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Everything posted by Sakushi

  1. ive noticed it too .. after the patch its more frequent
  2. This is what Bioware Wants Right? This is going to circulate (in a bad way if this carries on for another 24hrs.
  3. it is.. if players are camping at the opposition's spawn. then YES it IS bioware's problem to sort it.. YES..Those players that are taking advantage are obviously playing UNfairly. There will ALWAYS be 100's of idiots ready to exploit it.. Only bioware can fix it.
  4. Wow that is so Sad.. Bioware have to change this problem immediately.
  5. another WoW comparison...thats where i stop reading
  6. its Like people were born Yesterday and thought. "OMG this is like star fox!!" like.. So what if its like star Fox?? why Bring 'Star Fox' into this i have no clue....
  7. You know what you are doing.. dont you?? you are Trolling now.. Grow-up...Post Elsewhere.... Take a Laxative or Somthing
  8. I could bet you that Bioware Created the EMPIRE side before the Republic.. It seems that they have concentrated more on the sith side than the republic, as the Empire and the story-lines seem to be A LOT better, Powers too..
  9. So i HEARD that the crafting limit is at lvl 49 and aren't able to Craft anything higher than that. the only way to get level 50 gear is to do Illum, Is this Right? If so then in MY opinion, that totally contradicts having CRAFTING altogether. Whats the point in being unable to craft Max level Gear or any weapons armor or mods? I'm getting the thought that i'm having to go 'illum' to get these lvl 50 gear. (I Wouldn't say that I'm Being 'Forced' to do anything..as nobody is holding my head to face the screen-- as spoon-fed kid-gamers just love to throw that word around) I've heard (or read) that more people are turning to 'Biochem' because there is much better use for it....like creating stims for unlimited use.... What do you guys think? If i am Incorrect about any of this then Please correct me...
  10. Place 'R' As 'Target nearest Enemy' Pretty Easy.
  11. ..... And What about Server Forums or finding people to group with a lot easier?? if they carry on and DONT implement this then the servers community will fall like it is now.. unless they improve this "Social interaction" thing, that they've been going On about.
  12. As soon as i Saw those three letters W-o-W i Stopped reading....
  13. Its more like.. People Assume that an MMO should be more like WoW.. and Have WoW Features, Just Because they have played ONE game thats has dominated the market for 7 years, Does that make you an Experienced MMO gamer, Coming From ONE game or? Every Complaint Has at least one WoW Reference in it...which is annoying Of course you know What you want, but what gamers must know that MMO's don't last forever and Times Change. old Features that may have worked in Successful Games, May Not work in all games.
  14. Who said i was referring to what people Want... who said I played all the MMO's to date.. ? what planet are you from...
  15. Agreed. Also... WoW being the only MMO you guys have played.. Dont Make you a MMO Veteran.
  16. --Because hey Solo all the time and are alone 90% of the time and dont see any other player in their zone. -They Expect to be Spoon-fed/get everything Handed to them -They think the progression from One planet to another is too linear. -They are From WoW
  17. yes very annoying.. you run to pick up a drop.. or Talk to a vendor.. Then khem just runs Right in front of your mouse cursor accidentally clicking him. This happens EVERY SINGLE time lol
  18. c'mon Guys.. the "Expecting Falco come in from the left side of your screen"...to blow up some Ship was the most obvious giveaway
  19. READ ALL OF ThE POST... you digging yourself into a Deeper hole . LMao
  20. Well sarcasm works if done Right, in text.. annnd i think the OP acheived that.
  21. you Morons Should READ BEFORE REPLYING to the post.
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