the global cooldown, I have found in many situations that any follow-up ability still requires you to wait the 1.5 second to use anyway. Abilities that cannot be mouse clicked in quick succession but can be activated by keybinds. I am practically unable to click illegal mods, rapid fire and my relic one after the other, but if I bind them to z,x,c I can press all 3 buttons at once and trigger them at exactly the same time. This seems like something related to the way the server processes commands. Distance damage text stops displaying. If I am able to sit there and use abilities on a target, I should be able to see how much damage I am doing. seems that I must be within 25 meters of my target to see how much damage I am doing. Group queueing for PVP Maintaining a group during a queue and reforming after the warzone ends would be extremely handy RELATED TO ALTS Your trade skills will often display on both characters resulting in a bugged UI that overlaps through the companion pane containing the tradeskills of any alternate characters you have recently played. The loading screen will display with the title of the chapter i.e. moving from my Knight to Smuggler will show the loading splash as "Strike of the Desolator" with the text of interlude for the smuggler The "commit skill" animation when you assign skill points that dismounts you is a minor annoyance Distance from NPCs/Objects you can interact with Flight Droids seem to be the worst offenders, you can be close enough to bring up the flight path menu, but when you select a destination, you are presented with the error text claiming you are too far away to do that, moving closer to the droid fixes this but, if I am close enough to bring up the menu, I should be allowed to fly. This will occasionally extend to some world objects as well preview of weapons and perhaps a "combat stance" preview swap (think aion for those who played it) the ability to hide hoods on robes "and" hide head slot at the same time smaller camera zoom increments so we can get a close-up of our characters face without going into 1st person mode Purchasing multiple items from vendors made less frustrating Putting multiple items of the same kind on the trade market and having your designated buyout price carry over from the previous item Character Select screen being able to zoom out to see whole character Clipping of cloaks through speeders like the Aratech Dagger, if your cloak rested over the back like it does when moving straight forward but when stationary it would be an improvement Auto-stacking items moved from your inventory to your cargo hold via right clicking so that I don't need to manually combine items of the same type A sort inventory button with the ability to define the order it sorts it to, even if this is a choice from 3 predefined settings (think consumables, gear, tradeskill goods then vendor trash in different orders) and a vendor all trash items from the vendor menu, I am away that companions can perform this but I should be able to click a button to do it as well
  11. but duuude, they fixed it so that you don't have to reset after every wipe now. It's working fine now... currently, making instances work properly is the most difficult part of raiding
  12. naexus

    Hedarr Soongh

    Ohai Nexi reporting in
  13. herp derp, talking bout last phase, yeh that can happen, chalk it up to another bug
  14. Nice write up, my 2cred on a few of the issues/problems/queries people have been having. in later ops/instances, AoE is really quite useful, don't gloss this part over Burst volley costs too much energy to maintain. you activate it with AS then you all but have to spam CB in order to keep it up which is a massive energy sink VS - CB. Charged burst wins out, procs trickshot, benefits from weapon damage and "fires both blaster if dual wielding" it is just a flat out better use of energy. I moved the points from Burst Volley into spacer, the extra distance between you and a mob is handy, being able to control adds is useful and there are a few fights that need this and the flyby activation time is useful as well. moved points from black market mods to independent anarchy, sab charge is one of the highest sources of damage and the 10% additional AoE damage off flyby and sweeping gunfire make a big difference.
  15. Like most people have been saying here, give it a few levels and it will improve drastically. if you find yourself low, just run around spamming flurry while disrupting the lines with leg shot and pulse detonator. there are plenty of things you can do without energy that are just as fun
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