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Posts posted by Wildcat

  1. The "NO VALOR GAINED" problem started happening to me after about 60 kills Tuesday, then happened about every 10-12 kills up to about 90, then I was able to finish the weekly 150 without problem.


    Rushing into the enemy mob and dying would allow me to gain valor again. Pain in the butt. This had better be a bug because any PVP system that REQUIRES you to die on purpose is pretty stupid.


    I got 30 kills yesterday with no problem, but I didn't hang around long afterward, it might have started happening again if I'd stayed longer. Sooner or later I'm going to have to discipline myself to spend 2 hrs a night in Ilum, I am almost completely Champion geared and am valor level 45. Gotta get that to 60. The thought of a mindless grind makes me ill.

  2. If you can't complete the daily/weekly there and get champion and battlemaster bags and comms for playing there no one will bother.


    IMHO, there needs to be a battlefield on EVERY planet we can fight over that suit those quests. I'm tired already of fighting over Ilum.

  3. which isn't possible anymore. you can't buy bags pre-50 now :p

    you can not buy items that are higher level than you are too.


    That is a really stupid change. If you level your alts via warzones (which is what I'm doing) there comes a point where you really can't store commendations anymore. My shadow (now level 43) I'd bought most of the level 40 PVP robes well before level 40 from commendations gotten from warzones so that she'd have the set ready to go when I hit 40...

  4. Weird things happen in MMORPG games, i faced a lot of weird events in MMORPG games and didnt go official forums to complain about that, but seems like people love to open a thread about anything to complain in Swtor forums.



    For example;

    In WoW, I was keep killing horde (Rogue Class-Alone, all of kills in 1v1 fight, even 1v2 with some CC, not just killing blows) and all BG blamed me for playing for being star. Not only 1, all of them. Score was 1-2 in WSG, and i was the one get the flag in 1v2 situation, if it wasnt me score would be 0-2 or even 0-3, i was the only one doing real damage to the Horde. I felt very bad.


    So even being geared and playing your class as suppossed to be won't save you from people blame you, say to leave etc. You will face a lot of events, strange people etc.


    And if i wrote the events i faced at dungeons in WoW (events i faced, or between the people in my group) i couldnt play Swtor today, it would took all of my day.


    Just do it like me, i don't care anymore, i'm playing the game the way i liked.


    This is why we need to be able to queue for warzones as a guild. My guild isn't a bunch of whining 14 year old gear snobs. I'd rather fight (and die) with them than a bunch of whiney kids which you get in these random warzones.

  5. I was just told to leave a Warzone because I play a Marauder with 14,710 health.


    "leave plz so others can join so we can win"

    had alot of bad runs "with lots of undergeared noob *******"


    Really? Is the Marauder class that bad? I had more health then allot of other toons. Why was I singled out?


    Needless to say I left the Warzone.


    Edit: To Clarify


    I was told to leave before the warzone even started

    I now have full Centurion Gear with 2 Champion Weapons and my health is 14,690


    Don't listen to people like that. NO ONE has any business telling you to leave a WZ unless you are not trying or are an AFK'er.


    You have as much right to be in that WZ as they do. You pay as much for your subscription as they do.


    That's about how much health I have (without all the buffs) on my Sage, about 14,700, and I lack only one piece (skirt) of having all Champion gear...

  6. How about quitting a Huttball that's 0-5 at 10 minutes while the other team farms you? 'Cause I sure as hell can't be bothered to put up with that.


    I've noticed this a couple times. The imps score 5 points very quickly then literally play to hold the ball and run the clock out, avoiding the mercy rule just to farm the other side for medals.

  7. I agree. A weekly should drop one special bag guaranteed to have ONE item. It's not as if that happening once a week is going to cause things to go to hell in a handbasket, particularly given all the valor and bag exploiting done the first few weeks of the game.


    The biggest problem in PVP is the gear imbalance between the early exploiters and the people who grinded up honestly. That is finally starting to even out, to the point that the Imps are starting to get ticked off on my server that they no longer can steamroll the Republic side at will...

  8. It's only gotten worse since Bioware stupidly let loose with the cause of warzones not counting.


    I pay attention to whom the ops leader is, because that was the first person in. And lots of times now they leave. ON PURPOSE before the WZ even begins just to grief people.


    If the first person leaves dooming the warzone to not count is the ONLY justifiable reason to quit a WZ until this gets fixed.

  9. The only reason operatives were value to the team was they could faceroll.

    Take facerolling away, there is no reason to play them or another class.


    Every other class brings more to the table.


    Valor 65 Operative here. I now run a fresh 50 powertech and i have way more influence in how games turnout. I can make a difference in the battle now.


    Wrong. You still have an alpha strike, it is just more like the shadow's instead of insta death.


    My two main characters are a Sage and a Shadow. I use my Shadow to guard turrets, etc, all the time and hold off the attackers long enough for reinforcement. You can do the same. But if facerolling is that important to you go play DCUO or some other screwed up game with tons of exploits.

  10. Doesn't resolve do this if used correctly?


    Although the flaw in resolve may be the different classes of CC tech/force/knockdown/snare/etc/etc can be chained rather than it applying a blanket immunity like you suggest.


    A tweak to Resolve by BW and your suggestion is implemented I guess.


    But I may be wrong and I'm sure the flamers will let me know :)


    Resolve does not work.


    It also doesn't affect roots at all. Every class that has a snare also has a root. Sometimes more than one root. Granted, giving immunity to CC and DOT via resolve is also a possible fix.

  11. You mean "Think of it as the second part of HEALERS ARE NEVER GOING TO DIE"?


    Ever played a healer in a WZ or Ilum? I do every day.


    Now that OP's can't kill you in two hits the new tactic is that you are THE BALL in a Star Wars-Y PINBALL machine! push pull knockdown push pull...

  12. Group Buffs, AOE and AOE heals seem to break it.. its like it bugs out cause you are getting flagged for to many kills to quick then just sheets itself.


    To me, the end of classic Bioware was the release of DA2. A truly dreadfully awful game.

  13. Yeah, Bioware decided to make grinding to valor level 60 even more painful for us non cheaters by rewarding the cheaters by nerfing the rate of gain even faster.


    And, yes, running into their mob and dying does seem to reset the counter, ie: all your kills will grant bonus valor again.


    Which makes this a stupid PVP mechanic: there should be NO ADVANTAGE GAINED IN DYING but instead in NOT dying, and better, killing THEM!


    But because it grants an advantage expect mass suicides to continue until this stupid change is undone.

  14. Instead of wholesale class nerfs (which I don't favor) why not instead introduce something that will on it's own fix the overpowered crowd control (CC) (roots, snares, knockdowns, stuns) and the overpowered DOTs.


    Immunity timers.


    Currently, there are counters to CC and DOTs, in the form of the root breaker that everyone has (2 min cooldown on the toons I have) and in certain classes ability to heal DOTs.


    The problem is, in practice, especially somewhere like Ilum, is that it is difficult to target an individual in the case of the DOT heal, and in warzones the DOT just gets re-applied a second later if you clear it. In the case of CC, same deal, you use your breaker only to take two steps and get rooted AGAIN.


    The solution to the problem is there needs to be a period of immunity after breaking/clearing, or the CC or DOT ending of at least 5-10 seconds. I think 5 seconds if the DOT or CC expires on it's own, 10 seconds if it's cleared by a healer or a root break ability.


    Before the CC and DOT heavy classes start whining (which I know is incoming) think on this for a second: Is being rooted in place, constantly forced to bleed, or being knocked down on the ground all the time fun gameplay? What if it's YOUR character that is always in that spot in warzones or Ilum? Answer honestly.

  15. would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


    teamplay could help much :p


    It's as pointless as using your CC breaker. If you remove DOT's from someone it just gets reapplied a second later by ANOTHER enemy while your clear DOT ability is on cooldown...


    This game DESPERATELY needs immunity timers, not just from CC but DOT's as well.

  16. I don't think any specific class is the problem. I think it's the insane amount of CC in TOR. Most I've EVER seen in any MMO.


    There need to be CC immunity timers after you've broken one/waited out the timer.


    Or the CC break ability needs a MUCH shorter cooldown than 2 minutes.

  17. expect to see a gigantic surge in afk bots with such a system




    However, you can maybe put a minimum get 2 medals to count or something in.


    Also, I'd like to see warzone sore loser quitters PENALIZED by losing two warzone credits for the daily and 4 for the weekly for every warzone they quit...

  18. I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


    As much as people like myself like to know the nature of bugs like this, jerks like the player who said he'd exploit this are why you should never put stuff like that in patch notes.


    Let us know about the nature of stuff like this AFTER the fix is in and the mechanic can't be griefed!

  19. When people leave its generally due to their team not listening, the game created an unbalanced game or perhaps they started the game without enough players. Coming from a rank 61, even if they put in a lockout I will still leave and just do something else if there is no chance at winning. Most people dont join Warzones for valor, they join them to get wins for dailys. If you want valor go to ilum and you will get far more.


    Honestly if people are leaving your games and you have a full party then perhaps you should look at yourself. Perhaps you might be the reason they are leaving. Are you actually helping the team win by completing the objectives or are you just trying to play team deathmatch and ignoring the point of the game. /shrug I for one am not for lockouts as it will solve nothing.


    The penalty for being a poor player is losing.


    The penalty for being a sore loser (which is what you are describing yourself as) should be no warzones for you for 30 minutes.

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